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Everything posted by C0bbler

  1. C0bbler

    Stable - 0.49 Discussion

    Yeah, as always I'm hopeful but not holding my breath.
  2. C0bbler

    Stable - 0.49 Discussion

    Yep. 0.49 has overstayed its welcome for me.
  3. C0bbler

    Status Report - Week of 20 Oct 14

    Bare bones but looking forward to next week. Fingers crossed for a chunky stable update.
  4. C0bbler

    Status Report - Week of 08 Sept 14

    I believe they did the M4 early on as a way to nut out the tricky stuff with guns. Probably just following the same idea with vehicles.
  5. C0bbler

    Status Report - Week of 25 August 14

    Must be so good to work for yourself...
  6. I see the endgame as more than just gear too. A boarded up house or series of houses. Access to a functional vehicle. A hideout. Things that impact the world itself.
  7. Alcohol tincture, rag, matches. Can't wait.
  8. C0bbler

    Stable - 0.48 Discussion

    Yeah, seems to be a bit of a mix in my experience.
  9. C0bbler

    Raiding some tents in 0.48 stable

    Digging the sporter man!
  10. I'm pretty positive. Persistence is a huge step forward and something that I didn't see happening only a month ago. I think by the end of the year we'll be looking at a radically different beast.
  11. C0bbler

    Status Report: Week of 04 August 14

    Weekly status updates will keep most happy. So glad they are here.
  12. C0bbler

    Status Report: Week of 28 July 2014

    This sort of communication is long overdue. So good to see.
  13. C0bbler

    Have you ever given guns and ammo to freshspawns?

    I armed a bambi this morning. Fought side by side for 10 mins or so. Ended up killing me but we managed to trust each other for a little while shooting up zeds. Certainly made for a tense and engaging time.
  14. C0bbler

    Well, people did ask for more zombies

    I was actually forced to team up with a stranger today. Shared ammo and had a great time mowing down zeds. Of course he still ended up shooting and killing me but there was at least a brief moment of trust.
  15. C0bbler

    Stable - 0.47 Discussion

    Anyone getting a few random noises? Like bullet stacking, drinking, zombie noises.
  16. C0bbler

    Crossbow as a primary

    Yeah, you can retrieve from walls but not bodies in my experience. Still very tough to aim but a nice challenge.
  17. C0bbler

    Plan for release of 0.45 to Stable

    I have hundreds of hours on war thunder and planetside 2 and I haven't spent a single cent. Free to play done right is fine.
  18. C0bbler

    Horses in DayZ Standalone

    Can you imagine the amount of broken legs trying to mount your horse?
  19. 2nd quarter ends in about 7 weeks. Hope they get busy.
  20. C0bbler

    Stable Branch: 0.44 Discussion

    . I think the crew behind project zomboid does the best job of keeping their customers informed. One short blog from a develeper every Monday without fail. Certainly more coherent than bits and pieces from reddit to twitter.
  21. C0bbler

    I have a few questions...

    It's a long way off yet. One day. You forgot a few full stops so I'll put some down here. ....................
  22. C0bbler

    Random events!

    Number 1 would be great. It would reward proper searching rather than just sprinting to police stations and piano houses. Fantastic idea.
  23. C0bbler

    Fully Erect

    So we're not doing phrasing now?
  24. Final stand buildings would be another nice addition. A generic looking house but with sandbags, barbed wire, etc. And a great place to put some of the weapon drops. Variety and a little piece of environmental story telling.
  25. C0bbler

    Sporter 22 Mags?

    Yeah, found 3 different types of sporter mags in the tents. I'm sure theyll eventually have the sporter spawn more than the m4.