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About C0bbler

  • Rank
    Helicopter Hunter
  1. C0bbler

    Stable - 0.49 Discussion

    Yeah, as always I'm hopeful but not holding my breath.
  2. C0bbler

    Stable - 0.49 Discussion

    Yep. 0.49 has overstayed its welcome for me.
  3. C0bbler

    Status Report - Week of 20 Oct 14

    Bare bones but looking forward to next week. Fingers crossed for a chunky stable update.
  4. C0bbler

    Status Report - Week of 08 Sept 14

    I believe they did the M4 early on as a way to nut out the tricky stuff with guns. Probably just following the same idea with vehicles.
  5. C0bbler

    Status Report - Week of 25 August 14

    Must be so good to work for yourself...
  6. I see the endgame as more than just gear too. A boarded up house or series of houses. Access to a functional vehicle. A hideout. Things that impact the world itself.
  7. Alcohol tincture, rag, matches. Can't wait.
  8. C0bbler

    Stable - 0.48 Discussion

    Yeah, seems to be a bit of a mix in my experience.
  9. C0bbler

    Raiding some tents in 0.48 stable

    Digging the sporter man!
  10. I'm pretty positive. Persistence is a huge step forward and something that I didn't see happening only a month ago. I think by the end of the year we'll be looking at a radically different beast.
  11. C0bbler

    Status Report: Week of 04 August 14

    Weekly status updates will keep most happy. So glad they are here.
  12. C0bbler

    Status Report: Week of 28 July 2014

    This sort of communication is long overdue. So good to see.
  13. C0bbler

    Have you ever given guns and ammo to freshspawns?

    I armed a bambi this morning. Fought side by side for 10 mins or so. Ended up killing me but we managed to trust each other for a little while shooting up zeds. Certainly made for a tense and engaging time.
  14. C0bbler

    Well, people did ask for more zombies

    I was actually forced to team up with a stranger today. Shared ammo and had a great time mowing down zeds. Of course he still ended up shooting and killing me but there was at least a brief moment of trust.
  15. C0bbler

    Stable - 0.47 Discussion

    Anyone getting a few random noises? Like bullet stacking, drinking, zombie noises.