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Everything posted by Mopa

  1. Yea I sucked at programming, (also a big reason I went and did a different degree). I was more a level designer and 3d artist. Even my 3d art was not very strong. Only things I really went good at was story design, game design theories and level designing. I make a mean artificial world. *edit* i brought that all up because I figured you must be decent at programming if you use unity
  2. Hey, Yea sadly there is to most players.. I think it is boring and douchey to kos for no reason. Bandits in this game are NEVER bandits. They kos for fun and rarely loot. I just understand that it will never ever leave the game and because of all this it has created what I personally find fun in this game. I sit back and make contact with friendly's and (the best part of the game for me) I also wait for someone to do a bandit behavior like kill a innocent or rob someone and then I hunt that player and try and make them loose all there stuff. Its bad and good and stupid.
  3. This made me laugh because I have a bachelor in interactive entertainment with a major in game design. :P HOWEVER!! I live in Aus so the job market is pretty meh so I am about to finish a different degree in natural medicine in Aug this year haha. Just made me laugh because your sarcasm actually related to me hahaha. p.s I have only made low production indie stuff for my bachelor and with friends. Never got into the field as I started my next degreee
  4. Still wont help. People with one bullet and no way of getting another bullet will still shoot at other players.. Lets me honest.. the people who kos dont normally loot the body anyways. *edit* Just noticed this in the thread and it explains what I was saying. The game will never be a simulation of a zombie situation as it is a game and has no real consequence. It is pretty much a pvp rage game. F*** I only play because I like to make bandits rage when i kill them.
  5. I cbf even reading this... no, just no.
  6. 9 out of 10 (going by how the community is) will kos and will always kos no matter what happens. It wont change. Nope, like a lot of people are saying.. it wont. Just means that combat will be even more annoying for large amount of kos'ers and small amount of survivors.
  7. Mopa

    How to REALLY solve 3pp issue

    This is even a thread? Play what ever sever you prefer and then shut the fuck up about it. *edit* locking 3rd person is a terrible idea.
  8. Mopa

    No more mr nice guy

    Another typical player is born and this sums up how.
  9. Mopa

    How to REALLY solve 3pp issue

    shhh stupid thread. Don't like 3rd person servers then go play hardcore. 3pp and hardcore are fine. Sour community
  10. Mopa

    This is what THEY think of US!

    Another good point. Always goes back to the community though when the game is based around the players choices and not so much a set of rules. Either way you have to admit the community on day z is so derp haha.
  11. Mopa

    This is what THEY think of US!

    If I had space in my sig I would make your second sentence part of my signature.... so true.
  12. Mopa

    cheat or glitch using or wtf ever?

    What time would someone need to skip to, to say, get that info as well? :) EDIT: I just found it dw :P
  13. Mopa

    Just died to a teleporting hacker, haha.

    Yea I have only had a few suss moments on SA. I just hope it does not get bad and they some how stay on top of it.
  14. 1) people can shut up about people posting these stories as it is interesting to some people and also in "general" and 2) stfu about 1pp and 3pp, dont like it then go play that game type, dont like it dont watch, YAWN! Sour ass community.
  15. Mopa

    Just died to a teleporting hacker, haha.

    Confirmed. Just had it happen to me and I got lucky. I was sitting in a house with 2 levels. In a room. The front door was closed and the top room door was closed. I turn around to leave and as I do that I have a dude with a mosin staring at me with gun up (remember this is on the second floor) and I side step spam my sks and he dies. The ground floor door and the bedroom door was closed still and I heard no foot steps and had been checking behind me very often like always. No log in sounds or anything. Was very suss.
  16. Mopa

    cheat or glitch using or wtf ever?

    The people in this video are c-bags. Act tough like 99% of the day z community.. yet are c-bags who suck at the game and just looking for some power in their sad life.
  17. Mopa

    Feeling remorseful...

    Yawn, grats on being a c
  18. Mopa

    Am I a Combat Logger?

    I wouldnt say that is combat logging.
  19. I hope for more zombies but I dont want them to be faster..
  20. Mopa

    I have a problem

    yes yes no unless you are shoenice
  21. Mopa

    Play dead

    A play dead feature would be interesting as hell, so many "what ifs" when you see a body haha
  22. They are small in real life. its fine.
  23. Mopa

    Bambi Haters

    Wow...really? Cool reply....
  24. Mopa

    This game. And the people who play it

    I hope you are right but I think it will be the same just harder to gear up, more zombies and a bunch more features. Hopefully it wont be a bunch of fresh spawns struggling as geared players/teams kill them even easier.
  25. Mopa

    Unsure of How I was killed

    Sorry to hear this. It may of just be stupid desync... It really ruins combat.. Someone may of looked around the corner shot you and then took cover and the desync may of not even aloud you to see it...