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Everything posted by Mopa

  1. Mopa

    For science!

    But it is so stupid looking that its awesome. Tbh I just wear beanies because meh.
  2. desync makes the game pointless.
  3. Mopa

    3pp Exploit

    Because a lot of people in this community are ass hats. They get a opportunity to act more powerful then someone else and they will take it.
  4. Mopa

    "Frankie" Hero mentality

    Thinking frankie hacks with no proof = dumb.
  5. Mopa

    "Frankie" Hero mentality

    Wow they did remove it! I see it this way though, to me I can look at it as a joke. (Harsh and dark joke, but still a joke). However people have to pick their audience, I don't care but others do and he is on a public forum.
  6. Mopa

    "Frankie" Hero mentality

    I agree so so much with this. Hostile and dumb = mess. Thanks for proving my point.. yawn youll fit right in here.
  7. Mopa

    "Frankie" Hero mentality

    Don't care in the slightest.. So many people in this community are just derp. This thread is literally a bunch of ass hats hating on someone they dont know. Then complaining about how people play while playing the way they chose as if it is any different. You being offended by how I word calling people idiots changes nothing but does reflect on yourself. Makes 100% no sense. Good community.
  8. Mopa

    "Frankie" Hero mentality

    This community is so damn dumb. Hate for no reason, accuse people for no reason or proof, sour for no reason. Thank god for ESO. To topic. Yea this is bait, either the person is wanting (the outcome of the thread) or is retarded as hell. Either way, typical.
  9. Mopa

    "Frankie" Hero mentality

    There is a few videos of people "saying" he cheats while having some of his game play in the back ground showing nothing but normal game play? Are you talking about the famous video of him killing a 6 person team when they drive past in a convoy and he has a few symbols in the wrong color? Did you know there is more videos of that explaining why it was like that in that current version and on that current mod? There is zero proof to date. Nope probably blindly believed it was proof. However yes, some parts are staged. See he has already confirmed this, multiple times. See he is a ENTERTAINER and he has also stated that he does this "staged" scene to make a story out of the other real scenes he has filmed. Yep, very real. Terrible.
  10. Mopa

    "Frankie" Hero mentality

    It would be cool if I did as I am a fan of his videos. There is a lot of other youtubers I dont like so I might go to ever single one of there videos and hate on them and then make a thread about how they cheat without there being any proof at all. Then I will continue to be a sour derp. Wait no that is retarded... But yea I want a frankie poster that would be cool. Going to go check his shop haha :P thanks *edit* your youtube video link made me and my skype chat laugh when I linked it.
  11. Mopa

    "Frankie" Hero mentality

    yea we are way off topic, you are right. Jealous haters always want to cry and spew hate though. Dont like frankie? dont watch frankie vids. Dont like how people play "hero"? Dont do it yourself. If you still think frankie cheats even when there is zero proof he does on the internet and all the "proof" that IS out there is rubbish with no backing then well... no way of putting it nice... you are really stupid. *edit* this game is JUST a game and does not simulate anything close to the real outcome of a zombie apoc. So play how you want... bandit, hero, running sim, what ever just shhh about all the "you must play this way" S***. Most of all shhh about a entertainer you dont like. Derp community.
  12. Mopa

    "Frankie" Hero mentality

    1st sorry about double post. (turns out i didnt) 2nd he is not being criticized as that at a definition level means "indicate the faults" and none of the things people have said in any way have proof. Thus not a fault and just more haters who are jealous talking rubbish. 3rd link ONE credible source of him cheating/ hacking 4th why is the community so hate filled and jealous haha. Makes me laugh and feel bad for people who are toooo invested in this dud game.
  13. Mopa

    "Frankie" Hero mentality

    Stopped reading this as people started to be retarded.... Frankie cheats/ hacks? Ok there is ZERO evidence to that. People are just sour idiots who scream hate on anything and everything. Typical internet community.
  14. Mopa

    "Frankie" Hero mentality

    Right! Take all my beans. *edit* to the people who think that everyone is bad pretending to be good... "those who are unable to perceive good are the biggest threat to good itself"...
  15. Mopa

    "Frankie" Hero mentality

    Says it all right. Everyone looks into this game toooo damn much. I play a "hero" but also sometimes a muck around bandit with friends. Its a game and in no way shows ANY WHERE NEAR what the real life outcome of this situation would be... So play and stop thinking so much ..
  16. Mopa

    "Frankie" Hero mentality

    This is dumb for a heap of reasons. A few being... How do you know he is a awful "person" and another being he has proof of him being a very skilled player. Tip - Stop being a derp hater... Also this whole idea of "people play hero OMF BAD hbjdas this that derp". This game is just that, a game. People play bandits for the hunt and people play friendly to try something that others normally don't. Who cares.. jesus. Yawn at all of this and stupid assumptions.
  17. Mopa

    I didn't mean to KOS...

    Oh ok i thought you meant now you will always kos aha. Sorry. Good to hear
  18. Mopa

    I didn't mean to KOS...

    Nah camo can also be friendly. Judging by my time playing, people with army helmets, gas masks, scary masks of any kind are normally bandits however. Sometimes they are friendly and just want to blend in or look scary. Either way someone who looks like a bandit but is friendly should know they appear like a bandit. Also you ran into them in a situation that had no time for communication. 9/10 he was kos anyways and you defended yourself. So yea you should feel fine. Does not mean you have to kos :)
  19. Mopa

    Effective deterrent to KOS?

    Internet = bad community. bad community = griefers and kos (kill for no reason but fun/never loot the corpse) griefers = fun bandit hunting times imo kos will forever be in the game even when there is more content. I just adapt and have fun playing to hunt griefing kosers
  20. Mopa

    I didn't mean to KOS...

    He was probably a kos'er judging by his camo. Either way if he was friendly and just wanting the camo then he should expect people to react that way.
  21. Mopa

    ESP hacks are annoying

    Frankie is good at the game = hacker. Stupid logic. I have seen all the "proof" videos of him hacking and not a single video has a shred of proof. Just because he can do things you cant like aim, have good situational awareness etc does not mean he is a hacker.. Meh
  22. Mopa

    ESP hacks are annoying

    Eww. I had someone teleport to in front of me as I was about to make a shot and he got a sks to the face haha. Was bad timing by him, he literally teleported in and then turned to face me with his gun already up as I shot at something behind him. Pretty good karma I think.
  23. Mopa

    Should NV/IR be implemented?

    Didnt read the thread, just voted. Its way to over powered. Dont care about "realism" I care about balance. Realism is unattainable anyways.