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Everything posted by CJFlint

  1. CJFlint

    I am cold, Shaking, can't aim etc..

    When I had the shaking happen I just sat in front of 1 fire for 10 20 minutes. A splint does that help? I only use the for limb pain or broken limbs.
  2. CJFlint

    some weird things with the compass

    I think saw this bug now. It works allot of the time. But there times were it is completely backwards. It is indeed a bug. Not slightly off its backwards. The thing is I don't see it all the time. Just sometimes.
  3. CJFlint

    What is your play style and goals?

    I think once persistent really works well and more base building options you most definitely could have a permanent utopia. Living off the land is pretty cool and presents more of a challenge. That's a cool way to play and glutton free ha ha. I try to survive off the land as well, its definitely fun. The northern forests are pretty awesome but there's not that many animals there YET. The forests between black forest and rog seems to have much more resources.
  4. CJFlint

    What is your play style and goals?

    I think I can relate to death by crow bar and and hale cast in the fact I too am a solo lone wolf by trade. But not exclusively. I would say 75% of the time. Similar I too like to have a agenda when I play sort of a plane off what I'm going to do. I also enjoy exploring. I like pvp but also consider day z a survival game 1st. So self preservation is huge same with group preservation. That's the goal. I also survivalist type stuff and tend to spend more times in tree lines or forests then urban areas. For some reason I always end up with mosin every life. It just matches my play style. I also enjoy the pros and cons of the ghillie craftable gear. The pros you can hide easy, the cons you can't carry that much and over heat. To me it forces you to bee a survivalist. I love that. I forces me to plan more and think about what I need to do next. I also finding I like being a minimalist. The last few days I spent in the south east forests near rog experimenting, with my new set. Its a different game when your almost strickly off the grid living off the land, and can't wait to see more options. I also never stay in one area for more the a few sessions at most. It gets boring. I often go from one end of the map to the other. PvP I enjoy it. But I am careful, I play to survive and do not expect death as a option more to make the other guy die. I also can almost smell bad situations were certain death happens our group train wrecks happen. That comes from going through the dayz school of hard knocks. More and more I have become vary careful of who I listen too in group pvp. Being lead into a train wreck is pretty common if you not careful. Don't get me wrong I do enjoy group game play.
  5. CJFlint


    Don't even question that. You did the right thing. Dude military spawns a vary well known KOS areas. Everyone who played a while knows that. I don't take my chances with anyone in military spawn areas. I will either shoot randoms are flee. Trying to make contact all by your self is placing a bet with really bad odds. So don't bother.
  6. After playing dayz for serveral hunderd hours, I seeing more and more that dayz is not 100% realistic about anything. Everything from weather mechanics, to weapons to surviving. It really just isn't. It's losly based off reality...Id say much more realistic the then some games but still its losely based....But is that a bad thing? Do we really want to get hung up on realism? The truth is based off my exp backpacking, outdoor sports and serving in the military, I can tell dayz and the world it simulates is more dangerous then reality and sometimes its not all. Its really warped, infact real world knowlege will only go so far. Also tacticly its off too, I can tell you real world tactics don't always apply. Theres missing elements and added elements, like for ex ghosting. But is it something that is negative? Or is what makes dayz.....well dayz? Infact after a a while playing I think dayz is 50% tactics/common since and 50% knowing the mechanics of the game. Thats right 50 50. I apply "DayZ skills" to the game not real world. You can really drive your self crazy playing dayz and holding it to a 100% realism standard. Does it really need to be 100% realistic or can we get be ok with the way its the development is going now?...I think I'm ok with it. What does everyone else think?
  7. CJFlint

    Berezino Bandits.........

    LOL again.....they should add this in the disclaimer. Attention this game is infested with dick heads and ass hats, proceed with caution. Well it seems in the SA this is one of hard lessons one must learn.....random people and player in general are complete dicks. Hell bent on getting kills, no matter how low they have to resort lol Its all part of the learning process. Can't trust random player as far as you can throw them, may as well shoot 1st.
  8. CJFlint

    Seasons of the year and Temperature

    What you needed was a good basic kit to start off with. I think waiting till you close to death to find these items can be too late. What would be normally a small problem like being cold are wet becomes a big one, simply because you don't have matches to lite a fire, not prepared. My basic kit is stone knife, matches, 1st aid kit with rags bandages ECT, compass, repair kits leather / sewing, water canteen, axe and some sort of fire arm or even bow and arrow. When ever I start a new life those items are the 1st thing I look for. Of course. Now you have a chance. You have the ability to survive stuff like becoming to cold, being attacked by zombies, breaking lims. Or any other random problem that can come up. I like to have most of this with 1st thing. Were talking in the 1st 20 minutes to an hour of a new life.
  9. CJFlint

    Anyone else playing as a hoarder currently?

    I will add one more thing to this thread. Having a good basic kit is asome. Repair kits, compass (some say is broken), matches, knife, matches, axe, fire arm or arms, canteens, food and ammo. Having a couple sets of clothing is good. Head protection if desired. Ghillie items. Ya really don't need anymore. My current build alive since nov 12....yes thats right...has a vary min kit now. Ghillie top, rap and hood. High cap, high cap for storage, stone knife, compass matches, axe, 2 canteens, 120 mosin rounds, mosin with LRS, range finder, food, 1st aid.....improvised back back which can be taken used for carring my G top...and can be taken apart....That it....nothing else. Not much really. I enjoy it that way. it makes it more interesting, server hoping for is not all that ideal...thats just me..play how you want. I guess I got my fill of the m4 before it was a rare item. I tell you one thing when they finally turn up the heat on survival on in this game, lower the loot spawns, we will see who is ready and who come complaining. I think hoarding is fun maybe, but god dam you collect all that shit and die....thats going to hurt. + going to high risk spawns even on light servers is going to catch up with you. One day you ll be on a lite server looting a mil base and BANG!!. All that shit will be gone. Some one else will have all your hard work. I think when persistants really is implemented and works for the long term, your dam rights Im going to hoard some shit and make a hobo camp some where, but intel then whats the point. I was one a light server all night, I want to test some mechanics, to see how well thing would work, trying new things and just chill. The server pop was never more then 4. In a 2 hour period I most have seen 30 different people log off and on, hoopers lol. An insane amount logged off and on. Almost thought about camping one of the bases lol, its just not my style though....why bother.
  10. You know theres allot of things I like and don't like. But I must say my fav latest add the stone knife is really good. It only takes one slot, it opens cans, skins animals ect ect. A nice add for sure. I def want to see more tools like that get added.
  11. CJFlint

    Anyone else playing as a hoarder currently?

    Well I say if your already trading and are doing it though whatever methods your using and have been successful more power to you. Me personally I only trade with players Im in Ts with but if you got another way good on you. In fact share your ideas.
  12. CJFlint

    Ghillie suit discussion.

    I have had the rap and head peace for some time now and recently went with the top. I just wanted to try it out to see if I like it or not. I think it totally fits my play style, I am a somewhat lone wolf stealthy player that enjoys pvp and the survival aspects of the game, so really it seals the deal. I have also become more of a minimalist recently anyways. I carefully figured out a kit, that wound work well without a back pack. To my surprise I am still able to carry most of what I had before. I created a stone knife as well which only takes on slot. Basicly 1st aid kit, stone knife, matches, leather repair, sewing kit, ammo, canteens, range finder, compass and food. Mosin, axe and no side arm. I find that heating up is an issue, so purposely getting wet seems to help keep it at bay, also drinking often. Also not sprinting and stopping at times helps. I find if I need to travel far fast, that finding a dry bag helps. Just through the suit in the pack and haul ass. So am finding out you don't really need to have it on all the time. For me I think it fits my play style like a glove. Yes it has pros and cons but I like the challenge and advantages. Not really worried about KOSers, hackers somewhat of a concern.
  13. CJFlint

    Anyone else playing as a hoarder currently?

    A clean shot to the head.....beep beep beep ca Ching! Ha Ha
  14. CJFlint

    Anyone else playing as a hoarder currently?

    I am a more and more a believer in game play freedom, if you like hoarding that's you biz. Just remember running around with all that fancy gear makes you into a walking ATM if your not careful. But hoarding is not something I do any longer, unless its food. The reason is because no peice of gear makes you god like, and collecting a ton of rare gear just makes death way worse. I normally have desired kit that I go after, then I stop looting for gear. I am also not a helicopter hunter. But I a opportunist, If I happen to run across something I will take it. Now more ever too, I am a wookie lol I can only carry a limited amount anyways..he he
  15. CJFlint

    some weird things with the compass

    For the most part the compass has been working good for me. I tend to check a few times before fully comiting to a long run. I also like to go from nav landmark to landmark and checking it a few times during long runs. So I don't rely on it 100% anyways, its more to verify that I am going the correct direction if I'm not sure. It is buggy at times but, I think double checking it helps. Some say its completely broken, I really don't think so. It is kind of buggy right now though.
  16. CJFlint

    The reason behind KoS: ?

    I find this topic really sort of stale at this point. We still wondering? Really? When I 1st started playing this game last feb, I spent my 1st week trying to make contact with people and for the most part being shot. Then I joined a hero group, and tried to help other players which resulted in nothing more then rarely helping someone, being shot in the back and you know the rest. The reason is there is no accountability, players are either geared and don't feel like taking there chances or its just instant grad pvpers just looking for a quick kick. ITS PART OF THE GAME. Its been this way since I started playing it a year ago, and is still the vary same now. Adapt to it, don't fight the grain of this game. You can play on low pops if you don't feel like dealing with ass hats. Or if you really cant stand it, this isn't the game for you. But really questioning it and being all pist about it and complaining about it, is a up hill battle which will lead to nothing regarding this game. ADAPT
  17. I'm pretty sure this started in .52. My theory is your avatar is slightly above cold status temp, so it can happen without seeing cold bar. I fire will get rid of it, but takes a few minutes. That's what got rid of mine.
  18. CJFlint

    Be a hero...

    Do as you wish, play how ever you like.But I sure am not doing that. I close doors behind me, been doing that for a long time. That way if I come back and the door is open. I know some one has been there.
  19. CJFlint

    Think I found worst person to play Dayz

    I don't care how you play, hero, bandit, survivor, sniper, lone wolf, or devout clan member....whatever.I don't care whether you make contact 1st or just kos people. Its all part of the game, it has its place. But clear hacking and exploitation of the game is just low, to wreck peoples fun is pretty lame.
  20. CJFlint

    Think I found worst person to play Dayz

    Its such a fail tactic to try to punch someone and take there stuff. When I 1st started playing, like were talking like my 1st couple of nights, I would try doing that. Its was because I really didn't know what I wad doing at the time.Last night I was with 3 people on top a hill. A random fresh spawn spawned in right next to us, he then attempted to attack one of our team mates. He as quickly shot dead. I had a ghillie and hidden in a bush. Suddenly I heard thump...knocked out. My team mates then killed him again sent him tumbling down the hill. At this point I said lets log out and leave this server. As we logged out the person spawned in again and killed one of our teammates as he was logging out. What a ass hat who ever that was. Not even a good hacker, and horrible player. Even with hacks this person died twice. He did succeed at wrecking our fun and causing me to lose confidence in the game. But we just kept playing. Not sure why people feel they need to do that. It ruins the game for anyone who really try's to play. My theory is they do it out of frustration and desperation. So they resort to hacking and fail tactics. They are sub par players that are legitimately resentful towards players that take the time to learn. Similar to a person who smashes out a window on a nice car. Its player hate n at its worst lol
  21. CJFlint

    Think I found worst person to play Dayz

    WTF are you talking about? You taking to me? LOL good lord
  22. CJFlint

    Think I found worst person to play Dayz

    Pretty fucking low regardless......really??
  23. CJFlint

    Think I found worst person to play Dayz

    Is it case shut...could it be aliens.......well someone's spawning in right on my pos and getting lit up...2 times one night lol nice try fuck face.....not kidding..some weird spawning in hack going around now. Somehow I lived lol that's sad can't even kill me with a hack
  24. CJFlint

    Think I found worst person to play Dayz

    About 3 weeks ago I was down at bolota/cherno high rises shooting out of the top floor all by my self on a high pop....I mean way the fuck up high hehe. I heard foot steps and pulled out my pistol, and low a behold it was a freshy he ran up to me swatting I shot him almost at point blank. WTF! Its was really weird why was he even there. Maybe he was really pissed off he was shot and decided to come up and try to kill whom ever killed him 1 st. I logged out about 2 minutes after, it was really suspect and weird, what if he was scouting for someone else or hacking. People do weird shit in day z. LOL Wonder if that was the same guy lol. Maybe he does that because every blue moon he really does kill other players and gets all there gear...kind of a desperate tactic lol. But if you can pull it off holy shit, no need to gear up lol who the fuck knows hahaha Anyways next time shoot him instead turning around, don't trust randoms for shit.
  25. CJFlint

    What do you think about realism in DayZ?

    I understand its part of the road map, but really outside of weather effects how much harder has it really gotten? To me once you get over the 1st weeks of playing, the survival mechanics is almost a secondary part for many who play the game and not totally the primary focus what so ever.