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Everything posted by CJFlint

  1. CJFlint


    Im still yet to climb that tower......So freak n high :o
  2. CJFlint

    Burlap Sacks

    In RL they come in stacks. I think maybe its a balance thing not really sure why they do it that way. Soon I want to see the crafting of sand bags too and craft a bullit prof structure.
  3. CJFlint

    Comparing DayZ to similar games.

    I think we are mis understanding each other. " as even desync or not being able to use hotkeys is in no way connected to the frames", I said were caused by server realated issues. To me anyways. I could be completly wrong. That is what causes it, what is the real cause of that? As far as what I said about FPS, I should have included refresh rates when talking about video games its major and thank you for sharing that video.
  4. CJFlint

    Comparing DayZ to similar games.

    I did not say ping did effect frame rates, for me it dosn't. But its does for me cause, droped frames or glitches that seem like droped frames, dsync and other issues like not being able to use hot keys. Im pretty sure anyways, sure seems that way. Becuase most issues I have seen were on high ping servers...Its seems like since I have. Or is it something else, like bandwidth? Most issues I have seen in Dayz seem to happen server to server. Some servers are good some are not. For me 60 fps is plenty. I will watch the video. I sure games prob do need a higher FPS then standard video.
  5. CJFlint

    Comparing DayZ to similar games.

    Ok can someone exlpain to me why I have a 2 1/2 year old CPU with SLI GTX 570s (Old) and my game runs fine? Anyone? Its becuase I check server ping and I only play on 70 ping and below servers. Pref 40, to 50. You can have the most beefed up pc in the world, but if you got bad connection the game will run like shit. It has more to do with what server your playing on then your graghics cards. Also there is a crap ton of mis consteptions on the this thread. We are all aware that sandard TV and movies are in 24, 25, and 30 fps. In fact most movies that are at 59 fps are dup framed. Right? So if your getting over say 30 fps your not doing that bad. 60 your doing awsome. 120, lol your brain isn't going to be able to notice is so fast. My god people.....spoiled kids lol. I would say anything past 60 fps your brain prob can not process other then it appears smoother. We only have human eyes which cannot pick things up so quickly anyways lol Maybe if you were an owl you would notice 120 fps. I keep hearing this 120 fps lol I am a video guy, that is number a really over done retarded fast number, a bench mark you will never notice. In fact the highest I work on is 59 fps. I have seen the new 4k TVs, there great. Thats probably pushing the vary limits of your eyes. Your just not going to be able to process anymore.
  6. CJFlint

    Comparing DayZ to similar games.

    For me dayz really only gets frame drops in citys like Novo. Also much of the glitchyness players have more to do with server ping then the game it self. If your say from the UK and play on US servers with high ping, your prob going to see issues. Zombies hitting from 10 feets away, dsync, droped frames, death bugs ect ect. Much of the time issues are server problems. I try to play on servers with less then 70 ping, I find it helps a great deal. I hear people on the Forums complaining time and time again about things that are server related not game related all the time on here. They blame the game, when its not really what the issue is. Much of it is just the fact that there playing on a bad server. Once you see the dsync, weird droped frames, strange zombie behavor get off that server and play on another one. Consider beefing up your internet connection not just your CPU. When persistants started in this game, I had a 2 week period were I was having major issues with dayz out of no were. Sometimes the game worked fine, sometimes it was really glitchy. I figured out by reading and talking to people it had allot to do with ping, and connection issues. It can cause really bad problems while playing. Not shit n ya! Simply by checking the ping before logging in helps great deal, the lower the better.
  7. CJFlint

    A discussion on player mobility

    I figured out what works well for me, and I pretty much do the same thing every time now. 1st thing I do is put together a basic kit. Knife, matches, compass (broken), stone knife, 1st aid, food, canteens, fire arm + ammo and axe. This take me about 20 min to an hour. By having these items, I can survive for a long time. Having a fire arm, axe, matches, gives me the abilty to hunt and cook the meat. Which means I dont really have to worry about going into towns or worry if theres no food spawning. Also there are apple trees and berrys. Farming, fishing and even digging for worms. So that basic kit, is important. The reason I say this is becuase even if they lowered, having a good basic kit, there you would still be able to survive just fine. After I get the basic kit, then I go for higher end loot, military items or rare items. I norm have a idea of what I want to do and go after it. I am not a helicopter hunter, I already played with the M4 and got board with it back when they a common. This process takes a couple days, give or take. Once I hit a certain point I stop looting. I am not greedy, I get what I need I do not hoard. The reason is endless looting gets me killed. So I just get enough to have a good kit. Its pvp and surviving after that. But low loot counts do not worry me, there plenty of natural resources in game to survive. You just have to work to get it thats all. I will still travel the map, maybe even more so if loot counts were loots. Maybe my reasons for it would be different.
  8. CJFlint

    .53 upgrade New item list? Let's start one!

    You sly old dog you....hmmm. This brings up an important question. What if you use the canteen to fill a truck up with gas, can you ever use the canteen again for water use or is it forever tainted?
  9. CJFlint

    I kind of did something...unspeakable

    mu shu pork is awesome! That sauce...alone and those flap jacks filled with goodness!
  10. CJFlint

    Stable Branch - 0.53 Discussion

    In my opinion trucks and vehicle mechanics are probably the in the most crude state of development and zombies taking a close second. Trucks are super wishy washy, and on several occasions I have seen players die in game either from bugs or the trucks giving there positions away. What happened too you happened to many other players. Growing pains. Me I really only ride in them on lite servers, and carefully.
  11. CJFlint

    Stable Branch - 0.53 Discussion

    I would like to report in my 1st thoughts of this new patch. I played for about 3hours last night, and over all had a fairly smooth game play experience. In .52 I often would get game crashes exiting servers, last night I did not see that. The graphic seemed to be slightly better and frame rates seemed slightly better. Trucks are still buggy and pretty corky, my friend jumped out of one and apparently died, it was still moving. Not sure if that was bug or not, but it seems they are still wishy washy. Camp fires I messed with and def saw the changes there, you gotta work to keep them going. I noticed they require much more attention to keep them going fuel and so fourth. It adds realism and a new little challenge. Over all I happy with the new patch, keeping in mind this is a work in progress and knowing some things are still most definitely being developed.
  12. They def had ships and boats in arma 2. I can see it happening here too and hope it does. Its probably going to take some time. Because even though it is the same engine as ARMA 2, they are apparently redoing vehicle mechanics. So we will see. I predict the finished product will have it, the question is when. I really would like to see it and a few more islands too.
  13. I asked a simple question...you don't have to bring up you x girlfriend that I stole...lets keep it day z...em k And what it gods name is a padwand? Your driving to drink heavily! But yes I will brave those waters then.....When are they going to put rafts in this game
  14. Interesting. You have to swim there? If you do do you lose items like in arma 2, or do you just get wet?
  15. CJFlint

    Bug death - Restoration

    I have heard of this happening exiting or entering, or even touching a running truck. Not with it off. Wouldn't surprise me in the slightest if what you saw was a bug. The trucks are still vary early in development.On x mas me and a friend crashed one and it totally bugged out for about 20 seconds then ended up back on its wheels. A similar thing happened to a friend of mine they ended up underneath the map lol. Yep there kind corky and buggy still....loud as hell too. I don't like driving them or riding in one unless its like a empty server. A about 2 weeks ago I shot a guy right out of passenger seat of a truck. I heard that thing and those two stuck out like swore thumbs. Everyone in the area knows your there. There def fun but there risky in allot of respects.
  16. CJFlint

    Bug death - Restoration

    The engine was running? I have heard of this. Yep it Fed up, you have make sure its completely off before get out or it could be insta death. That there is a bug. Also DO NOT crash the truck or lose connection. 50 50 chance of death. That's why to me trucks just a novelty not really ideal for every day use.
  17. CJFlint

    Stable Branch - 0.53 Discussion

    That's what I was suspecting but there was some confusion about that on another thread. TY for the clarification!
  18. CJFlint

    Stable Branch - 0.53 Discussion

    Did they do a public server wipe or reset, or was that just a rumor?
  19. CJFlint

    Character wipe?

    I heard a couple of weeks ago there was going to be one as "public" reset. I did not see the post on dayz tv though. Yeah a confirmation would be good? I can't til later. This is one case were I hope I spoke to soon.
  20. CJFlint

    Character wipe?

    Ummmm....well shit looks like I missed my window of opportunity to go out with a blaze of glory on my 3pp avatar. It appears .53 hit stable which means my avatar is now wiped. Oh well. 2.5 months alive. A true survivor iron man. But mearly a virtual mortal that has passed on into the either. The Day Z gods have spoken...lol This one needs screen shots posted in the post your gear so far thread so his pathetic virtual life in a post apoc shit hole will be remembered always.....or maybe not lol Bo Hoooo! Well Its time to start again!
  21. CJFlint

    Character wipe?

    You went out like a champ! I have a ghillie too. That's one thing I do not want to lose lol It took me a while to get all the stuff together to make that. Pristine mosin with all attachments. The good news is really out side of the ghillie and mosin I don't have that much...cant carry anything any ways. Maybe I should do the same, just take that avatar down to electro and pick people off til I get picked off. A blaze of glory lol
  22. CJFlint

    Character wipe?

    I think its going to be a bit, but who the hell knows. I also heard that the reset is for public servers not private. I think it because there doing more security updates. I kind of like the process of surviving as a fresh spawn and gearing up. Kind of looking forward to it. Can't wait to see the new prison.
  23. CJFlint

    Anyone else playing as a hoarder currently?

    Sure I will add you. I do the ladder. My 3 pp avatar has been alive since Nov 12, I'm proud of it. I have pvped quit abit. I have been vary lucky. The closest call I ad was a hacker knocked me out and took some of my stuff, my friends shot him, and brought me back. The same hacker then return as we were logging out and killed one my friends. I am really not the best pvper, I would say average with good understanding of tactics. I also understand vary well how to make my self as less visible as possible, using terrain and camo. You can't shoot what you can't see. I am good at staying alive. I rarely die. Pvp or no pvp. I not just not wreckless. I refuse to follow reckless players. I'm just careful and well prepared. Its completely possible, in fact there's quite a few players that have pretty good survivability. It comes with time and the desire to survive. One 1pp I have died a few times. I think 2 times since 51. Yeah that's what gets you killed is following other players sometimes. Cherno and electro, are death traps. Of course they call you call you a pussy for not following there train wreck lol. I sware some of the biggest shit talkers on TS are the ones who die the most often too. Getting all mad lol I know exactly what your talking about. I have thought about starting my own survivalist style group/pvp group. You know what though, I think I'll wait til the game is closer to complete. I have people to play with when I want too right now that's really all I need for the time being. I'll add you.
  24. CJFlint

    Anyone else playing as a hoarder currently?

    Yeah but that never happens to me that often lol I literally have to try hard to die or follow idiots. Speak for you self.The only thing that will kill my 3pp avatar is the wipe. It appears even the hackers failed I don't carry that much or stash gear. I don't see the point they will wipe the server every Wednesday. So I carry what need and have a good kit. No need to loot military spawns after I got what I need. No need to visit the death traps to loot. I have the option to camp them at my own leisure if I want. I'm not greedy. In fact I'm looking forward to stable wipe, I enjoy starting fresh.
  25. CJFlint

    I am cold, Shaking, can't aim etc..

    I suppose it doesn't take that much effort to make one. Next time I'll use a splint too. I know the shaking thing is relatively new to the game. I had it happen only once, and what was strange is I did not have the cold bar. BUT it could have been I was right at the brink. The fire got rid of. Also the time it happened to me I was in melee combat allot with zombies.