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Everything posted by santiagoaquino6@hotmail.com

  1. santiagoaquino6@hotmail.com

    1.7.6 Cans and Drinks

    Epic overreaction. Shouldn't have bent. If you looked outside this place you'd have noticed nobody really minded the names in other forums (SA, Neogaf, Facepunch) Specific forums for games are nearly always shitholes, composed of the very worst and uninformed people in the community. I'd say the revert is alright because you're just starting to handle the whole thing, but I think you shouldn't have gone through with it.
  2. santiagoaquino6@hotmail.com

    Looking for a true zombie survival experience?

    That was quickly clarified with some PMs and Venthos is getting credited. Because you know, he loves DayZ, and the guys who lifted half the code to add it to the official update weren't complete and royal cunts when they were notified of that.
  3. santiagoaquino6@hotmail.com

    Montior Eye Strain

    You should try Fl.ux. It does basically the same thing as Gunnar glasses.
  4. santiagoaquino6@hotmail.com

    Gaming PC

    You're missing that he said he's upgrading his computer, therefore he probably has a case, hard drive and optical drive to use on the new rig.
  5. santiagoaquino6@hotmail.com

    Gaming mouse. Is it worth it?

    I can vouch for the Razer Naga, and you should absolutely positively buy a mousepad. Not a gaming mousepad unless you want to play more money for the same thing, a cheap $5 mousepad is basically the same as a "special pro gamer mousepad" and is miles better than sheets of paper. Or contact paper or other retarded things that aren't mousepads.
  6. santiagoaquino6@hotmail.com

    Review Our Website

    The moving header is annoying and the bar that sticks to the top of the window while scrolling is useless. I already have a "home" button for that, y'know.
  7. santiagoaquino6@hotmail.com

    Best gaming headset

    The best possible headset is a decent pair of headphones and a modmic or other clip-on mic. Wireless is a joke, and so is surround sound. If you really dislike multiple wires, Sennheiser makes decent stuff. Razer/Roccat stuff is way overpriced, same with Turtle Beach.
  8. santiagoaquino6@hotmail.com

    bad computers

    Maybe it's because people who buy prebuilt are going to browse the web rather than play unoptimized as fuck games? Buy a separate graphics card or something, they're not that expensive.
  9. santiagoaquino6@hotmail.com

    Starting Location Dynamics

    I only like the "spawn in any house" thing. That should be a thing. You should be able to spawn in literally any house in the entirety of Chernarus.
  10. santiagoaquino6@hotmail.com

    maturity in suggestions

    The only reason this subforum (and hell most of the forum) is plagued with shitposts is the moderators. Maybe if everything was a bit stricter and on-topic it'd be better.
  11. santiagoaquino6@hotmail.com

    Dayz with VR Glasses!!!!

    I might get a pair if it goes mainstream and a ton of games support it (And I'm talking actual support, not some taped-on bullshit.) DayZ would be nice on those.
  12. santiagoaquino6@hotmail.com

    Helicopter crash animation

    And if radios are implemented, you could hear someone going "Mayday, mayday" and yelling out his coordinates or something.
  13. santiagoaquino6@hotmail.com

    Gear on player models

    I don't think everything should be represented, just the most important stuff, and stuff that can be easily represented. You can have a bunch of epipens and morphines on your vest, and maybe satchels strapped to the bottom of your pack, and your second gun poking out of your backpack.
  14. santiagoaquino6@hotmail.com

    Crowbar uses?

    I like to think the best suggestions are ones that improve the features already implemented in the game, rather than creating new ones from scratch. And I've always been against the whole random spawn thing, since it makes the game a gamble rather than survival with a certain progression. I'd love to give the crowbar more uses, among those having stuff like lockable doors and cars, with crowbars being one way to open them. Or maybe using it to destroy sandbag fortifications, or to pull out a part of a car that you need for yours.
  15. santiagoaquino6@hotmail.com

    Point-Buy Character Creation

    I don't like it. If anything, I think points for skills should be earnt throughout the game to improve your current character and make permadeath feel like more than a slap on the wrist.
  16. santiagoaquino6@hotmail.com

    Inventory UI concept design v2.1 (window based)

    That's pretty awful compared to the other stuff I've seen. A click and drag interface? 3D models? I like blAke139's version much better.
  17. santiagoaquino6@hotmail.com

    BattleEye vs Hackers (Hackers win :( )

    Battleye isn't meant to work with DayZ, and therefore does a shit job. It'll all be fixed in the standalone (hopefully!) Everyone who goes into every thread spouting shit like this is fucking retarded.
  18. santiagoaquino6@hotmail.com

    Have I missed anything?

    Really depends on how long you've been gone. Some of the notable stuff lately: -New patch with some fixes, no artifacting fix which makes the game near unplayable in towns for half the players -Handguns are nerfed to uselessness and so are other guns, enfield isn't a 1 hit kill anymore -Rocket is alright with private servers and a new map some ruskies cobbled together and got working for DayZ, "Lingor Island" -Rocket's done a couple reddit AMAs, confirmed a standalone version of the game, and keeps adding and promising shit nobody cares about and not fixing the core problems of the game
  19. santiagoaquino6@hotmail.com

    Ghillie Suits are common?

    They are extremely easy to dupe.
  20. santiagoaquino6@hotmail.com

    Does your server have working tents or vehicles? []

    Vehicles and tents work fine for me other than they duping whatever gear was in them when the server restarts. You can use them just fine, though. USPVT, running both latest versions. Not sure what's going on in hive servers since I don't use those.
  21. santiagoaquino6@hotmail.com

    Mash X to speed up passout timer.

    Seriously, this is literally the worst part of the game. Waiting. Waiting to get to another town while autorunning, waiting to log in, waiting to stop being passed out. Mash a key to double or triple the speed the passout timer goes down. I don't even care if I have to waste two keyboards a week, I want to be able to fucking DO SOMETHING instead of alttabbing out or looking at the screen like a fucking idiot.
  22. santiagoaquino6@hotmail.com

    Mash X to speed up passout timer.

    Now that's an idea.
  23. santiagoaquino6@hotmail.com

    Bulletproof Glass?

    I agree with this idea. Needs no nerfs like the bullshit Photo suggested.
  24. santiagoaquino6@hotmail.com

    Remove Ladder Drop Down Option!?!? (+ Challenge)

    You can shave some seconds off the time it takes you to climb a ladder with it.
  25. santiagoaquino6@hotmail.com

    maybe dayz should add some features like this private server

    if rocket added the dancing feature (and this is practically changing two lines of code, shit's baked into arma) it'd literally get me playing in HIVE servers again.