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Everything posted by santiagoaquino6@hotmail.com

  1. santiagoaquino6@hotmail.com

    Reward Explorers!

    Put a hospital in Zeleno and make it's Church work. That'll drive some peeps away from Cherno and Elektro. And maybe up the rate of spawning of good loot in deer stands, I haven't seen a single gun in one, and i've visited like ten now. I gotta tell you, though, the view itself is enough reward for me.
  2. santiagoaquino6@hotmail.com

    Shifting the weapons a bit for more diversity

    I've got 99 problems, but not having a scope on my Enfield ain't one. Perfectly fine with this.
  3. santiagoaquino6@hotmail.com

    Leave notes at campsites in or on tents.

    Interesting suggestion, terrible thread. What would be the indicator, something when you access the tent or something like a stake with a note that you can leave behind? Also, I don't think this should require you having a specific item to do it.
  4. santiagoaquino6@hotmail.com

    20 words or less: Super-Low Humanity Detection

    YES. I would absolutely love it, that's a very interesting idea and it adds to the atmosphere.
  5. santiagoaquino6@hotmail.com

    Journals and hand held cameras.

    Pictures would still be quite a challenge. Hell, I don't even know if a journal wouldn't be. I would absolutely love to have lootable journals from players, and maybe be able to download them after I die and lose them or something. "The entire works of the many lives of " as a PDF of all journals written by a player.
  6. santiagoaquino6@hotmail.com

    Make Forums More Google Friendly

    Use the search function that the DayZ forum has integrated. I don't see this being much of a forum issue as it is a desperate need for someone to make a huge FAQ. The forums do need an overhaul, though.