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Everything posted by santiagoaquino6@hotmail.com

  1. santiagoaquino6@hotmail.com

    Can this PC run dayz on high settings?

    You can probably look around your town for a hardware retailer and buy your parts there. Building a PC is quite easy, I could compare it to Lego with expensive pieces.
  2. santiagoaquino6@hotmail.com

    Can this PC run dayz on high settings?

    He's dumb, smash his head with a brick until he agrees to building one, that one will struggle to run Arma 2 on low. Building a PC is incredibly easy and will yield infinitely better results than buying one at bestbuy. Specially an Alienware, which is immensely overpriced. A forum I frequent has a great section on PC building. Give them your budget, needs and location and they'll give you the parts you need from the cheapest stores. http://facepunch.com/forumdisplay.php?f=243
  3. santiagoaquino6@hotmail.com

    Downloading Arma II : CO on Stea - Need tips - What is DayZ

    There are plenty of threads and videos about it and yet you insist on creating a new thread In my opinion you shouldn't even download it, but oh well
  4. santiagoaquino6@hotmail.com

    Things that should be changed in future patches

    I normally don't agree with the "go back to cod you handhold-needing crybaby" people but what you're saying, other than zombie zigzagging which is pretty bad, is mostly just "make the game easier" Vehicles should respawn after a couple days of not being used, though. The problem isn't a low spawn rate, the problem is people finding the vehicles and hoarding them in tent cities at the very north of the map. An hour in Cherno or Elektro will yield everything you need to live off the land and kill zeds and players. Starting items isn't that much of an issue since it's easy to lose zeds if you're anywhere near a town.
  5. santiagoaquino6@hotmail.com

    I joined in us 133 than I got banned

    Can back this up, I got banned as well as 5 other people in the FP thread. Today just isn't a good day for playing DayZ.
  6. santiagoaquino6@hotmail.com

    Arma coming to Mac?

    The DayZ official forums community once again misses the point by a couple parsecs. Can you give more specifications on your MBP? There isn't a version of Arma 2 for mac (and hell the PC version is held together by duct tape and happy thoughts) but with decent specs you might be able to bootcamp, dual boot with Win7, and run Arma 2 and therefore DayZ. No promises here. Those people aren't uber geeks, they're dumb people or computer illiterates who think they know things. You can get an amazing rig for around $1000, plus top of the line peripherals and a decent monitor (maybe even two) should only amount up to $2500
  7. santiagoaquino6@hotmail.com

    Playing with friends = good for the community?

    That's probably because DayZ as it is now is a boring, buggy, frustrating experience. I've played solo DayZ. It's boring.
  8. santiagoaquino6@hotmail.com

    Bleeding system

    Lol, the process of applying a bandage takes enough time for about 700-1k blood to pour out of you.
  9. santiagoaquino6@hotmail.com

    Side chat enabling to be decided by server owners.

    Simple as that, server owners should be the ones who choose whether or not to enable sidechat, just like they can choose whether or not to enable most of the HUD and the third person perspective. As a dozen assholes chant together regularly here: If you don't like it, go to a different server!
  10. santiagoaquino6@hotmail.com

    Vehicles disappearing

    Database was wiped, all vehicle data was lost.
  11. santiagoaquino6@hotmail.com

    Remove sniper rifles.

    Thread title. They're impractical for zeds, impractical for PVP, and only serve for asshole bandits atop buildings shooting players for fun and not even looting the bodies afterwards.
  12. santiagoaquino6@hotmail.com

    Hunger/Thirst while offline system

    Having it as it is now (spend too long out of the game and you'll come back to both statuses red and blinking) is alright.
  13. santiagoaquino6@hotmail.com

    Things DAYZ Desparately needs

    this is satire and whoever takes it seriously should be stoned for being a waste of oxygen
  14. santiagoaquino6@hotmail.com

    Melee weapons should take the SECONDARY slot

    Fully agree with this one.
  15. santiagoaquino6@hotmail.com

    A foundation for co-operation

    It's like people needing DarkRP to roleplay on gmod servers. It's not that hard to find eachother, and it's not that hard to barbwire around a castle or small town and settle in it.
  16. santiagoaquino6@hotmail.com

    Please Fix Primary Fire

  17. santiagoaquino6@hotmail.com


    The people that don't should also do the tutorials and look at their manuals. No need for this.
  18. santiagoaquino6@hotmail.com

    Big items are a great idea! (The hatchet has inspired me!)

    The problem with this is adding teamwork-based elements without establishing solid grounds for teamwork, stuff like team spawns or team member indicators. This'll just be in the way without that.
  19. santiagoaquino6@hotmail.com

    Camping is just as bad as disconnecting to avoid death.

    Stop standing around in the open or just get out of Cherno altogether.
  20. santiagoaquino6@hotmail.com

    MP3 Player Idea

    Get Winamp, it has global keys that you can use to change song and volume no matter which application is on the foreground.
  21. santiagoaquino6@hotmail.com

    Character wipes with patch releases

    I agree with this.
  22. santiagoaquino6@hotmail.com

    Flashlights taking up either weapon slot?

    I think it'd be pretty neat to be able to pick up a flashlight while you're still walking around with only a pistol or, now that there are no starting pistols, when you get only a primary. As it stood up to 1.7 finding a flashlight was worthless during those first few minutes of play because you'd have to give up your only gun, or have it take up 4 spaces in your backpack (four spaces is too much, halve that, it's not even bigger than a can of beans ffs) I mean, come on, it's sort of arbitrary that you can't put your flashlight in your primary slot.
  23. santiagoaquino6@hotmail.com

    Forum moderators and a decent set of rules?

    Asking for a properly working forum (I'm looking at you text formatting and quotes) might be too much, but the constant joke suggestions are getting old and in the way. I suggest getting some community mods or something, good place to start looking would be other forums like Facepunch or Reddit or SomethingAwful, which I've heard the devs have accounts on and read. Maybe then you could lower the post delay to 10 seconds or something reasonable like that.
  24. santiagoaquino6@hotmail.com

    Every Server is Same Timezone

    I'd be alright with this is night was lighter.
  25. santiagoaquino6@hotmail.com

    Forum moderators and a decent set of rules?

    Yet we have joke threads reaching three pages of both people laughing at the HILARIOUS JOKE and people taking it seriously and being buttmad The mods aren't doing a decent job at all.