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About sg-kono

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. sg-kono

    server hopping feature

    Is this a new feature? everytime you leave a server your game crashes to stop sever hopping, because if it is.. I love it!
  2. sg-kono

    A thought for everyone.

    Not answering the question lmfao. Is banning people from a game in its alpha development something that should be done?
  3. sg-kono

    A thought for everyone.

    So here I go. I have not been banned on this game, "so far" It seems that a lot of people are starting to get banned and most have no idea what for, maybe hacking maybe third party game boosters, who knows? The question I have for this game is, How can you Ban people in a Alpha??? what if the Banning program is broken and these developers don't know it? Also them telling people oh well we wont unban you... but! you may make a new steam and re-buy the game :) Again I have not been banned lol but I see a lot of people are. And please if you do get banned and you absolutely do not understand why, Don-t re-buy this game, You do realize all the amazing games that will come out from now and two years down the line right? Think before you purchase.
  4. Getting a memory leak issue all of a sudden and its twice in a row so I am sure... anyways wasn't happening yesterday and its now happening today on the same character. Need a fix lol