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Everything posted by Yuval

  1. Yuval

    60 Impressions?

    Don't know what to expect until I play it (The Division seemed so awesome but it failed so much). If this version will be very good. Might as well come back and play with the squad guys but can't judge anything from clips hehe.
  2. Yuval

    60 Impressions?

    last time I checked this place is for general discussion. lets generally discuss the matter my liege
  3. "Declaring" lol, did you start playing this game last week or something? Elektro was a PVP area since 2011. Game been out for years and this guy starts declaring stuff on a sunny day in 2016. I'mma declare the internet as a weird place today, because this wasn't a thing before I declared it. Piss off haha
  4. 3PP camera is good and shouldn't be changed in my opinion. It's a playstyle configuration, I am an RPG player and I have played the Grand Theft Auto franchise, Ghost Recon franchise and Rainbow Six. I find alot of people to not understand that 3PP isn't a bug or anything. It's a playstyle feature and that's how is it supposed to be! Hiding behind walls to view things in 3PP isn't something bad. It's a technique to play with this type of camera configuration. If you're not okay with that than don't play with 3PP but there's no need to ruin the fun for others because you can't have yours. I am not going to repeat my words like I do in my comments here, you guys can simply look up my comments on the profile. But there seems to be a major amount of "hardcore" players I'd say? that really want this game to change for their liking with ignorancy to the more casual players.
  5. Yuval

    Dealing with the frustration

    Why don't you cut the crap and don't speak business wisely? DayZ had never been accurate by its "release estimation" of any version. Never! Roadmaps were never accomplished to the half of them and the .60 release had been delayed atleast 3 times in range of more than six months. It's soon to be 2017. Either stop "estimating" your releases or hire DECENT people who can get the work done. The "unknown factor" for testing isn't so unknown when your programming team knows what they're doing. I've been programming for years and it never occured to me that I couldn't catch a very complex bug that breaks a whole system if I had a friend to help me. Let alone a freaking TEAM OF SKILLED DEVELOPERS. Moral of the story is you don't defend DayZ's inaccuracy by saying it's only ESTIMATION. If you can't ESTIMATE than simply don't! btw calling it a childish business is arrogantly disrespectful for those who put their faith in you 3 years ago and you let them down. People are UPSET OF YOUR DEVELOPMENT PACE. It is no one's business to know HOW will you achieve your goal or what would be the problems that could pop up in your way. These are things the company itself needs to deal with. Bugs are the result of HUMAN ERROR and LACK OF UNDERSTANDING on how to program efficiently. I am not saying people are supposed to be PERFECT. But when the development phase is riddled with bugs, then perhaps there are internal problems with the PROGRAMMERS. Understandable enough? But Bohemia's response would always be the same wouldn't it? "Bohemia doesn't owe you the completion of the game and you purchased the early access version to participate in the active development of the game. We don't owe you any pace, progression or a finished game". Think about it morally, I know Hicks likes using this term... it is "morally wrong" to keep us the customers who FUNDED BOHEMIA, I don't care whether you claim our purchases didn't fund the DayZ's budget. It FUNDED the company, you are part of that company. Part of the team that DELIVERS YOUR PART OF THE AGREEMENT. You know what, if you guys are serious about development - I wish someone who is directly part of BIS or the development team CONFIRMS here, and PROMISE for the first ever time that DayZ will be RELEASED ever! I want to know whether the development team can stand behind such statement: "We promise to DELIVER A RELEASED GAME somewhen in the future". If you confirm that, perhaps we can still have hope - only if you promise that. This reply up here ^ is what I call dealing with frustration. I had been an active member of this community up until recently when I realized this game goes nowhere but to empty estimations.
  6. Yuval

    Beta in Q2?

    Stop crying about it and move on. DayZ died more than half a year ago. You'll be told that whatever is being developed for a long time will be better at release. But every adult person will fucking puzzle up the common sense and say "I'm being fucked". DayZ is an example of good intention with wrong reasons early access concept. Every game that sits in early access for 3 years and gets updated once in 3 months is a complete BS. DayZ was a good concept and perhaps a pioneer of some sorts in 2012-2013. But it died, move on. There are alot of games today that focus on survival and looting and player interaction. The Division is one hell of a triple-A title based on survival, player interaction, loot and RPG. Played it for a week and got addicted. Point is you're waiting for something that doesn't exists. And if you don't want to move on, play ArmA 3. There are tons of mods that focus on harsh player interaction and the game itself gets updated constantly, with free platform updates every DLC release. Realize that DayZ is a failed project. The new engine will no longer draw attention for the long term because it doesnt stand a comparison with the games today. I can't believe people actually try to justify the year delay for any reason. This is like Stockholm syndrome. How many deadlines did the DayZ team not accomplish in the initial dev plan and in the new engine's dev plan. Fuck it, let's do a complete/failed ratio for anything that was ever said. The dev team stands on less than 0.5. There is no justification and the only thing I've seen throughout the long 3 years of failed development roadmaps was the steam pricetag go up in steps of 5 from 30 to 45 $. That's basically it. And don't dare to call me an ignorant because I've been part of this community since the beginning, read every dev announcement and status report. Been there to see the community rise and fall after good and bad updates. Take the general amount of players with over 10 hours ingame and subtract the amount of people who still actively play the game. The result is the amount of people who opened their eyes sooner or later. That number is big by the hundred thousands.
  7. Yuval

    Terrain Editing and Map making ?

    Thats DayZ Origins I think. I'm waiting for the mod tools too. We all do. It's been a very long time. Alot is going to change from ArmA. Hopefully when .60 is released I'll get back to DayZ.
  8. Yuval

    Players dwindling

    Amazes me how true the sentences "Idiots don't die, they are replaced by other idiots". Every update since .55 wasn't a big attraction and after a week the playerbase goes back down to 6k. Where is the renderer? Where is basebuilding? Where is modding? How about instead of wasting manpower to create content for this engine, work on a new engine? Hire, replace do whatever you need. It's true when they say putting 1000 pilots on a plane won't make it go faster. So perhaps there's somethimg wrong with the pilots and not the plane!?
  9. Yuval

    Players dwindling

    You funny... do you think people will really come back? This is the less likely time for DayZ old playerbase to come back. So many games went out that will attract millions of players, Fallout 4, Call of Duty Black Ops 3, STAR WARS Battlefront. Next month Rainbow Six Siege and around the BETA release we'll see Tom Clancy's The Division.The devteam will have to put proper work because this year extra ordinary games will come out or have came out. Fuck it, I'm about to finish the storyline of Fallout 4 for the 3rd time now and I will buy Battlefront as soon as I finish studying for my next exams wave. What the hell makes you think gamers will pass Battlefront for .59 which adds nothing but vehicles and reworked Cherno? No one gives a damn about another vehicle in DayZ. That makes no change at all. The six thousand people that currently play this game which I am happily NOT part of won't grow just because we can drive a Lada Niva or find a VSS. Modding however will bring so much phuckling content in that the devteam couldnt create in an entire decade. .59 will bring more players pffft... we'll see if the playerbase post week of the .59 release will be higher than 7k. Which I completely doubt it. If only they would insert the CLE after its PROPERLY working not like what happened in .55 DayZ might have still been a thing. But it has already died 6 months ago. Lemme put you next to reality and hopefully a dev member will read it too. No body outside the active members actually cares about the stage of development. They care about what they get. Good game or bad game, fun or not. This early access program shapes what this game will turn to. If you ness up in a single update and you leave it for months there - you kill it. I assure you that when mod support is in and big mods will get released, and only then players will come back. I'd love to give you a medium to the future - contaminated terrain, helicopters and beards won't budge anything. No one who left DayZ back in .55 with impatience will be patient enough to play 10 hours to build a heli or be arsed to go all over to the NW corner of the map for only the broken heli spawn.
  10. Yuval

    Players dwindling

    Exactly. People say that rushing a game will make it bad. DayZ has been in development for 3 years yet its still way far than good. If "fun" experience is all you see in DayZ, I couldn't be happier for you. But out of the 3 million sold copies, around 2 million 910 thousand and a few hundreds want more. I love DayZ honestly but I stopped playing it ever since I realized progression is too slow to be playable. I made several posts and threads regarding the development pace and all I got is moderators and boneboys locking my threads for being "too noisy" I guess. I'm gonna end my participation with the development of DayZ as the intro dialog of the game says, until the game is properly set with modding supported. If they would only spend less time modelling a bus and more time modelling a wooden wall you could place in the world I'd be thankful. They say they are looking for feedback but instead of shutting us up they should start listening to the most honest feedback they can get.
  11. Yuval

    Players dwindling

    Do you think the development began at the exact same day they released the alpha? No, how about YOU go and check your opinion before stating it here. If you don't even know that BI were releasing devblogs every few months before the release.. aomething similiar to status reports except they were about the bery basic features of DayZ st the time they were wrote. DayZ started its public versions as 0.28 because DayZ went through 28 major updates BEFORE it was released. And I assure you that these 28 bersions were the most exciting than any version there were in the public build. Nah. If you follow Dean on twitter he occasionally tweets stuff relating to DayZ. Dean left because he wanted to make his own studio, RocketWerks, he is working on his own, not BIs, game called Ion. Dean made fortune from DayZ. I promise you. But this game isn't his game no matter how much credit he's given and if he has a zombie model or a player face.
  12. Yuval

    Players dwindling

    The development process of DayZ is messed up. People will tell you how much they enjoy the game for sure but 3 years of development and a sudden turn of events where the devteam halted almost everything for the sake of a new engine. I really admire BI and the efforts being put into the game. But the development was messed up from the beginning. They will never admit it obviously and I don't expect them to because it will hurt their reputation. All the rewriting is cool and eveything but the time it takes to do it, no matter how many code lines to rewrite... the very late decision of working on an entire new engine and the postpone of mod tools are very bad. Chris Torchia touched just abit on how development for DayZ was unorganized and we've seen it only from the modelling branch of development. All in all I'm sure people will have opnions against mine and mods saying how much fun this game brings which is undoubtful but we're talking about development here. Which is unacceptable from BI which is also undoubtfully slow and unorganized.
  13. Everything shown in 2013 regarding items, features, mechanics is irrelevant. Most of what DayZ was pre alpha released doesn't even exist today. DayZ went through alot before the official alpha release. Most items were placeholders for replacement (such as the UI, weapons, animations and others..). Still remember one of the devblogs showing a ported AK74 from ArmA 2 which never made it in (Although the AK plastic stock currently in is just the stock from ArmA 2 painted black.) Generally this is a great recap of what DayZ has been.. not what it will be :)
  14. Yuval

    Persistence outside the Map

    Oh god...
  15. Yuval

    M65 Field Jacket vs. Tactical Shirt

    Tactical shirt.... last time I've seen one was back in 0.2x
  16. Yuval

    Persistence outside the Map

    Whatever is outside the maps main boundaries doesn't just seize to exist... It is just an auto generated area so you won't see nothingness near the end. If you wanna go outside the map then do it. It has advantages and disadvantages all along.
  17. Yuval

    Players dwindling

    Modding will save DayZ and raise the playerbase to a number we have never seen before. I actually enjoy thinking about how will the uneducated mindless people who say modding will ruin DayZ react when they see how DayZ gets better. Come on, modding is gonna be here at BETA. I hope they finish the renderer ASAP. Oh yeah, and I with alot of other people won't be playing DayZ until the modding comes probably. Fallout 4 is here and if he creation kit for it comes before BETA I won't come to DayZ probably. Fallout 4 is what I wish DayZ would look like. Basebuilding, great graphics and a singleplayer. Maybe when modding comes to FO3 we might even see vehicles.
  18. I got seven MAC-11s, about eight .38s, nine 9's, ten MAC-10s the shit never ends. You cant touch my riches, even if you had MC Hammer and the .357 bitches.
  19. Yuval

    Respawn Winchester

    Found 3 winchesters in Novo today, all inside cars that aren't 100m far from eachother. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ldyx3KHOFXw
  20. Oh no. The bizon.. Because who wants to find an M14, DMR, FN FAL with a nightvision scope in a helicrash if you can find a silenced weak smg with 64 clipsize.
  21. Yuval

    Status Report - 12 Nov 2015

    Really love your answer and rightfully so. I have more questions regarding modding that I'd love to know. 1. Will the configuration syntax change from the current (the original) one? 2. Rvmats. Where are they headed? 3. animgraph and object mesh. Can we have more details about them? Edit: How will the fbx work with lods? Will there be an additional program the model needs to pass through after being created in a 3D SW?
  22. ARK and H1Z1 has more to offer right now. The combat is smooth somehow and they have basebuilding.
  23. Yuval

    Welding / Welder

    My point is that welders aren't something you need. Repairing cars requires you to find batteries and glowplugs which aren't that common.Brian said in his last interview that he doesnt want people spending hours ovee hours looking for parts for vehicle becausw that takes the fun out of it Besides, the most apocalyptic approach to repairing cars is doing it with hand and having nice animations which are already in or planned to be in when for removing and adding parts.
  24. Yuval

    Welding / Welder

    Yeah, last time I checked in order to access your backpack you need to open it first. After putting a magazine in a weapon, you gotta cock it too. After eating from canned food - there should be an empty tin can. Alcohol doesn't kill you. There are no zombies in the real world. Your statement is the same as the ones above. What you want is not needed in this game. You want it to be there. I can see DayZ passing 1.0 without welders in it just as it has been with the mod and previous BI titles.