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About sonsalt6

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  1. sonsalt6

    Holster pistol

    The holster idea, as nice as it is, requires an entirely new mocap and updates by BI. Arma2 has not been designed to fully support pistols, thats why if you hold one, the motions are stuttering and certain animations are missing. This might change with A3, and maybe with a patch, but its not an easy thing to do
  2. sonsalt6

    Weight based Stamina System

    ACE is not an DLC but a modification.... you can download it via the Six Updater or the launcher...
  3. its mostly a balancing solution. Many players conduct loot farming at places like stary, the northwestern airfield and other good areas. Searching for good loot on servers with next to non players is way easier than on servers where 49 other gamers search for the same stuff and might even fight you for it. Naturally, if you want to search for gear, you would try to join a server with the least amount of players, so you only have to deal with infected.... In conclusion, to balance the higher risk, the benefit should rise too.
  4. true, however it is not only about the amount of loot, but also about the quality. Like good weapons, gear, tools .... the chances should be higher the more players play...
  5. The introduction of a weight based stamina system, would be a perfect addition to this mod. ACE has an amazing system, highly developed and well advanced. Would be interesting if you could either create your own, or even better convince the ACE team, to support you.
  6. sonsalt6

    Infected cause infections on hit

    That is a very good system, and it would definitely benefit from additional ways to get infections. The main reason why I proposed this infection addition to hits by infected, was to increase the threat of Zombies, especially in regard to mid and long term effect. This will also drive players who linger around most of the times in the north around the airfield and Stary, to go back south, in order to find antibiotics etc... This will increase the fluctuation on the map
  7. In order to prevent players from farming empty servers, an idea would be to add better loot to servers with more players playing, as the climate and the condition with 50player servers are way more dangerous than playing on an empty server.
  8. sonsalt6

    Infected cause infections on hit

    Really? If so, that chance is very very low, as none of my teammates nor anyone I know has received any disease due to an injury. Also the chance of disease due to direct contact with infected should be way higher than by a player injury.
  9. sonsalt6

    Infected cause infections on hit

    well even if you get a direct hit or bite ? However for game play reasons I believe it is a good choice to add disease. Antibiotics are hard to come by and if the disease slowly spreads, the urge to find them, or the caution to avoid being bitten rises.
  10. In order to make the Zombie injuries more diverse, you could add the chance of diseases being transmitted by a zombie bite. Type of disease: Infection, that grows over time, causing at first mild side effect, later blood loss and finally death. The time for this should however be quite long, in order to give players a chance to find a cure... 12-24h or even more incubation time. Blood transfusions could keep the player alive in the meantime. As an ultimate feature one could even have the dead player being re-spawned as a Zombie :D (AI of course) Treatment: Antibiotics, or even a special drug. (Drugs should remain rare!!!) Game-play effects: Beyond instant injuries, infections and disease would create their own level of survival, as the player would have to start looting for his own cure, or the one of a friend. If antibiotics are hard to come by, it will eventually become a race against the time to find a cure for the infection. This would easily give a new purpose for players, and a new level of game-play after all thy are called "infected"
  11. sonsalt6

    Pending Update 1.7.1 Details

    Would be great to see actual infection being added to the infected, that spreads slowly and can only be treated with antibiotics... https://dev-heaven.net/issues/32771