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Grimey Rick

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Everything posted by Grimey Rick

  1. Grimey Rick

    Approximate percentage of female DayZ players

    This was my first post in the thread, and the only one I was going to make in it because it's a dumb thread with a pointless concept. I still don't know why you're quoting me as laughing at a post that was written about rape. I didn't laugh/respond to a post about rape. Cite me please. As far as your "all-girls clan", you're a massive hypocrite right there. You're spewing drivel about equality yet you have an ALL-GIRLS CLAN. Can I join? Oh wait, I have a penis. Because of said penis, I'm automatically excluded from your group. Back to reality, before this thread would I care that you were in an all-girls clan? Nope. Why? Because I'm not an attention-seeking sod. I do, however, LOVE to argue/debate. <3
  2. Grimey Rick

    Approximate percentage of female DayZ players

    http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Daryl_Dixon EDIT: Thanks, DaRyl.
  3. Grimey Rick

    Approximate percentage of female DayZ players

    Who said anything about rape? If you're going to try to put words into my mouth, I'll run circles around you every fucking time. I made a generalized joke about what husbands/boyfriends think about their wives/girlfriends. You're obviously an attention-craving little feminist cretin. Proof? READ YOUR OWN BLOG. Now, let me defend (even though I shouldn't fucking have to) myself further: a. Rape is obviously a bad idea. I don't know how you can cite that I said it'd be a good idea to add it into this game when I didn't even remotely imply that. b. And I quote, (I put it in pink because feminism) So this guy on DayZ was apparently banned for three days over suggesting that RAPE should be added to the game. Here is part of what he posted: A game is a game, and since you all busting our balls for DayZ being the ultimate realism game, then, yes, rape should be included. It will add tons of fun to the game. IT WILL ADD TONS OF FUN TO THE GAME. I'll repeat that one more time because I'm having trouble comprehending this... Adding RAPE to the game will add tons of fun? Fortunately they locked the thread so I won't be able to go on there and say something that will get me a warning from the mods for violating forum rules but on here I can freely say what I want. But before I get to that, he goes on to call the mod who banned him a basement-dwelling low-life and then he babbles something about how he should be able to talk about adding rape in the game because we had a discussion about gay marriage in another thread. What???? There is something seriously wrong with this guy. I won't even say anything about the gay marriage comment because its nonsensical but I will say its funny that this guy wants rape in a video game and then has the nerve to call the mod a basement-dwelling low-life. You, sir, are a steaming pile of feces and I would need a microscope to be able to see a lower form of life than you. So now that you're on the forums doing exactly what it is you claimed you wouldn't do, do you feel better? Do you feel as if you've absolved the situation? They're not going to put rape into the game. Period. You're like a walking fucking P.E.T.A. representative. Need I remind everyone of the Assassin's Creed IV debacle? c. I quote again (purple this time, because LIKE OMG), Next Saturday Vixy, EOTL and JillyBean will be sponsoring an Estrogen event to celebrate the Vanu faction's inevitable World Domination Series win. Even if we don't win, we will still have it so don't worry. Anywho, we will be running a few squads and hosting several little mini events, such as a Flash race, a quiz event and a few others. For three of the events they will be giving away codes for $15 SOE game-cards to the winners so it should be fun. And of course, I will most likely be up to my usual shenanigans to keep things entertaining. :o Since Vixy's PC is not working right now, she has put a certain wookie in charge of running her own squad! That's right, my time has finally arrived. Hopefully I won't get everyone brutally massacred. :P We will be making a new channel temporarily on our Ventrillo server for the event so make sure you have the program downloaded. We won't be using in-game voice chat except to help people get on Vent so you need to be on there if you want to participate. Vixy will be posting info for the event on the PS2 forum within the next day or two so keep an eye out. Yay! Equality! Let's keep everyone on the same page about the non-existent differences between men and women by reminding everyone that we produce estrogen! That's so fab! I can almost rest my case here. d. You claimed that you'd report someone for making a crack about male sexuality, right? YOU SOUND LIKE THE LEAST FUN PERSON EVER. I'm so glad that you're such an equality sheriff and that you feel you've been placed on Earth to protect the rights of those who more than likely don't give a shit about you, but congratulations either way, I suppose. e. It's WOOKIEE.Worst "alpha-nerd" ever. Have a nice day, darling.
  4. Grimey Rick

    Sweet Sweet Irony

    When you get on a pristine LRS run, hit me up, yo.
  5. Grimey Rick

    Tedious ideas

  6. Grimey Rick

    Approximate percentage of female DayZ players

    If you can offend me, I'll give you $100. Seriously. Throw at me the most offensive smut you can muster in either verbal or visual format in a private message. As far as the reported post goes, if it was mine, get a sense of humor lady. It was a joke. C'était juste une blague. If someone actually threatened or berated a girl in my presence, I'd pound their fucking head in. (I've done it in the past, it's kind of how I hooked up with my wife of eight years... by the way, I'm only 29. HUZZAH FOR YOUNG MARRIAGE!) I understand there are a lot of pro-AMG GIRL PWOERZ zealots out there; they're going to take offense to everything. It is what it is. If I am told to stop making jokes about a subject while using this forum, I will. Perhaps you could enlighten me in the ways of the blogger so that I can post whatever I want directed at whomever I want, whenever I want! First topic? Feminism. <3 Carry on.
  7. Grimey Rick

    Approximate percentage of female DayZ players

    a. You're a female; the comment was aimed at my fellow man. (I assume you're female based on your signature.) b. You mustn't be married. (I assume.) c. My wife plays this game with me. The comment was made in jest. Are you an Alpha-Feminist as well as an Alpha-Nerd? d. If I've said something to offend you, please exclude from mentioning me in your very entertaining blog. (i lol'd) EDIT: Because edit.
  8. Grimey Rick

    SKS or M4?

    I'll use any weapon; I love 'em all. When I make a new character I take the first weapon I find and roll with it for that character's duration. Right now I'm rolling with the Mosin-Nagant kitted with pristine compensator, LRS and bipod. Last time it was the SKS. I actually prefer the SKS and its simplicity; find a PU scope and you're done kitting it. The ammo is plentiful, and it packs a mean punch. Anything under 400m dies very fast. However, the M4A1 with MP handguard/buttstock and an ACOG is fucking king. Why would you rage at people for using it? You're calling us a bunch of kids for so doing, yet the definition of kid defines you in a nutshell. You basically threw a temper tantrum in the thread you posted about it, and now you're infecting this thread. I would actually pay real money to drop you unconscious with my M4A1 and listen to your squeals of nerd-rage. Bliss.
  9. Grimey Rick

    character progression ... CONFIRMED

    *** A wild Grimey Rick appeared! *** *** Grimey Rick's M4A1 crits you for 301 damage! *** *** You start to bleed *** *** You flee! *** *** You start to bandage *** *** Grimey Rick's trololol hits you for over 9,000 damage! *** *** You are dead *** *** Grimey's Rick pants unzip! *** TO BE CONTINUED...
  10. Grimey Rick

    Approximate percentage of female DayZ players

    Girls are annoying, narcissistic bitches. Why would you want to give them things in real life and on the internet? Grow a penis, chaps. P.S: FOR THE LOVE OF GOD AND ALL THAT IS HOLY, DON'T TELL MY WIFE I SAID THAT.
  11. Grimey Rick

    Give civilian clothes some bonus?

    This. World of Warcraft is that way. → /thread
  12. Me and a friend were on the [4ACE] hardcore server running through Chernogorsk. We started taking fire from a Mosin and couldn't identify where it was coming from so we split up. The assailant was literally teleporting around us like Goku while kneeling. He was in front of me about 50m away, then disappeared. I heard a shot behind me, turned and the same guy was kneeling 100m out. I started laughing in voice communication calling him several choice names before he teleported again and my screen went dark. My friend didn't last much longer. So funny to finally witness it myself.
  13. Grimey Rick

    Approximate percentage of female DayZ players

  14. I agree! Bullets shouldn't either. Being shot in the face and dying because of it is such bullshit.
  15. Grimey Rick

    so what do painkillers do?

  16. You seem like a clever chap, however, I know someone who looks like the guy in your avatar and I can't stand him in real life. Now, I know this is ridiculous, but the more I look at it and associate the two of you together, I'm starting to dislike you as well. I'm sorry man, I CAN'T FIGHT THE MENTAL ONSLAUGHT.
  17. Yay, another new poster spewing the same shit as 1349081349 other people here. FUCKING YAY. They were duping. They are fixing this next stable release. The other cheaters will take some time to take care of, but it's being worked on. CLAM DWON NSUB
  18. Grimey Rick

    These M4 kids need to be dealt with.

    So you want to make it worse than it is in real life? You want someone with a fifty year old rifle to be on equal grounds with someone who is using military-grade weaponry? Fascinating.
  19. Grimey Rick

    SKS or M4?

    Without MP handguard and buttstock = go with SKS. With MP handguard and buttstock = M4 all the way.
  20. Grimey Rick

    My toon has been unconscious for over 17 hours.

    Sexual. (; And yeah, your regular character can be used on any server labeled as "regular". This also applies to your hardcore character on hardcore servers. You're not bound to a single server [yet]. Also, I used to use the term "toon" to reference my in-game character when I first started posting here as I came from World of Warcraft where the term is used regularly. After many "...?" responses I opted to change my vocabulary. :3
  21. I voted a billion. Why? Because today's society is so fat and plump with unnatural sugars and salts that the zombies' faces would pucker up until they exploded. Three cheers for an extremely unhealthy society! Hip-hip..!
  22. Grimey Rick

    Would ingame currency have a place in DayZ?

    @OP: Seriously? Guy #1: "Hey man, here come a shitload of zombies. Hand me some bullets." Guy #2: "Uh, I kind of traded them for this shiny golden nugget and some Ben Franks." Guy #1: "..." *zombies eat their faces*