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Grimey Rick

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Everything posted by Grimey Rick

  1. Grimey Rick

    Would you report this kid?

    Are you 100% sure about that? Because it went on for a solid half hour before I got bored and left. He was picking random people's names and taunting them, as well as using global voice communication to harass random people.
  2. Grimey Rick

    Settings for DayZ to get better frames

    That just goes to show you how broken DayZ currently is: you get the same frame rate as me in cities, yet in Arma 3 MP I get 60-90 frames per second. In DayZ it makes no difference whether I set everything to maximum or minimum in a city, I still get the same 30-40 frames per second.
  3. Grimey Rick

    so whats SSAO?

  4. Grimey Rick

    Settings for DayZ to get better frames

    I've been running at 5.2GHz since January of 2011. My CPU still idles at ~25-30ºC.
  5. Grimey Rick

    Only new game that runs 4K flawless.

    I'll see your 5GHz and raise you 200MHz. (See my signature.) Also, how do you intend to get a "cherry picked" 2700K? It's kind of random when you order it. My 2600K is D-Stepping, it's so beast. :3
  6. Grimey Rick

    Rocket standing down from Dayz by end of year

    Called it before Rocket called it before you attempted to call me on calling it after Rocket initially called it.
  7. That was me. A guy has to create his own end-game in this cruel, cruel sandbox, doesn't he?
  8. Grimey Rick

    Is it too much to ask for smooth controls?

    QFT I can't even play DayZ for at least an hour after playing Arma 3. It's like getting out of a Chevelle and into a Chevette.
  9. Grimey Rick

    If you're playing right now...

  10. Grimey Rick

    Warning Shots

    Your whole post is retarded.
  11. Grimey Rick

    Have I found the unlucky M4A1 or what...

    I was knocked unconscious three times yesterday. Once through a glitched jail door in Green Mountain that I couldn't shoot through but my target on the other side could, once in Balota's airstrip when I popped into a hangar where three guys were laying prone in the back waiting to snipe passersby, and once when a guy ran up to me who I mistook for my friend (we all look the same these days) put about twenty 5.56mm rounds into my body. All three times I should have died, no questions asked. All three times I survived with a ruined shirt and pair of pants. Anyway, my point is, it's not your gun, it's the current damage system that is being tweaked. I've dropped countless people in the last week in random fights here and there only to see at least 3/4 of them pop back up before I can get to their bodies.
  12. Grimey Rick

    "Flawed Concept" - Discuss

    I agree. For those of you who think Dean is the reason why this game is already so great, you're wrong. Dean is an eccentric narcissist. The game will continue as it always has. If anything, I imagine the game will evolve more smoothly with his departure.
  13. Grimey Rick

    22-30 FPS with GTX 780?

    Let's see a screenshot. My computer, my wife's computer and a friend who plays the game all suffer from severe CPU/GPU bottlenecking when facing the direction of a town/village within 1000 or so metres. We all have different components in our rigs. Not to mention the multitude of YouTube videos posted of people experiencing the same issue. If you don't suffer from this, you're the exception.
  14. Grimey Rick

    22-30 FPS with GTX 780?

    This game will never be fully optimized. I'm starting to lose faith in the development team, to be honest. They should have used RV4; RV3 is a stuttering, crappy mess. In Arma 3 at 1920x1080 with Ultra settings I average between 60-90 frames per second. With the same settings in Arma 2 I average 30-80 frames per second. No amount of optimization they do is going to fix the engine.
  15. Grimey Rick

    Having .pborlems

    This method did not work. Same here. On my computer everything is slick as snot, but on her computer for the last few days, she's been having a ton of issues with being kicked for .pbo files. Also, yes, we have full access to the drive upon which we installed the game. This is a really odd/frustrating issue to say the least.
  16. Grimey Rick

    Another big NEAF catch, 2 glitchers down :)

    Good job. I'm amazed they didn't see you sneaking in behind them as they have full visibility of the back of the hangars. I generally just avoid it now if I know someone's in there as it's too hard to flank someone with a clue who's camping it.
  17. Grimey Rick

    Having .pborlems

    We're playing on stable hardcore. I'll try that. I assume a full reinstall would've done the same thing, though. Fingers crossed. :3 I don't have a screenshot of the error, but it's something along the lines of "Wrong signature for file [insert random .pbo here]". It'll kick her a handful of times before the issue seems to subside and allow her to play on a server. It's fairly annoying as she faces a five minute wait due to the new timer. :T
  18. Grimey Rick

    Having .pborlems

    I uninstalled it via Steam and then went through the Steam directory and deleted all of the DayZ content.
  19. Grimey Rick

    Character wipes still happening?

    *holds up your shoes* It wasn't the game that stole them, I did. *flees*
  20. Eat until energized/hydrated. There are two levels of energized/hydrated. A dark green and a light green. When you are energized/hydrated, your body begins restoring any lost blood. When your blood is full you begin the healing process. You will heal until your health is full.
  21. Grimey Rick

    To the guy who combat logged...

    Hey man, take it easy on him. He filed my taxes in an efficient and professional manner. However, I don't know if I agree with how many times he had to apply his lipstick in an attempt to interest me in mutual funds, but whatever.
  22. Grimey Rick

    Two bolt action rifle features we should have.

    This. Also, can we update the weapon toggling? As of right now I find it nigh impossible to figure out if I'm in semi-automatic or not using the M4A1. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't. The only way to tell if it worked is to unfortunately shoot a couple of bullets, thus eliminating the element of surprise you're attempting to take advantage of by sniping.
  23. Grimey Rick

    Reasons why Horses, Dogs, Wolves and Bears are NEEDED

    Personally, I'd rather just assume that all of the horses have been eaten. I don't want horses at all; they seem like such a waste of time. I'm all for predatory animals, though. There should be some penalty for hiking through the woods and avoiding main roads. Armed with the knowledge that by avoiding said main roads in an attempt to avoid zombies and other players, you run the risk of running into a pack of hungry wolves or a bear actually makes sense. This game is all about risks. Running through the forest with a compass poses absolutely no risk right now.