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Grimey Rick

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Everything posted by Grimey Rick

  1. Wait, what? The only way I can tell it's almost lunch time is when my hunger bar drops to 20/50. You guys are so primitive.
  2. Grimey Rick

    The lag is real!

    Yep, agreed. It's also why when you're camping a corner and you dump twenty 5.56 rounds into a guy and he walks through them returning fire, killing you, only to fall dead himself five seconds later.
  3. Grimey Rick

    I've heard troubling rumours...(no helis)

    So we've effectively gone from just trying to survive to actively searching out parts for military helicopters? Fascinating.
  4. Grimey Rick

    Fully Geared Up

    I killed you. P.S: I had my way with your corpse until it despawned.
  5. Grimey Rick

    Aspects that accumulatively wear on your patience in dayz

    I didn't read any of these besides the OP, but opening a door with a weapon in-hand that uses a speed loader and loudly reloading your gun with said speed loader instead of opening the door makes me fucking rage.
  6. Grimey Rick

    Got my friends to buy DayZ.

    I think that just about wraps up today's meeting, gents. Same time tomorrow?
  7. Grimey Rick

    Farmer Clothing

    In western Canada, 99.999~% of the farming community wear cowboy hats. But to be fair, they're all a cowboy/farmer hybrid out on the plains, rearin' dem cattles and tamin' dem stallions.
  8. Grimey Rick

    This is why we should use ArmA III's Engine.

    Arma 3 runs much, much better than DayZ:SA in its current implementation. I, however, prefer the dullness in DayZ:SA to that of the over-the-top vibrance of Arma 3.
  9. Well they obviously thought it was important enough to put time into the coding to prevent them from being equipped together for no apparent reason. I have no fucking clue why, as the combination looked good and made sense. You should be able to wear the two together, I really can't think of a reason they would've removed the ability to wear both of them simultaneously.
  10. Grimey Rick

    Will there be more performance updates?

    Isn't this community wonderful?
  11. Grimey Rick

    How to fix server hopping and combat logging!

    Why not just automatically assign a player to a server within their latency preferences when they click "Play"? That way we'd have more full servers, we'd eliminate server hopping, and it'd be impossible to ghost.
  12. It doesn't. It just adds another level of inconvenience to those who choose to play the game properly. Every airfield/military base you get to is always looted, while the towns surrounding these locations remain untouched. If you connect to a server and get kicked by an admin, you now have to wait 170 seconds. If you connect to a server and suddenly crash to desktop, you now have to wait 170 seconds. I'd be all for this change if it somehow defeated server hopping, but it doesn't. As it currently stands, find a server that's just reset, loot it, leave it, play Flappy Bird or read the forums for a few minutes, rinse and repeat. It's pointless.
  13. After partaking in the DayZ alpha, I personally feel this is a horrible way to develop a game. Closed alpha, closed beta, followed by open beta is the best method in my opinion.
  14. Grimey Rick

    So how does the timer trump server hopping?

    It's inconvenient for the reasons I mentioned in my OP. Perhaps you'd like to fully read it before commenting. I have reported many servers. An easier solution would be to remove the kick command altogether, in my opinion. What purpose does it serve, anyway? The only reason it's used is to kick people when they join, and the admin doesn't want them there, which is a reportable offense. What other reason would you have for kicking someone? They killed you? They are swearing? When did I mention not being able to find loot? I didn't. Read the OP before commenting, please. My point was areas surrounding military bases and airfields are [generally] never looted while the airfields/military bases are, hence the thread. It wasn't created because I can't find loot. It wasn't created because I'm mad people are server hopping. It was created because I don't feel the current implementation of the timer makes a bit of difference to server hoppers. At least it has somewhat of an impact on ghosters, I guess.
  15. Grimey Rick

    So how does the timer trump server hopping?

    I'll agree that it prevents ghosting to a point. If you get into a longer standoff, say, ten or more minutes, it's still viable.
  16. Grimey Rick

    Character wipes still happening?

    I'm sure you've never done this. You tell 'em.
  17. Grimey Rick

    Do you believe people who shoot on sight are terrible at DayZ?

    Elektro is the official "enter at your own risk area". If you enter Elektro, expect to be shot at. If you don't like it, don't go there. There are plenty of other places on the map to explore further inland that are generally uninhabited. Because talking to you like I give a shit about you adds to the difficulty of the game. "Hi there, pal, how are you?" "Great sir, and you?" "Oh, you know. Well, that was fun, prepare to die!" ":(" This. Also this.
  18. Grimey Rick

    Do you believe people who shoot on sight are terrible at DayZ?

    Really? You don't understand? REALLY? There are people in this game. There are guns in this game. You should expect to be shot at every corner. Start playing this like a combat simulator, it's the only way you're going to survive. "Happily walking into Elektro" is a sure way to die, and entirely your own fault. P.S: There's nothing wrong with killing on sight. If people would stop whining about it and figure out ways to avoid these situations, we'd have 1,000 fewer threads made in General Discussion.
  19. That video card is known for being terrible. I went through three of them before giving up and putting a 670 into my wife's computer.
  20. Grimey Rick

    Do you believe people who shoot on sight are terrible at DayZ?

    Very original topic. Define "being good" at DayZ. Are we talking aim and situational awareness? Or the ability to try to make awkward, sometimes completely pointless conversation with other players? I generally KOS unless I'm 100% certain I'm in no immediate danger. I don't need other people at this point in the game; the only reason me and my friends group up is to kill/torture other players. What is another player going to offer me? I don't need their help in-game, and I already have a long enough friends list. TL;DR: OP is mad.
  21. Grimey Rick

    3rd Person vs 1st Person?

    This is a non-issue as there are servers for both. However, anyone who thinks 3PP isn't cheating has lost touch with reality. Anything that lets you see around corners without putting yourself at risk isn't legitimate. /thread
  22. Grimey Rick

    [Challenge] Clan v. Clan

    No offense taken, but I don't recall my posts ever being overly positive. If anything, I need to take a break from reading these forums. I honestly think they'd drive anyone nutty.
  23. Grimey Rick

    [Challenge] Clan v. Clan

    It was the first one I grabbed. They're all the same. Arma, Arma 2, Arma 3, DayZ mod, DayZ standalone, etc. I didn't even watch beyond the first ten seconds of the video. If you want, I can submit a proper title, table of contents, introduction, methodology, results and discussion, conclusion, references and a bibliography to properly support my video choice next time. What CS:GO video? And yeah, special effects/great editing don't make anything entertaining, right? /facepalm