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Grimey Rick

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Everything posted by Grimey Rick

  1. To sum up the OP: play the game as you would if you yourself were there.
  2. Grimey Rick

    Should I start DayZ Mod this late in the game?

    Thanks again for all of the input everyone. I went ahead and bought the ARMA II: Complete Collection and am now installing what I need to get DayZ Mod going. Being a long time fan of Frankie, I've been watching his YouTube videos playing Epoch lately, and I must say that it looks like a lot of fun. Looking forward to surviving with you!
  3. I angled both of these screenshots to show they're from NEAF: EDIT: That's two magazines in one clear of NEAF on my way to Rify.
  4. Grimey Rick

    ( Not a tutorial)How to get easy long range scope?

    Fast way: a. Find a server that just reset. b. Lay under hangar in NEAF. c. Wait for server-hoppers. d. Shoot them whilst giggling maniacally. e. Take their long range scopes. Legitimate way: a. Run around the map like a crazy person searching every barracks, ATCT, ghillie tent and hangar you can find. b. There is no b. EDIT: Because edit.
  5. I masturbate furiously. ...other times I play Flappy Bird. My record is 111 at the moment.
  6. Grimey Rick

    New MORE Wooden Stick Spawns

    Yep, this. I keep a ruined stick and a ruined bandage in my pants, and that's it. Infinite splints; no more broken arms and legs! Call it cheap, but I look at it as balancing the current state of random leg breaks. (;
  7. Grimey Rick

    Why are you whining about FPS?

    With the rig in my signature I still drop to 25 frames per second sometimes in cities, with everything on maximum. It doesn't matter if I put everything on medium and disable the fancy effects, I still get the same frames per second. It's just poorly optimized and has been so for months now. The game doesn't fully make use of your GPU/CPU. Note how only 25% of each of my graphics cards is being used, as well as not fully taking advantage of my processor. This, basically.
  8. Grimey Rick

    Should I start DayZ Mod this late in the game?

    Thanks for the insight, guys. I'll think on it some more.
  9. Yes, you can perform fellatio on me using a zombie's severed head as a hand puppet.
  10. Grimey Rick

    How long to gear up?

    The part about it taking ~5 hours to gear up to an acceptable level, and ~20 to fully gear yourself. WUT?
  11. With all due respect, this probably isn't the game for you.
  12. Grimey Rick

    Do you taunt people after you've killed them?

    I sarcastically made fun of this guy after killing him. I wouldn't exit the barracks in the military base north of Kamenka as I didn't really feel it was a safe move. I told my potential assailant that I was perfectly happy just laying prone in the hallway until he left. He kept telling me it was "time to die" and that he knew how to "flush me out". Unfortunately for him, clipping his head through the wall in an attempt to spot my location in the hallway ended up with him taking two 5.56 rounds to the head. EDIT: Faceplant!
  13. As a Canadian speaking to a fellow American, your leetspeak is borderline offensive.
  14. Grimey Rick

    Can I Run DayZ Retail (POST HERE)

    That's fairly normal. This game is still horribly optimized. In a city, the game currently does not make full use of your video card and processor. Below is a screenshot of the load on my CPU and GPU while inside of a building. As you can see, I'm only using 25% of each graphics card, and not even 70% of my processor. My frames per second are decent in this picture (everything is on maximum), but they're not nearly what they will be when this game is finally optimized. Rocket has informed us that they have discovered what is causing the poor frame rates when in or around buildings, so hopefully we'll see a fix soon.
  15. Grimey Rick

    Can I Run DayZ Retail (POST HERE)

    It'll run DayZ, if that's what you want to know.
  16. So as I was aimlessly (no pun intended) picking off people in Balota a few minutes ago, I decided to fiddle around with my inventory. After emptying a ruined small protector case that I had just looted from a fresh kill, I discovered some ruined bandages. I happened to have a stick in my inventory. The following ensued: Morphine-shmorphine! From now on, it's just me, my ruined bandages, and my trusty sticks!
  17. Grimey Rick

    Once upon a time in Balota, a medic was born...

    My wife got mad at me for not sharing my popcorn the other night, so she shot me with her FNX. Needless to say, that wench (that I love so much:) had a long walk back to Balota to pick a .357 round out of her noggin. I ASKED YOU IF YOU WANTED SOME BEFORE I MADE IT. YOU SAID NO. SHIT WENT DOWN.
  18. Grimey Rick

    Name 5 thinga you want the most for dayz asap.

    1. People to stop crying about KOS. 2. People to stop crying about bandits. 3. People to stop crying about 1PP vs 3PP. 4. People to stop making duplicate/pointless threads. 5. Developers to fix lag in cities.
  19. Grimey Rick

    Regular vs Hardcore: Why do you play?

    Try disabling head-bob in your options menu.
  20. Grimey Rick

    Regular vs Hardcore: Why do you play?

    "Step up to hardcore", haha. I like that. Hardcore is no harder than regular. I actually feel safer in hardcore as I know I'm harder to spot. I honestly find it easier/less stressful to play.
  21. Grimey Rick

    How long to gear up?

  22. Grimey Rick

    I am stuck on the bottom of the ocean

    Just stay down there; I'm sure it's more enjoyable than the surface of Chernarus+.
  23. Grimey Rick

    DayZ supported by Geforce experience now

    Yeah, GeForce Experience doesn't seem to factor in SLI at all. It had everything on low for me in Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag, but even with one card I could run everything on high. With SLI, I can run it at maximum settings with 60+ frames per second. @OP: Thanks for bringing this up though, it's good to know that DayZ is at least on the horizon for potential optimization on Nvidia's end as far as drivers and SLI are concerned.