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Grimey Rick

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Everything posted by Grimey Rick

  1. Grimey Rick

    Try not to freak out

    So would I, truly. However, I'd like at least an update a month, otherwise this game will be irrelevant by the time it's released.
  2. Grimey Rick

    anti-hopping or why it's useless for the moment.

    If you don't agree with the way they're developing the game, request a refund from Steam and move along. While I agree that it seems the development of this game is a little askew, it is what it is and they've sufficiently covered their asses by shoving their stupid disclaimer in your face at every turn. My advice would be to take a break. That's what I'm doing. There are so many other games out there that are currently much more fun to play. All of these people who patroll these forums in some sort of self-righteous zealous attempt to justify why they themselves are still playing this buggy mess of a game that has less content than a Stephen King novel are a force to be reckoned with. You can't dissuade them, you can't disagree with them; your only option is to mentally punch them in the throat and move on. I've grown so tired of this type of discussion, it's truly pointless. Most discussions that take place on the internet are. So, technically, my making this post is also pointless. As are any replies it garners. And so on.
  3. 1920x1080, Vsync disabled, everything on very high, all effects enabled/very high, the lowest I drop is 25 while fighting in a city. I'd say I average 35-40. However, in a city, the game doesn't even use 40% of my GPU/CPU. Doesn't make sense.
  4. Grimey Rick

    God Mode and teleporting in Kambiwobo?!

    I can confirm this story as I am the naked teleporting man.
  5. Grimey Rick

    Oh, DayZ. (FPS test pictures)

    While this is true, all ARMA games have piss-poor optimization. At this point, it's pretty inexcusable. With the computer in my signature I get 25 minimum frames per second in a city with everything on maximum. I have gotten as high as 180 frames per second up north. For me, it makes no difference whether or not I run the game on very low or very high settings, I get the same frame rate. Go figure. EDIT: Proof the engine blows: look at GPU/CPU usage. Any time I'm near/in a building, even one single building, my GPU/CPU usage plummets from ~90+% to ~25-50%. Maximum settings, ~50 FPS in NWAF around the buildings. If I turn away from the buildings scattered around NWAF, instant ~90% GPU/CPU usage and double the FPS, up to around 100.
  6. Grimey Rick

    Passworded servers.

    After performing a few searches, I am unable to find any other threads pertaining to this issue. Lately, I've been noticing more and more passworded servers. How is this possible? Are servers at this point not supposed to be public?
  7. Grimey Rick


    Correct. I am running in 1920x1080 sans issue.
  8. Grimey Rick

    Tips for finding can opener?

    Jails, townhouses in cities and those green houses with the double doors that have a room straight ahead of the entrance with a kitchen are generally where I find them.
  9. Grimey Rick


    I just tested both and neither crashes my game.
  10. Grimey Rick

    Is there really any point to...

    Before they changed how damage worked, the Mosin was generally a one shot kill. Now it can take several shots to drop someone, so carrying a sidearm is essential.
  11. Grimey Rick


    I would also like to know this.
  12. I find people on the forums get far more upset than people in-game. Hilariously so.
  13. Grimey Rick

    For science!

    I reviewed the Ballistic Helmet in a previous thread, testing whether or not it actually deflected bullets. Using an identical M4A1 to the one being used in this test, it successfully deflected one (1) bullet before becoming ruined. I am now testing the ZSh3 Pilot Helmet. Target: ZSh3 Pilot Helmet (worn by my kid) Weapon: M4A1, M4 Handguard MP, M4 Buttstock MP, M68 CompM2 Optics, ATLAS Bipod, 30Rnd STANAG (coupled) Result: EDIT: Because edit.
  14. Grimey Rick

    For science!

    I didn't post it in its own thread, unfortunately, but it was a thread pertaining to the issue in question. Someone was questioning the validity of the Ballistic Helmet, so my kid and I decided to test it. Using a pristine Ballistic Helmet, he survived the shot to the head and the helmet was ruined. I believe he suffered some sort of shock damage as his screen went grey but he didn't actually lose any blood and began recovering his health immediately.
  15. Grimey Rick

    For science!

    Yep, shot him in the back of the head, the same spot I shot the Ballistic Helmet. :thumbsup:
  16. Grimey Rick

    Go North!....or west.

    I read it; I read every thread I post in, and this will be my last one I make here. How about this: your idea has merit and I agree with it, it's just been posted numerous times already. /done
  17. Grimey Rick

    Go North!....or west.

    No, just tired of seeing repeated "ideas" pushing valuable content to the bottom of the forum. I've lost faith that people will eventually learn how to properly use a fucking forum. If you people would stop thinking every idea you have is brilliant and original and instead focus your energy on doing a quick pre-emptive search, then maybe Rocket would actually use these forums as a credible source of community feedback. He uses Reddit for a reason.
  18. Grimey Rick

    Go North!....or west.

    You're claiming there have been no other threads posted regarding high traffic areas being looted whilst less-visited areas remain untouched? Is that actually what you're claiming? Because that's all I've read in this entire waste of bandwidth.I've literally seen "stay away from the coast; go inland" a HUNDRED times on these forums, which is the essence of your thread. Unoriginal thread is unoriginal. EDIT: Typo. Fucking phone. :/
  19. Grimey Rick

    Go North!....or west.

    Oh. The Mod has this feature, but I don't know how I feel about it. I like the idea of navigating by landmarks; that's how I learned Chernarus+.
  20. Grimey Rick

    Go North!....or west.

    If people would stop wasting bandwidth on unoriginal ideas that have already been posted by using the search function, there would be no snide remarks. You're not helping the community by spamming similar threads every few pages. Also, didn't realize OP had a big brother. You're very intimidating; I'd best change my ways! #searchfunctioniscuttingedgetechnology
  21. Grimey Rick

    Go North!....or west.

    There's a map in the game already. You must find the pieces and assemble it.
  22. Grimey Rick

    Go North!....or west.

    Butthurt OP is butthurt. P.S: Still no original content to be found, but that's not surprising around here.
  23. Grimey Rick

    Go North!....or west.

    Original thread is original.
  24. What reason could you possibly muster to disagree with the OP? Randomized, respawning loot would literally destroy server hopping and fix the game by making it fun again in one fell swoop. Just implement it, already.