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Grimey Rick

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Everything posted by Grimey Rick

  1. Grimey Rick

    Lets discuss what is 'Cheating' and what isn't

    I agree with you, but I'd mention that the timer is more for preventing ghosting than server-hopping. Server-hopping won't be squashed until, like you said, random, respawning loot tables are added.
  2. Grimey Rick

    Lets discuss what is 'Cheating' and what isn't

    This whole thread is turning into a tear factory. Someone else mentioned this, but I'll say it again: Team Speak ≈ Steam Chat. DayZ runs on Steam, therefore anyone can use it. The only way this could be construed as "unfair" would be if you play solo versus multiple people, but then you're already at a disadvantage. If you have friends too, you can both use Steam Chat/Team Speak and be on a level playing field. TL;DR: Play with friends and profit.
  3. Do you see stars when it's black? If you don't, I'd assume it's a problem with your graphics card like you had originally thought. You'd still be able to hear zombies and other in-game noises even if your graphics card was acting up. What card do you have? Are you using your latest drivers? If so, did you recently update them?
  4. Grimey Rick

    Encounter with an ace bandit

    Your "ace bandit" would've been unconscious when he tried to handcuff me.
  5. Grimey Rick

    Nighttime: Well that was odd

    There's no cheating in an alpha unless you're using a third party program for an advantage over others. They're glitches, and they need to reported. Once reported, if they're not fixed, they're fair game. So many tryhards in this thread.
  6. I've noticed that "Regular" servers that have 3PP disabled will load my "Hardcore" character, even though on the server list they are labeled "Regular".
  7. Grimey Rick

    Where the hell are everyone?

    How do you, y'know, medic people when you're in the middle of buttfuck nowhere? (;
  8. May I suggest something?
  9. Grimey Rick

    In-Game Books: What are you reading?

    Eating is more or less required. I don't play video games to read, wear children's backpacks, or sew. Reason being? I don't have a vagina.
  10. Grimey Rick

    Where the hell are everyone?

    Hi, Just server hop airfields. Not for the loot, but for the interaction! It's literally the only way to find people sometimes. Plus, there's nothing better in this game than to get the drop on someone who looks like a cross between Predator and Rambo. A simple "Hello there!" said from cover to someone server hopping yields the most hilarious results. I've seen everything from a guy running to a lone bush in NEAF and going prone (he was completely visible) to people still trying to combat log. Regards. lel
  11. Grimey Rick

    In-Game Books: What are you reading?

    I don't play video games to read books.
  12. Grimey Rick

    Is anyone tired of this game because of KOS?

    I'm not tired of this game because of KOS, KOS is the only thing that makes the game fun at the moment. What I am tired of, are repetitive, pointless thread such as this.
  13. Grimey Rick

    Is this game getting worse?

    @OP: If you're still stuck in that section of the jail, take out your axe and sprint at the desk in the lower jail room. Swing your axe and jump as many times as you can. You'll eventually clip through the wall.
  14. Grimey Rick

    apologists are delaying development.

    Your signature nullifies anything intelligent you might attempt to convey, dude. If you don't click the link to the thread, you don't have to read its contents. CRAZY RIGHT? Continue with the bean reach-arounds, guys. I'll help get the thread closed for you.
  15. Grimey Rick

    apologists are delaying development.

    How does that titty milk taste, Caboose1871238912787123? I've attempted to explain a very simple fucking concept. These forums are hilarious: if you rock the boat even a little bit with anything outside of the little box, you get the actual zombies of DayZ pushing each other out of the way to defend the machine. Unfortunately, the in-game zombie AI is a lot better. Quote the disclaimer all you want, even a freshman in economics would agree with me.
  16. Grimey Rick

    apologists are delaying development.

    LOLOL That's my point. It wouldn't happen. No one would buy them, because... THEY'RE NOT FINISHED. If anything, the tailor would have to pay someone to wear the pants while he, y'know, does whatever tailors do to pants until they're finished so he can sell them. Hence my point I've made at least three times, now: why do we have to pay for an alpha? Aren't we regressing in so doing? I've been a part of a lot of alphas, and I've never been asked to pay for them. I've never even had to pay for betas, e.g: SC2 HotS, Hearthstone, etc. To clarify, the only reason I paid for this alpha was because my friends bugged the shit out of me until I did. They've all since moved on. #irony Everyone assumes this game is going to release, and I seriously hope it does and isn't an outdated piece of garbage by the time it hits stores, but no one is considering the potential that it doesn't get released. The lead developer claims the game is flawed and is also leaving the project once it hits beta as he believes his ideals are a hindrance to the game. The lead developer. He's also said in a live stream that he doesn't care if anyone else buys the alpha because they've made enough money and would be shooting themselves in the foot by promoting it, which is the only smart thing I've heard said about the manner in which they've been marketing DayZ thus far. They could've made the alpha free and made double the money, which is good business. Free alpha, $60 at launch. Instead, they charge $30 for alpha and nothing at launch, so they're effectively losing 50% of their potential income, which is fucking dumb/bad business. That leads me to believe that this game isn't necessarily as concrete as everyone seems to think. Why would you do that? Like I said, I'll rescind my comments when it happens. As for you PiercyBearZ, you're a weak troll, offer weak arguments, and even weaker examples for your arguments. Either that, or you're just so intelligent you've actually gone full-circle into complete obliviousness. #ilold
  17. Grimey Rick

    apologists are delaying development.

    That's why I reserve the right to rescind my comment if it makes it to retail. (; To be absolutely clear, I've gotten $30 worth from this game already, however, I'd hazard a guess that most of the people who bought it didn't. If the game makes it to a final release, those people can return and play the game they bought many moons before with a 50% discount. But, if for some reason it doesn't make it to release, they're SOL. With the convenient disclaimer, Bohemia Interactive needn't worry about people complaining because, well, WE WARNJA! Slapping a disclaimer on the Steam Store and one in-game is just a convenient way to cover one's ass. Imagine if retail stores worked in this fashion. I can see the rioting now!
  18. Grimey Rick

    apologists are delaying development.

    Right. Calling other people names is infinitely more mature, eh? I haven't called you or anyone else here anything, because we're all entitled to our opinions. However, with each post you make (keep going, you're half way to 10!), you're further proving the statement I've made regarding fanboy-ism becoming more and more prominent around here. Voicing my opinion that paying to access a game in alpha status =/= immaturity. I play the game. I love the game. The game is currently pretty boring, but it's to be expected as we wait for new content. Guess what? You're actually allowed to disagree with the way the game is developed from time to time, as that's the entire fucking reason we're here, bro.
  19. The best decision you'll ever make, bro. Let the kids play in their sandbox.
  20. Grimey Rick

    apologists are delaying development.

    Where did I mention I was forced to buy it? I'm confused here... Even though his delivery was a tad lacking, this is the exact type of attitude OP is attempting to address. You fall under bullet #2 of my list. After logging almost 600 hours into this ALPHA, the aforementioned points I made stand firm. It's a money grab, bro. Plain and simple. Paying for a game that's an alpha is a plain-and-simple grab for cash. I'll rescind this statement if/when DayZ makes it to retail.
  21. Grimey Rick

    Reason why Bandits rise and heroes die.

    Because grouping up with your friends, camping an airstrip, and killing the random people that come along requires so much raw skill and talent, amirite? You're protesting a video game by playing within its guidelines. Congratu-fucking-lations.
  22. Grimey Rick

    apologists are delaying development.

    Okay, I'll bite. My opinion on the development of DayZ:SA: If you're going to advertise a game as an alpha and throw alpha reminders into people's faces at every juncture, don't charge money for it until it's reached a level of maturity that will keep most players (for the most part) satisfied. This new method of charging people to test your game still seems ridiculous to meIf you're going to yell "ALFER" every time someone posts something that directly addresses a poor call of judgement, poor implementation of an idea, or poor communication from the developers to the public, you're not helping anyone, least of all the community you seem to defend so vehementlyDevelopment seems to be very slow. If you're going to develop a game, remember, we're not your friends. Stop posting pictures of LAN parties, etc. This isn't going to help the public's opinion of your progress (especially when little to no progress has been made in the past month). Remember, we're your investors. We invested* in this product.Server optimizations should come before adding fluff. I realize that it's been mentioned countless times that there are two teams working individually on bugs/optimizations and content, but it might be a better idea to release less "content" (if you really want to label sewing kits as such) and more optimizations I guess that covers it. I don't feel that the moderators are biased, at least not LoK. I'm not an ass-kisser, trust me. Some of them are morons in my opinion, but I definitely wouldn't call them biased. I've seen a few of them disagree with things done by development. @pacific_coast: You remind me of myself a few years ago. (; THAT IS A VERY BAD THING, STOP THE WEED. * in·vest·ment inˈves(t)mənt/noun 1. the action or process of investing money for profit or material result.
  23. $5 says OP is the type of player who stands by a fountain for 45 seconds pressing tab every time he drinks to make sure he's not stuffed. Gets sniped.