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Grimey Rick

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Everything posted by Grimey Rick

  1. Grimey Rick

    DayZ standalone set password?

    Do you ever contribute anything even remotely fucking intelligent, dude? You said it yourself when you voiced, "legitimately."
  2. Grimey Rick

    DayZ standalone set password?

  3. Grimey Rick

    Am I a bandit or KOSer?

  4. Grimey Rick

    It's too easy to get guns

    It would be easy to find guns in an actual apocalypse, too. What, do you think the FIFTY THINGAMAJILLION guns in the world would just disappear when shit hits the fan?
  5. Grimey Rick

    Ballistic Helmets wont Fit in my Head!

  6. Grimey Rick

    Placeholder items and release

    Which part exactly?
  7. Grimey Rick

    Impact of Zed aim at chest change

    I agree, I've noticed the same trend since the patch. Always carry ammo in your shirts/jackets. If it's damaged, you can split it until you've only one ruined bullet per slot.
  8. Grimey Rick

    Placeholder items and release

    You guys can bash the OP all you want, but he speaks the truth. It matters what everything looks/sounds/feels like in this game. The game is about realism and player interaction. How wouldn't the food matter? It's the main goal of the game: finding food.
  9. You're an atheist but you believe in karma?
  10. Grimey Rick

    Questions that need answers.

    You'll need to buy the standalone itself, yes. It's separate from ARMA 2. You won't need to buy the game again when it releases, though. Once only.
  11. Grimey Rick

    breaking legs to grief

    This game is far from brutal and unforgiving. It may seem that way for the first day, but after that it's pretty straight forward. I agree with those petitioning to be able to snap branches from trees; it makes sense to implement an acceptable solution to any problem you might add to a game. Making morphine/sticks so difficult to find (unless you server hop) is just an invitation to grief. At the very least, let us suicide once per day or something.
  12. Grimey Rick

    Weapon ballance

    The Amphibia and Ruger kill zombies in one shot to the head. The garden hoe and pitchfork kill zombies in two shots to the body, one shot to the head. The 1911 seems equal to the FNX. The CR75 seems like it doesn't do quite enough damage, but I've only killed players with it and have yet to shoot a zombie. It took me the entire clip to kill a player, shooting him in the chest. I do agree with the old weapons remaining top dog, though. I don't even pick up the Ruger or Amphibia. I might pick up a CR75 or 1911, but the odds of you finding a magazine for either of them generally makes them a waste of inventory space. As for the melee weapons, they're basically just different skins of the ones that already exist; scythe = machete/ma-shitty, pitchfork/garden hoe = splitting axe. Potatoes made this patch worth it.
  13. Grimey Rick

    I was killed by zombies

    Actually you were referring to specific people: "PvPers". The average PvPer is much better suited to survive than your average "survivor" who just sits in the woods twiddling his thumbs, sometimes sauntering into a deserted town. People who actively PvP in DayZ can balance stalking/being stalked, tactical positioning as well as taking down multiple intelligent enemies; I'm not talking running into a few zombies in Vybor on your 6 o'clock in the morning loot run and taking them out with a few swings of your fire axe. Your average PvPer also has more than enough bandages, saline bags, morphine and anything else needed to survive being wounded, as wounds are much more prevalent when dealing with actual human beings. The zombies have always been a joke and will remain so until they're properly implemented. The current patch has made the current state of zombies in this game deplorable. They're not hard, they're just annoying. They ruin PvP encounters, basically turning them into a cat and mouse game of who's going to shoot first and reveal their position. If anything, they break the game as they're basically a free wallhack.
  14. Grimey Rick

    Oh my..

  15. Grimey Rick

    I was killed by zombies

    I'm all for harder zombies. What I'm not all for: Zombies that spawn out of thin air (DayZ strives for realism in most every way. This seems counter-productive. At least add some corpses here and there that might rise up if disturbed)Zombies can still walk through walls (Combined with a potentially infinite spawn rate, this is bad design regardless of whether or not they have finally assigned a team to this specific issue)Zombies will now follow you up most sets of stairs, physically blocking you in a hallway leaving you to wrestle with the newly implemented even clunkier melee systemZombies will also spawn when melee weapons are used, not just guns. (I was forced to contend with a dozen or more zombies simply wielding my axe in Balota earlier. They just kept coming)I'd rather they be faster or hit harder than the current implementation. I really like the idea of zombie hordes, I've even suggested it here before. At this point though, I rescind that statement. :3
  16. Grimey Rick

    I died...

  17. Grimey Rick

    I died...

    I'm willing to bet more of us dislike dipshits that like to post pointless prick comments aimed at a guy who was telling a somewhat amusing story.
  18. Grimey Rick

    Where is everyone?

    Here's the best MOTD yet: I've reported this server a half dozen times over the past couple of weeks, and it's still up. I've given up on reporting.
  19. Grimey Rick

    Zombie spawning

    Opinion. Ultimatum. It was AN opinion. An opinion can be of praise or a complaint. You're nitpicking, which is common around here. Congratulations, you're one of the gang now. EDIT: Also, read this.
  20. I've got 520 hours logged in the standalone at this point, but I'm getting pretty bored with the current lack of content. I've never tried the mod. I don't have any friends that have the mod. I'd be playing 100% solo for the time being. I'm slightly torn as I already own Arma 3 and haven't really played it very much due to being so loyal to the standalone for the last few months, and feel like I should invest some time into it, but, eh... What would y'all recommend?
  21. Grimey Rick

    Zombie spawning

    You're probably right. I'll miss you every second of every day. *sorrowful wave*
  22. Grimey Rick

    Zombie spawning

    I think I've logged enough time in-game and on the forums to share my opinion.
  23. I've never seen a ruined gun on a victim unless it was in his bags. If you shoot someone in the head it generally ruins their glasses, mask and hat, and sometimes their shirt/jacket (for some reason), but rarely their pants or backpack. I'm not interested in what a guy has in his pants or shirt anyway; any smart player keeps his goodies in his backpack (usually near the bottom).
  24. Grimey Rick

    Standalone Priorities - The Big One

    @OP: I completely agree. You'd think fixing the core mechanics of the game would be top priority. Once the fundamentals are working smoothly, then add new content. Iron out the bugs the new content brings, then add more. I don't see the point in adding everything in a clusterfuck and then figuring out all the bugs at once. Fixing them as they crop up makes much more sense.
  25. Grimey Rick

    Zombie spawning

    You summed up my thoughts exactly. An infinite amount of zombies spawning out of thin air is ridiculous. I played the game for about three hours before quitting. I'm not going to play until they fix the zombies; there are too many good games I've been neglecting lately. I'm not going to play a game that pisses me off moments after logging in.