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Grimey Rick

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Everything posted by Grimey Rick

  1. Grimey Rick

    Concerned about the Sawn Off

    Slightly off-topic, but I had a somewhat similar experience last night in the ATC at NWAF. I had a Mosin and a Magnum and was being a little jerk on top of the ATC since you can now shoot out of the windows, not just in. I saw a guy approaching the ATC with an M4A1 and went into OSHIT mode -- that's never a good thing when you have a Magnum! I ran down the topmost flight of stairs and dug myself in at the bottom, watching the other staircase. As he came up, I could just see the top of his head and put two Magnum rounds into his head. He died. I then fell unconscious. This was doubly annoying for me as he was still rasping and breathing hard from his run into the ATC. A friend came to revive me (yay for saline bags working again!), and upon coming to, ALL of my gear was still pristine, as if he hadn't hit me. I knew that I had been hit because I had heard a shot from the M4 and because I had lost blood. It took me a while to get back to healthy status. All of his gear was fine except for his glasses, beret and gas mask. They were ruined. This is currently the most annoying issue in the game for me; I don't even know how many times I've died or been knocked unconscious while taking someone else with me where they should've been dead before they were even able to get a shot off.
  2. Grimey Rick

    Pistols too inaccurate as well as m4?!

    I was born in Québec. My native language is French.
  3. Grimey Rick

    payday 2 M4 and weapons compared to dayz

    Give him a while to search Google in a panicked state.
  4. Grimey Rick

    Cannot find morphine/sticks after patch

    That's true. I had forgotten about the new infirmaries. I've noticed that the pub buildings no longer spawn loot in the room with the large cupboard. I wonder if this has to do with the implementation of said infirmaries, as I've often found morphine/epinephrine/saline there.
  5. Grimey Rick

    Pistols too inaccurate as well as m4?!

    Yeah, I get "their reasoning". Do you work there? They can create a plethora of clothes and other useless items; that doesn't mean they have to be the highlight of every patch. I'd like to see some actual optimizations, rather than game-breaking lag/rendering issues every patch day. If you don't have enough staff to keep the optimizations coming, then swap out some of the people creating clothes, sewing kits and nonsensically labeled cans of food and hire more programmers to deal with the influx of issues.
  6. Grimey Rick

    new patch fps

    It's obviously not a global issue, as swapping DayZ to my RAID 0 SSD array did not increase my frames at all. I had initially installed it on a RAID 0 array of two 1TB/7,200RPM/64MB cache hard drives; the only thing it affected was load times. As a matter of fact, the next time I format I'm going to put DayZ back on the HDD array.
  7. Grimey Rick

    Cannot find morphine/sticks after patch

    I wouldn't say the spawns rate of either item has been changed. I have a first-aid kit full of morphine. They also fixed the saline bags since they broke them last week, so I'm now carrying two of those as well.
  8. Grimey Rick

    Pistols too inaccurate as well as m4?!

    The same reason they're aware of the horrible optimization that plagues, y'know, the entire game. Then they add new clothes. Their priorities are straight.
  9. Grimey Rick

    Almost 700 hours in.. and...

    Glad to see we're the same the world over. (; Where have you been lately, sir?
  10. Grimey Rick

    Almost 700 hours in.. and...

    Just like, take a picture of your butler or something. Upload and post it here. P.S: A picture of your multiple Lamborghinis would also suffice.
  11. Grimey Rick

    Almost 700 hours in.. and...

  12. Grimey Rick

    Almost 700 hours in.. and...

    Not to start a flame war, but in my defense I was posting my average earnings and sexual encounters in reply to Mr. Super Doctor who seems to think anyone who games more than the accepted norm is a social reject. But honestly, for you to claim net earnings of $250,000,000 a year (half a billion gross, half of gross going to "expenditure") would require some level of proof to be taken seriously. EDIT: Wait, you're from Brazil. Drugs, 'nuff said. I've heard rumors of the cartels playing a lot of DayZ.
  13. Grimey Rick

    Almost 700 hours in.. and...

    LOL Thanks, that made my day.
  14. Grimey Rick

    Almost 700 hours in.. and...

    EDIT: fix't
  15. Okay, :beans: for you for going through the effort of posting that. I was aware of it, but I still appreciate it. However, I'm wondering if it's been commented on by a developer WHY it was removed and IF it's going to be reinstated. Y'know, maybe there was a bug that made them remove the combination, etc. The gas mask and ballistic helmet combination actually made sense. I realize there was some clipping, but there was far less clipping than, say, with a Dallas Mask and a cowboy hat which is currently still possible in-game.
  16. Grimey Rick

    Almost 700 hours in.. and...

    I've got 643 hours logged as of right now, and I didn't even get the game until mid-January. I've been off work for the last two months (I start up again the first of April). I work in the oil industry running a crane 6 months of the year making roughly $250,000. I have a wife (who also plays DayZ), four kids (two of whom play DayZ) and I still have sex on a very regular basis. (; I get up, make breakfast, talk to the wife as she gets ready for work (she's a nurse), get the kids off to school, work out for 45-60 minutes in one of my three garages which is set up as a gym, then I game the rest of the day. Kids get home, I get them something to eat, wife gets home, we usually make supper together, socialize, get the kids off to bed after homework, I slip the wife the ol' one eye, she goes to bed, I play some more DayZ. I don't normally articulate my every fucking move but posts like these make me want to break the guy's fingers who posted it. Not every situation where video games are played requires virgin status.
  17. I'm aware you can't, I'm more interested on whether or not the reason for removal was commented on and whether or not it's temporary or permanent.
  18. Grimey Rick

    Advanced Starter Kit

    That's debatable. Camping a house along the shore between Kamyshovo and Berezino killing every bambi I saw resulted in them eventually amassing at the front door attempting to rush me and punch me to death. They never got me, but they came close. Much fun was had. So many corpses!
  19. A little off-topic, but I'd love to see P.E.T.A.'s reaction to us having to "put our horses down" if/when heavy enough injury warranted such actions. After Assassin's Creed IV's debacle with whale harpooning, I'd almost pay to see the reaction of their C.E.O.
  20. Grimey Rick

    Almost 700 hours in.. and...

    Never. ACOG M4 + MP parts trumps Mosin in 9 situations out of 10. The Mosin is great, but the M4A1 with the ability to shoot to (potentially 700, realistically 400) metres is beast.
  21. It is a survival game, but the loot is going to reset every 4-6 hours. That's a lot of expended energy for such little (if any) gain.
  22. Grimey Rick

    Picked an ammo box off a dead guy

    Center your signature.
  23. Grimey Rick

    Ballistic Helmets wont Fit in my Head!

    I like you. You have imagination, a sense of style, and you play at night when everyone else is too busy whining about how broken it is. You'll go far around here, kid. *encouraging chin jab*
  24. Grimey Rick

    It's too easy to get guns

    I think what's really gamebreaking is that the OP and many others want guns to be virtually impossible to attain. If that was the case, the one guy on the server with an M4A1 is going to ravage the entire countryside only having to fend off people throwing rocks at him and maybe some arrows. Someone linked some statistics in another thread pertaining to the amount of gun owners in Russia and surrounding countries and it was literally jaw-dropping. There would literally be a gun in every second house in Chernarus+ if said statistics were even remotely accurate. I think the game would be fine if there were more pistols and fewer assault rifles, but that's just me.