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Grimey Rick

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Everything posted by Grimey Rick

  1. To be brutally honest, ARMA 3 sucks. We all own it, and none of us overly enjoys it. We all like DayZ, so we've decided to have our own little quarantined PVP battles with like-minded teams. What do you care? It doesn't matter if you understand it or not. This thread isn't about how we like to play DayZ. This thread is asking a simple question: Do you like the current implementation of zombies? To those complaining about the question, I don't think it needs multiple poll options; it's either yes or no.
  2. I'm going to type this all in caps so that maybe you and anyone else who doesn't quite understand the point I've been attempting to drive home: WE WANT MORE ZOMBIES. WE WANT THEM TO POSE A THREAT. WE WANT EVERYTHING YOU PEOPLE SEEM TO WANT, WE JUST DON'T LIKE HOW THEY WERE LAZILY IMPLEMENTED LAST PATCH. THEY APPEAR OUT OF NOWHERE IN POTENTIALLY UNLIMITED NUMBERS. THAT IS AGGRAVATING AS HELL WHETHER YOU'RE PVPING OR JUST RUNNING AROUND GATHERING SUPPLIES. ALL I AM ASKING IS WHETHER OR NOT PEOPLE LIKE/THINK THE CURRENT IMPLEMENTATION WAS A GOOD IDEA. I'M NOT ASKING WHAT YOU'LL THINK OF THEM IN SIX MONTHS. I'M ASKING YOU WHAT YOU THINK OF THEM NOW. Does that clear it up a little? EDIT: Obviously you didn't read the fucking thread, either. When did I fucking mention shooting fucking bambies? We don't fucking shoot fucking bambies. We don't fucking PVP in Elektro. We don't fucking PVP in Cherno. We don't fucking PVP outside of our own little bubble. So kindly fuck the fuck off.
  3. Wow, these kids are mad because me and my friends participate in quarantined PVP sessions with other clans. You're hilarious. These same people are undoubtedly the same people occupying the hills of Elektrozavodsk every night on full servers after their six hour shifts working drive-thru at McDick's. It's okay little cutie, keep picking the crusty Rocket residue out of your pom-poms. Maybe you'll get an autograph someday. Also, we PVP on Hardcore as was stated earlier. The next time you feel like sticking your finger into the stinky chasm that is an already established thread, try reading the posts contained therein beforehand.
  4. Hi. When have I suggested the game should be changed to "cater" to my needs? I gave several examples throughout the thread as to how annoying they are in many situations. Furthermore, I'm concerned that such a blanket fix is indicative of what's to come with future development. Making zombies appear out of thin air in potentially infinite numbers is not the way to appease those complaining about zombie AI. Now we're in the same situation we were in before, multiplied by 99,111. All of this could have easily been sorted out on the experimental servers when the newly added team devoted to this very issue has implemented a more realistic approach to fixing zombies. Also, sandbox games enable players to interact with the environment in whatever way they feel (barring racism, etc). This is just one example of what we enjoy doing and how the last patch has temporarily broken what we like most about the game in its current state. I can't think of one situation that the current zombies improve. They're completely random, can spawn anywhere in your vicinity, and still chase you through walls, thus eliminating several of the most important elements of this game: stealth, planning and tactics. Regards.
  5. Grimey Rick

    Bipods working?

    Technically they are, yes. In the game though, you'll get a fracture and still be able to aim fairly well. After going untreated, you'll eventually see "my arm is broken" and then your aim is toast.
  6. Grimey Rick

    Bipods working?

    As others have said, your arm is broken. It's shaking too much to be a fracture.
  7. Who cares what they're like in six months? This thread pertains to what they're like NOW. And I'm the one suffering from an inability to read. Stop trying to give advice to people who don't need it. The whole point of an alpha is to give feedback, which is what we're doing. Bohemia doesn't need you to defend them. Obviously you're happy with buggy, poorly implemented zombies. They don't emulate zombie hordes, either. To those claiming that: lol. Most people aren't cool with bandaging, or drinking, or eating somewhere safe after killing ten zombies with their axe only to have one appear right on top of them, knocking them unconscious while they're defenseless. If they want to fix zombies, develop an actual fix before releasing it. This isn't progression, it's regression.
  8. Because there will never be that many zombies in an area. Look at the engine. It wouldn't support the pathing. RV4 can't support it, so how would a tweaked RV3? Also, even if it were 100 zombies in an area, a fireman's axe combined with some strafing would result in the player still standing and going about his business. I like the zombies in State of Decay. They can actually be difficult if too many get too close to you. In DayZ they kind of stumble and bounce off of each other. /wants State of Decay zombies
  9. here u can haz some of minez
  10. DayZ fits, we're just amazed at what the final decision was to make zombies relevant. I've only mentioned my playtime so people don't think I'm some new player who's expressing his distaste with something he doesn't fully understand. Also, when have I ever tried to push my playstyle on others? Quote me, if you would. I'm the one defending my playstyle against a horde of people who shun PVP. When DayZ is finished, I will go back to my bandit one day, hero the next playstyle. Until then, this game is very limited so we do what we can to get the most out of it. We're not killing anyone but ourselves, lol. We have our battles on low population servers in remote towns. When I play on experimental, I generally run around stalking people and whispering to them through my mic. I don't just PVP, that's just what I do when all my buddies are online. I still hold people up, I still defend people at times, and sometimes I just observe other people interacting like a deranged pervert. (; I very much enjoy this game, truly. It's the most fun I've had in any video game. I have faith the team will get it to where it needs to be, but the thought of them fucking it up due to Bohemia's influence sometimes gives me nightmares. (;
  11. My response has been all over this thread. The current implementation of UNLIMITED ZOMBIES spawning out of THIN AIR is stupid. What it all boils down to is you kids telling others they can't PVP in a game with military loot and guns. I'm willing to bet most of you are victims of KOS and your asses are still chafed. If you're going to fuck with the core of the game, either wait until you're able to do it right, or leave it alone. I'm not quitting, we're just playing less because it's not nearly as fun. It's annoying. Bring on the zombies. We'd love to be able to incorporate them into our field strategies on the fly, but you can't because they spawn randomly in perhaps the dumbest blanket fix ever. Wizard zombies ftw. This thread isn't about what they will be, it's about what they are now. By the looks of the poll, more people think they're annoying than those who enjoy randomly spawning/unrealistic zombies. P.S: You've got Rocket residue in your pom-poms.
  12. Last I checked, there were no rules enforced in this game besides blatant griefing and racism. 1/10
  13. Zombies aren't and won't be a primary threat. They're always going to be something to think about and consider when you're debating on whether or not you want to risk ambushing three people for their supplies. You guys would defend this game if they decided to add condoms as fucking earmuffs. Holy cheerleaders, Batman!
  14. Yeah, I'll get it changed. I think a mod has to do it. Also, some people can't comprehend that there are other things to do in DayZ besides run around trying to make their friends list longer by sharing beans with everyone. Been there, done that, moved on. 700 hours in, I find it necessary to make my own fun in this SANDBOX. There's no correct way to play; they attempt to force their play styles on others by acting like cheerleaders for Bohemia in any thread that complains about an aspect of the game, legitimate or not.
  15. Everything you've brought up has been addressed in my other posts since this thread started. The only thing I'm going to comment on is that if anything, people are MORE likely to sit in a two story building in a city now because they can completely avoid zombies whilst shooting other people. Like I've said several times now, I'm all for zombies. Just do them right. Half assing one of the most integral parts of the game (even as an alpha) is just dumb. A team has just been hired to properly implement the zombies; why not just wait until they came up with something tangible that didn't involve them randomly appearing. If the current zombies were showcased in a film, everyone would be dead as they'd have no way of planning their moves, sneaking around them, or preparing for them. They'd just appear beside them and eat their faces.
  16. Grimey Rick

    What has the standalone become ?

    Literally my last dozen deaths while messing around on Regular have been due to cheaters shooting me through walls. I just PVP on Regular, so I'm kind of expecting to die at some point, but I've been killed through the school walls, hospital walls, ATC walls, jail walls, etc. The list goes on and on. At this point it's almost hilarious. One of the selling features of this game (for me at least) was the promise of cheating being stamped out. I guess we'll chalk that up to "LOL ALFER" as well. :T Also, on any given evening in Elektro, it's like a Dragonball Z episode:
  17. Y'know, before you mentioned complete removal of zombies, I'd never really considered that. This game would be pretty tight without them. We could play the whole plague card similar to what's being put out there now, only you don't come back as a zombie, you just die. You'd still have skirmishes, contested areas, desirable loot. It'd actually be pretty sweet.
  18. @OP: How dare you suggest something on these forums? Don't you know you're dealing with the most crotchety, poisonous gaming community of them all? Negativity is all you will find here. Whatever the developers release is pure gold to these people; if you dare complain about it or object to anything, you're a blasphemous heretic! It's almost as if DayZ has become a religion to these little zealots.
  19. Says the nut-hugging tryhard who undoubtedly has GayZ tattooed on his inner thigh.
  20. No, we want to have planned matches and not be bothered by unlimited waves of infected. Also, we don't "camp". I've explained everything in great detail in my previous posts if you'd bother to read them before posting like a blatant dipshit. Read the fucking thread. EDIT: P.S: If you want to become a grammar nazi, you may want to peruse your post history. Your sentence structure isn't exactly top notch, broski.
  21. Has nothing to do with the current changes to zombies being annoying/unrealistic/more broken than they were before. Another failed flame. Thanks though.
  22. I don't even know who you are, or what point you're trying to make. You're mad because people camp? You're mad because people you've never played with and who have no desire of ever playing with you decide to organize their own 5v5 matches? You're mad because why, exactly? You're obviously looking to instigate an argument. Your comments provide no substance to this conversation. This game is played like a tactical shooter. It's a first-person shooter, per se, but people don't run around like Quake performing 180º headshots on their enemies. It's a game that requires actual planning and execution. Sometimes that involves rushing. Sometimes that involves baiting. Sometimes that involves camping and waiting for your opponent to make a mistake. Again, nothing we're doing has any bearing on you whatsoever, so what's your fucking point? If you're mad, go cut yourself or something. Also, when could you ever "empty a 40 round clip, move two feet to the left and shoot for another sixty seconds before worrying about moving again"? Zombies were always attracted to noise and would run up to you with arms flailing. Once they were on you, you didn't have more than a few seconds to shoot before they were on you again. So how in the actual fuck does your example lend any credibility whatsoever to whatever point you're trying to make here? EDIT: Dumbass.
  23. Zombies aren't hard, they're annoying. :)
  24. I think helicopters and planes are a pretty stupid idea, considering the circumstances. Small two-seater training helicopters can burn 9 to 16 gallons of fuel an hour. Yeah, that sounds totally attainable in a fucking zombie apocalypse. That's not even taking into consideration maintenance. #DARMAyZ