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Grimey Rick

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Everything posted by Grimey Rick

  1. Grimey Rick

    Frustrated by a strange PC problem

    Do you happen to have the BSOD STOP code? That'd be the most helpful way to diagnose it. If you've already run Memtest (for a minimum of twelve hours) and that checked out, I'd have to suggest it being the RAM on the GPU. Without knowing any of her computer specifications, it's kind of hard to check into potential issues that may be hardware related. EDIT: Also, as someone else has pointed out, formatting Windows is probably the easiest way to rule out software. Windows should normally be installed in its own allocated space for situations like this where it can be removed and installed quickly and painlessly. I can format and update in roughly an hour in so doing.
  2. Grimey Rick

    Which ssd ?

    Always, always, always go Samsung or Intel when it comes to SSDs. I've personally used Samsung, Intel, Corsair and OCZ and I've had by far the fewest issues with Samsung and Intel.
  3. Grimey Rick

    How to get to the signs in cherno ?

  4. I like games left in their original state. I can't think of one modified game I've enjoyed. But, people will go wherever they can get guns and vehicles faster, so as soon as someone releases... DAYZ:SA US#1 | SELF-BLOODBAG | VEHICLE ON SPAWN | INDESTRUCTIBLE BASES | FAST BUILD | SUBSCRIBERS PERKS ...the game we've all come to love on one level or another will slowly bleed to death and die. :T
  5. ITT: Server hopping OP kills server hopper. Posts on forums to brag.
  6. Grimey Rick

    What has the standalone become ?

    That's a broad statement. All we really have the freedom to do is to decide whether or not we want to shoot people in the face as soon as we see them, torture them, let them go, or become their friend/ally. Human nature is generally jealous, vengeful, cowardly and greedy. That's the real reason KOS exists. Like a guy above me said, if there's no game mechanic to combat these human traits, putting us all into a game where we have complete freedom to blast whomever we like must be intended game mechanics. #GriefZ
  7. Grimey Rick

    DayZ makes me feel sick

    Only when playing DayZ and Dead Island? I think the diagnosis is quite obvious, then. You're allergic to zombies.
  8. Hold on, let me call Blizzard and Rockstar real quick. I'll ask them.
  9. Grimey Rick

    Want to prolong your pvp action

    Read the little tidbit of information above his forum avatar. (;
  10. The fact that we even have to pay for this alpha is funny enough without doubling the current price Subscription-based services? No thanks. Raising the price of a game will never, ever deter cheaters. Ever.
  11. Grimey Rick

    What has the standalone become ?

    The decisions are made by the players, yes, but the current lack of any sort of consequence to KOS is why they do it. You can take people from any walk of life, put them into a game like DayZ, and most of them will KOS. It's fun, it's somewhat of a stress relief (shoot some random instead of your boss, wife, etc.), and there's no penalty besides a few ruined pieces of gear on the guy you just blasted. Add me on Steam if you want to see some. We'll venture into a few full servers tonight, and head to Elektro! Grimey Rick (;
  12. I feel like the quote for that picture should be: "I'VE ARRIVED ALL YOUR NOMS ARE MINE NOW."
  13. Grimey Rick

    What has the standalone become ?

    This. I've attempted to say it before, but my temper prevents my dildettes from putting it this eloquently.
  14. Grimey Rick

    I Actually like The Kick They Gave The Mosin

    I completely agree. If someone is stalking you with an M4A1 and you're only equipped with a Magnum, you should feel fear and consider your chances of survival extremely minimal.
  15. Grimey Rick

    What has the standalone become ?

    That guy was blatantly cheating. That is what Elektro PVP has become. Also, Frankie doesn't KOS much. I haven't seen too many videos where he actively does. Even in airfields I've seen him at least wait to gauge a player's intent before shooting. I'll agree Frankie seems to give zero fucks about the standalone, but that's his choice. If kids watching his videos take it as gospel, did we really want them playing anyway? As far as the hacker killing him, he was watching the corner with a long range scope... unless the person with the Mosin was completely brain dead, if he's already watching the corner with a scope, there's almost no chance of someone successfully peeking the corner with a Magnum from the 20 metres or so it was and coming out victorious. EDIT: Confused my piques... peaks... peeks.
  16. I gotta say, playing DayZero and DayZ Epoch lately has really made me realize how shitty the standalone is. It has potential, but we'll have to wait and see what happens. Frankie hit the nail on the head in his last video.
  17. Grimey Rick


    That says a lot about the game so far.
  18. Grimey Rick

    Ethnic Discriminations

    I'm probably going to hell for this, but Lizzie is going to be hot as fuck when she's 25. @OP: I'm sure they were just messing with you.
  19. This is 50% rant, 50% wondering what other people think of the current zombie implementation. Ever since they changed the zombies last patch, this game has become way less entertaining than it was for me and my friends. We all have almost 700 hours logged, but this week we've only played once. I've read a lot about people praising the recent changes made to the zombies, but I haven't really seen any sensible reasons why. What good reason do people have for enjoying the current clusterfuck that are zombies in DayZ? A potentially unlimited stream of zombies that can run through walls is so dumb I can't even begin to express my frustration. They ruin PVP. Like, completely. PVP has become arduously obnoxious as everyone is forced to play the waiting game. Whoever shoots first generally loses as they're stuck fending off a ridiculous amount of zombies that apparently appear out of thin air, while you can sit back and laugh as you pop off shots at them. Don't bother shooting them, because an unlimited horde of their brothers and sisters will join the parade, further damning you and your companions. Like, I fully understand a few zombies awakening here and there due to proximity noise. That'd actually be cool and add to the atmosphere. You'd have to watch for corpses, step around them, move away from them, and plan your shots. It'd actually add another element to tactical decisions made during PVP encounters. Instead, we get this blanket fix because a few people were whining about how bad zombies were so far. I've also read that the zombie AI was going to be one of the last things worked on before the beta hits. I always believed that to be true, as before this patch zombies were just kind of an annoyance. As they are now, they're enough to make me want to my keyboard. They're not hard. They're not scary. They're just ANNOYING. P.S: Yeah, I know it's an alpha. But before this patch, it was a fun alpha that me and many people I know logged a fuckton of hours on. Now it's like, sweet, Final Fantasy VII is on sale on Steam for $3.99.
  20. Someone please make this kid a moderator already. I think he's put in his fair share of nut-huggery, let him catch a break.
  21. I'll stop using the F word when people read pertinent information contained in threads that already addresses/answers the points/questions they make/pose. I'm not forcing my views on anyone, broski. I've asked a question, been flamed for daring to PVP with my friends in a game with guns and camouflage gear that's based on a gaming engine designed to replicate war, and defended myself over, and over, and over. I fail to see how that's "berating those who don't give me the answer I'm looking for". If they have an opinion, they're more than welcome to make it. However, if they start their post with something along the lines of, "LOL THIS ISN'T A PVP GAME YOU MAD YOU CAN'T CAMP IN ELEKTRO ANYMORE TROLOLOL", then yeah, I'm going to tell them what's up.
  22. Good question! I think it's because I'm still in shock. I still remember signing on with my buddy Nes after the patch the other day: our first reaction was: "Holy shit! These new zombies are fucking awesome! They're fast and relentless! Wait... do they just keep appearing on your screen? Seriously? Dude, I just axed like ten of them, and they're still appearing all around me. What the fuck? Wow... lame. Okay, I think we killed them all, let's keep moving. *sigh* Nope, there's another one that just appeared right beside me. *pulls out axe for the third time in under a minute* Okay, got him. *pulls out gun again* OH MY FUCKING GOD, SERIOUSLY?! ANOTHER ONE JUST APPEARED BESIDE ME. *puts gun away, pulls out axe, kills zombie, pulls out gun again, another zombie appears, pulls out axe, kills zombie, puts axe away, pulls out gun again* Y'know what? Fuck this. We can't even sneak past them. They somehow crank their necks around 180º and start chasing us. BEST PATCH EVER." Nes then proceeded to hit the nail on the head by saying, "Worst. Zombie. Fix. Ever." Our initial excitement lasted about thirty seconds until zombies started randomly appearing everywhere. So, to answer your question, I guess I just wanted to validate our opinion on the current patch. Wow, very well written. Would read again. 10/10!
  23. Grimey Rick

    200 hours: done everything. can't play solo anymore.

    lol @ all the ppl telling teh guy how to play teh game wehn all he wnats is 2 quit fkn crazy man lolol
  24. Grimey Rick

    So much unnecessary divisiveness over game modes

    Dude, it's a losing battle. The true zombies of DayZ are the ones lurking the forums. Yay, you've won the thread. Everything else besides the above post needn't be read because this fine gentleman has solved the puzzle.