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Grimey Rick

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Everything posted by Grimey Rick

  1. Grimey Rick

    You know what really grinds my gears...

    I read somewhere that is was just meant as a joke and they'll be changed back eventually.
  2. Grimey Rick

    how to win more gunfights in forests

    Unfortunately the best way of winning a gunfight in a forest is by turning all of your settings to Very Low and being aggressive. This is how people are seeing you in most cases, by having their Terrain and Object Detail set to the lowest setting. Other than that, there's not a whole lot else you can do. Being passive will most often get you killed, as when you're sitting in a bush waiting for someone, you lose the edge as trees don't actually provide any cover and your vision is impaired. Most importantly, be aggressive.
  3. ...I decided to turn my back on a guy after playing with him for about three hours. We literally ran 3/4 of the map from NWAF, to SWAF, to Elektro, to Berezino, and finally to NEAF. After getting to NEAF and finding it already looted, I had to go take a piss. I let him know and hadn't even stood up from my chair when I saw, "You are dead". I normally help new spawns (even though nobody is truly new at this point of the game) but I don't usually hang around them long enough to even consider turning my back on them. This guy seemed pretty cool; he told me about his family and job, where he was from, etc. I used to KOS everyone I came across, but never would I do something so low. It makes me wonder what makes people tick. To see someone and shoot them on sight is one thing, but to roll with them for a few hours partaking in conversation for the entirety of the trip only to finally kill them when he is going AFK has to be the pinnacle of sleaze. I think I may go on another KOS rip. Has this ever happened to you?
  4. Grimey Rick

    Can Nothing be done about MetaGaming in Dayz?

    You never could see in pitch black when the moon isn't out. The gamma "exploit" only works when there is already a source of light that you can exaggerate by maximizing your settings. You can still peek through walls in Hardcore too, sometimes more easily than when in 3PP. I'm glad to hear it's still an active issue with development, though. As far as third-party VoIP programs, deal with it. This has been beaten to death and they're not going anywhere. If they disabled VoIP programs from being run while in DayZ, my wife and I would still be able to communicate with one another as we're in the same room. What's next, forcing me to renovate my house and provide pictures of said renovation before I can accept DayZ's EULA? Let's not forget that Steam also has a built-in VoIP program that is arguably just as good as Skype.
  5. It doesn't matter whether or not it's behind a monitor, you can still figure out what kind of a person someone is by the way they act in an environment with no consequences. If someone cheats in a card game, you can tell pretty quickly what kind of a person they are as well.
  6. Grimey Rick

    Run faster with fire axe in hand?

    You run slower with an axe equipped than without a weapon equipped.
  7. This has been discussed here before at some length. My favorite idea would be "stripping" a gun and putting it into your backpack. This action would take ten or so seconds during which time you'd be completely vulnerable. I think that would be fair. I don't like the idea of swapping the axe for another gun as that would be fairly overpowered. I think that if you're going to reap the benefit of carrying two main weapons, there needs to be some sort of sacrifice to that which the ten seconds of vulnerability covers nicely.
  8. Grimey Rick

    Why random sound bytes/files?

    It is, I read somewhere that when the server has a lot of people on it, you hear these noises because the server can't squelch them fast enough or something. That's what I've always gone with. Maybe it's an optimization thing? You always seems to hear half of whatever noise it is you're hearing. That's how I tell them apart. I don't know how many times I've been playing with my beautiful wife only to reassure her every ten seconds there are no zombies around us. "But I heard one!" "It's just a glitch, dear." "OMG SOMEONE JUST RELOADED!!!" "Yes dear, but they're nowhere near us. We're in the middle of the forest." "But I heard it! You're a jackass." "Yes, dear."
  9. Grimey Rick

    Why is there still a crosshair ?

    I've tested it while using a Mosin. It's actually surprisingly accurate once you get used to the fact that the reticle isn't 100% centered. It's a ghetto PU Scope.
  10. Because I was laying prone in the upstairs room of the jail closest to Krasnostav. A sniper can't hit you there; I went prone for that very reason. Also, I heard him call me a "faggot" and laugh. See above. I don't follow. EDIT: Do you mean the Berezino thread? Yeah, that wasn't me. We were playing on stable and I died in NEAF.
  11. Yeah, I know what you mean. This guy was chill the entire time. He even took several breaks where I covered him during our trip.
  12. THANK YOU. Who the fuck wants to sit around and watch Sacriel stream, let alone some random kid? All Sacriel does is run around with his friends hoping to run into some random group of travelers and then treating the situation like he's up against some sort of elite tactical squad, when they're usually garbed in purple backpacks and orange raincoats. It's seriously fucking funny. *clueless player walks into barracks in NWAF, gets shot through window* Sacriel: "CONFIRMED KILL IN BARRACKS AT TETRIS: HEADSHOT. Man, my hands are sweating I'm so nervous." ...
  13. Grimey Rick

    Svetlojarsk and Elektrozavodosk

    Because Berezino.
  14. Grimey Rick

    "No message received..."

    I know very well that when a server restarts it'll display a "No message received..." message for 90 seconds. However, today, I've been getting this on every server so far after five or so minutes of game play. I'm not sure if anyone else has experienced this, but if you have, how did you fix it? This has never happened to me before so frequently and I'm 800 hours in. EDIT: To add to this, my wife's computer which is connected via wi-fi does not lose connection when I do on a wired connection. She is able to stay in the game without issue. When I disconnect, my internet still works fine.
  15. When you engage someone, claim you're friendly and attempt to bait them upstairs after taking several shots because "you were scared" and "are only on the airfield for loot": When all else fails, immediately restart your server: Thanks for the laughs Darkfear of =GB=. That's almost as bad as me and my buddy rollin' half a dozen guys from [TWD] in Elektrozavodsk in a failed rush, only to have them restart their server, too. :T If this is better suited to the gallery, my apologies. If a moderator deems it a terrible thread (which it is), feel free to straight up delete it. <3
  16. Agreed! But when I play on Regular you'd better be damned sure I'm 'sploitin' as hard as the rest of 'em, yo.
  17. Grimey Rick

    Anyone getting bored of Standalone?

    Yes. That one is called PixelVision.
  18. I'm on another KOS streak now. It's just so fun, especially when they beg for their lives. ;3
  19. Grimey Rick

    Anyone getting bored of Standalone?

    Meh, I believe you, I just rarely find people with more played time than me:
  20. Grimey Rick

    Anyone getting bored of Standalone?

    My next question would be: how?! Followed by: why?!
  21. Grimey Rick

    Anyone getting bored of Standalone?

    pix plz
  22. Grimey Rick

    Regaining blood is way too hard

    Making a rant post on the day you started is obviously the best way to go about discovering core game mechanics. /facepalm This is the reason games fail.