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Grimey Rick

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Everything posted by Grimey Rick

  1. Grimey Rick

    Thread in defense of banditry

    If I had posted this, I'd get flamed. Haha.
  2. Grimey Rick

    So why was the axe nerfed?

    Yeah, I've just been punching them. I don't bother with melee weapons.
  3. Grimey Rick

    Who likes the login timer?

    Yeah, 500 seconds is stupid, I don't care what your reasoning is. I thought they were making it so that if you disconnect from a server and go to rejoin, you wouldn't suffer from the timer, but alas, you still do, and it's a crock of shit.
  4. Topic. Was just in a firefight with two guys and had them pinned down. One was injured and I was just waiting them out. The server resets, so I reconnect only to stare at "Wait for host" for thirty seconds, then "Please wait..." for another thirty. At this point I'm facepalming SO HARD and trying to abort the connection only to finally load in and watch my character become riddled with bullets. So yeah, why does it sometimes take so long to reconnect to a server? -_-"
  5. Grimey Rick

    Do you want pooping in this game?

    This. If you want realism, then splints aren't going to heal a broken limb. Morphine won't heal a broken limb. You won't regenerate half your body's blood in ten minutes. You won't be able to run for hours without rest. You won't be able to get shot, heal up in five minutes, get shot again, heal up in five minutes, get shot again, etc. The realism card is getting really weak. It's a video game, for Christ's sake. I want realism/authenticity scattered here and there, but I don't want a repeat of my life with zombies.
  6. Grimey Rick

    Digestive System?

    It's a video game about zombies. Adding the necessity to piss and shit opens the door to a plethora of aggravation and juvenile harassment. There's more to making a video game than striving to make everything as realistic as possible.
  7. Grimey Rick

    Reduce sway of bipodded weapon in prone

    While this may be true, the effort required in implementing it would be minimal and worthwhile.
  8. Grimey Rick

    bad patch is bad and slow and dumb

    The patch seems fine to me so far. I'm upset my character of a few weeks of playing 10 hours a day was reset, though. Oh well. #datalpha
  9. Said PC does not exist. Maybe Mikey J. will bring one Back From the Future.
  10. Grimey Rick

    Digestive System?

    The day I have to take a shit in DayZ is the day I uninstall it.
  11. Grimey Rick

    gg to SDA and ZNZ

    Night's broken, stop defending it MetapoliC.
  12. Grimey Rick

    The story of the house that moved.

    There are three of them; one outside the town, and two inside of it. They're taverns.
  13. Grimey Rick

    SSD smashing the fps in cities

    The ability to use more than 4GB of RAM. http://www.ghacks.net/2010/12/03/windows-7-32-bit-vs-64-bit/
  14. Grimey Rick

    SSD smashing the fps in cities

    I had DayZ installed on the HDD setup in my signature for about a month before swapping it to my SSD setup. I honestly did not notice an increase in frame rate at all. Granted, RAID 0 Caviar Blacks are considerably faster than standard HDDs, but not nearly as fast as my RAID 0 SSDs. I left it installed on my SSDs because the 8-10 second initial load of the game makes me happy.
  15. Grimey Rick

    In game video settings what do you use?

    With the computer in my signature I'm still getting 25-40 FPS in towns. We're doomed until they fix it. (;
  16. Grimey Rick

    Just sniped a h4x0r...

    ...and took his seemingly infinite supply of 5.56 ammo. If I keep these for some good ol' fashioned trolling fun until someone finally downs me, will BattlEye ban me?
  17. Grimey Rick

    Just sniped a h4x0r...

    Without turning this into a flame war, you're actually like a total pansy. It's a glitched item that I inquired about and have since gotten rid of. You're the one still going on about it like a cute little brown-noser. Also, anyone who complains about SINGLE PLAYER CHEATS is ridiculous. lel
  18. Grimey Rick

    Just sniped a h4x0r...

  19. Grimey Rick

    Just sniped a h4x0r...

    I don't understand the point of you linking a post I made in which I admitted to using five minute god mode in GTA 5 to acquire a tank in story mode (single player). I think you care way too much about cheating. Perhaps you'd care to come clean about something? (;
  20. Grimey Rick

    Just sniped a h4x0r...

    No, I don't. Never heard of you. I just thought it'd be funny to run through Berezino pointing my gun in the air and holding the trigger and see how people react, or something. Such a saint. Do you ever speed in your car? Do you smoke weed? In most areas those acts are illegal, but I bet you partake! I already dropped them in a bush, because as someone else mentioned, I didn't want them back in circulation.
  21. Grimey Rick

    Bolota scouting

    Just watch out for snipers up the hills behind the ATC, along the tree line between the runway and concrete wall, and the odd times you'll hear bullets land with no audible source. In this case, they're more than likely shooting at you from the rooftops of the apartments in Chapaevsk (the really tall buildings north of the airstrip).
  22. Grimey Rick

    LoL Opt out

    CS is most definitely twitch. (; As far as shots not registering, it's quite a piss off when you pop a handful of 5.56 rounds into someone to have them turn around, blast you with a shotgun, fall over dead, and then you yourself fall over unconscious. I live on a 22 acre property in northern Canada and I bet my neighbours were able to hear my rage 8 kilometres away.
  23. I was debating the dispersion more than the actual damage. The M4 remains the best gun to kill others with for more reasons than just its individual round damage. Three shots can be popped off in a second, dropping pretty much anyone in any circumstance. For people to say it's currently worse than the Mosin and Magnum is silly.
  24. It is if you use the Magpul parts. It's even great with the OE parts, to be honest. I fail to understand how it's a glorified pea-shooter when 2-3 shots to the chest drops someone. Testing with an ACOG and Magpul parts in semi-automatic keeps me almost bang on accurate at 400 metres. Again, I fail to understand how it's worse than the Magnum of all things. The Magnum is only useful if you're camping inside a building waiting for someone to rush you. After 20 metres, like I mentioned before, the dispersion is ridiculous.