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Grimey Rick

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Everything posted by Grimey Rick

  1. That sounds cool, maybe I'll do that sometime. I love the revolver. Right now I'm sporting an ashwood bow. I've been stalking people around the outskirts of Berezino as they travel to and from the airfield. I'm done going remotely near airfields until the next ban wave. =)
  2. Grimey Rick

    What dayz could have been without zombies

    LOL, DayZ a zombie survival game. They can label it as such until their fingers bleed, but it sure as hell ain't.
  3. Grimey Rick

    Crossbow Life

    You can use the BUIS, RV1, M68 and ACOG on the crossbow. I haven't tried the standard M4A1 carry handle, though.
  4. This is actually somewhat true. I've killed quite a few cheaters when they overextend themselves. My experience is that 90% of the time, they'll use a Mosin since it seems to have the ability to penetrate through certain walls. I've noticed that if you just put your gun away and fist-pump your ass out of wherever it is you're pinned down, they have a hard time hitting you. I am assuming there are no aim bots as I've never been hit while doing this. When I get a fair distance ahead of them, while still in the open, I'll pull a 180, bring out my gun and just go toe-to-toe with them. I find this strategy works the best against them as they have no way to take advantage of the fact that they can blast you through the wall. And like you said, they generally have really shitty aim. It's the times when you don't know they're there that pisses me off. My friends and I will pick a jail on an airfield and camp it to force some confrontation from time to time. We'll be sitting there shootin' the shit just waiting for someone to come along and BLAM!, one of us face plants. That's what pisses me off. :3
  5. As a final nail in the coffin, the rare 1911 spawned in a jail underneath the stairs in such a way that I cannot get to it. I've been there for twenty minutes trying to figure out a way to snag it. FML:
  6. Grimey Rick

    "Clear screen" Bug abuse?

    LOL. Win.
  7. Grimey Rick

    Small, meaningless, yet rare items

    I wasn't showcasing my gear, I was just showing pictures of the sexy engraved 1911... ;0
  8. Grimey Rick

    Would you want Persistent Bandages?

    I'm all for this, but wouldn't a bandage be under your pants? ;P
  9. Grimey Rick

    Small, meaningless, yet rare items

    *lifts skirt above his ankle*
  10. The binoculars never seem to focus with PP enabled. It's a blurry mess. Headache material for me. ;s The new iron sight zoom is awesome, but looking down the iron sights all of a sudden makes everything blurry -- even what you're aiming at. Your peripheral vision should be obstructed when aiming, especially at a distance, but it shouldn't be blurry everywhere. Ah well, PP makes the game prettier, but it currently puts you at a disadvantage for half a dozen reasons. Off it stays until I need to snap a screenshot. :3
  11. Grimey Rick

    This patch is littertly game breaking.

    Yeah, that's where I'm confused. I don't understand what they've changed that's forced them to implement this fix. I've never seen a thread on these forums about gear not loading correctly. Is this correlated to "character wipes" people sometimes complain about? Are they attempting to prevent that from happening anymore? I've been reading Rocket's posts on Reddit and I don't really understand what the sudden need for this timer is based on.
  12. Grimey Rick

    Thanks, random guy looting NEAF...

  13. Grimey Rick

    This patch is littertly game breaking.

    No I didn't; I don't really use Reddit much. However, that seems like a pretty ridiculous reason to add a timer to people who are playing the game within the boundaries of the rules. A three hour session on one server shouldn't result in having to wait five minutes when you decide to switch. Hopefully they fix that ASAP. EDIT: Now that I've read a few posts from that link, why exactly does it matter when someone enters a server? Whether it's getting right on another server or waiting five minutes, it's still going to impact performance. Do they trickle data onto the server as you sit there waiting for five minutes looking at a 95% black screen?
  14. Grimey Rick

    Crossbow damage

    I killed a geared fellow in Vybor today with one arrow to the chest. He mightn't have been healthy, but judging by his gear I'd be willing to bet he was. ACOG XBOW FTW
  15. Grimey Rick

    This patch is littertly game breaking.

    That's really stupid if that's what they did. Well I've spent enough money on her over the years and she made me suffer through a wedding, so I might as well use her proper title, eh? ;3 Nah, I wish... LEL JK =) I was also wondering that the other day... what is the reasoning behind removing the reloading noises upon logging in? If you're logged out somewhere safe with no ill intentions, the reload sounds didn't bother anyone. If someone is trying to ghost you, however, the reload sounds were the only thing saving your life.
  16. Grimey Rick

    This patch is littertly game breaking.

    I was just on a server for three hours with the wife. We ran from NEAF to NWAF to SWAF. We switched servers after three hours and were met with a 320 seconds timer. WTF?
  17. Grimey Rick

    Fun with Binoculars!

    Me, the wife and my buddy having some good ol' fashioned fun with the binoculars. And yes, we're in the wall. Deal with it. ;3 And lastly, here's one my buddy took of me being WALL-e. ;D Lookit dat snappeh dressah!
  18. Grimey Rick

    Fun with Binoculars!

    Those guys are using some modified .pbo files or something, because I've been down there too and can't shoot through that wall either. The only time I can shoot someone using one of these exploits is if I am under the floor, or if I run against the inside of a wall while spraying with an M4. So yeah, if you're being killed through the actual walls, someone is modifying their game.
  19. Grimey Rick

    Backgrounds (22)

    Hey man, these are really good.
  20. Grimey Rick

    Fun with Binoculars!

    Luckily for me and everyone else your inability to take things for what they actually are has no bearing on anyone. <3 Also, being in the wall isn't "hacking". Expoitive, yes. You can't shoot anyone through the wall from the inside. Also, we were in there because of a guy teleporting around the airstrip. FIGHT DAT FURR WIT FURR. No, we emptied our bags of all the shit we collected on the way from Berezino up there. We were able to replace Holly's (the wife) child's briefcase with a new sexy improvised backpack. EDIT: Because spelling.
  21. Grimey Rick

    Holy desync, Batman!

    Since the patch I haven't gone 30 seconds without seeing a yellow or red chain. Am I alone with this, or is this something everyone is experiencing? I just randomly died in Vybor. Ran from the supermarket, saw the yellow chain for literally sixty seconds, yellow chain goes away, my guy makes a stupid noise like a seal being fucked, then "You are dead". I notice it more in towns, not so much in airfields or out in the open. Have they started working on the town optimizations yet? Maybe it has something to do with that as the towns seem to be performing better this patch.
  22. Grimey Rick

    Blurry buildings at medium distance.

    Crank dat Object Detail, yo.
  23. Grimey Rick

    Log in Timer Poll
