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Everything posted by Grimey Rick
I wish we were forced to interact with others to survive...
Grimey Rick replied to Grimey Rick's topic in General Discussion
You obviously don't understand the point of the thread. I want interaction forced upon me as was clearly stated in the OP. I also have a group of friends I play with; I generally don't play alone. The problem is, I don't need them. They're my friends and I like playing with them, but aside from that there's no reason to group up. I want to be forced to seriously consider the importance of each passerby to my survival. I want the formation of in-game communities to be imperative. I want hordes of zombies attacking the barricaded walls of fortified areas in sporadic waves. I want the fellow who murders everyone he comes into contact with on sight's lifestyle to be extremely difficult. If you want to kill everyone you encounter like their food is more important than their life, then I want said person to be punished by the environment even more so than the rest. That way the demographic of people who play alone and kill on sight would have actual bragging rights; if they can survive by themselves in a world overrun with disease, aggressive wildlife, inclement weather, a shortage of supplies and of course, zombies, then at that point they will have effectively won DayZ. Inversely, if a group of like-minded people wanted to form a group to roam the lands raping, pillaging and stealing, then power to them. Hell, I may even join up with such a cult. (; The main point I'm trying to drive home is that I want the environment to be so devastating that playing solo would be effectively impossible. If that doesn't appeal to people, then they seriously need to ask themselves why they're playing a multi-player game. -
I wish we were forced to interact with others to survive...
Grimey Rick replied to Grimey Rick's topic in General Discussion
Isn't it funny how the term "sandbox" game is the definitive term used by supporters of the kill or be killed mentality? You could achieve/take part in a lot more in a "sandbox" game by not killing everyone you come across. When that's all you do, how exactly does it qualify as a "sandbox" game? -
This was almost two months ago... the bug has been fixed... as I stated in the other thread you're ranting in.
When you know you play too much Dayz :p
Grimey Rick replied to [email protected]'s topic in General Discussion
I wish that was the case here. -
When you know you play too much Dayz :p
Grimey Rick replied to [email protected]'s topic in General Discussion
You know you play too much DayZ when: -
I've had that happen many times with the SKS. You'll load it, it'll make the shk-shk sound effect and animation, but the ammunition won't actually load into the gun for another friggin' 45 seconds or so. I've proven it's not lag as me and a friend have swapped SKS rifles and it's bugged out for both of us. The only solution I've found is to reconnect which sometimes fixes it (sometimes doesn't), or just drop it in a bush somewhere and find another rifle.
At the end of the day, they need to make killing other people an act of desperation, not an act of douchebaggery. You can argue until you're blue in the face, but achieving that will determine whether or not this game lives up to its hype. You're dying of hunger. You have zombies chasing you. You see someone up ahead exiting a cabin in the woods. You yell to him via direct chat. He turns and looks at you. Then, for a painstaking handful of seconds, he's assessing your situation. Will he help you? Will he run off? Will he shoot you? That's the essence of a zombie survival game. If he helps you fend off the zombies and feeds you, do you thank him and move on? Do you team up with him? Upon seeing his stronghold, do you plot his demise and attempt to go at it alone? That is a viable reason to kill someone. But we need to weigh the pros and cons of so doing. This guy could be your greatest asset. He could later save your life. When the environment is on hard-mode, every decision you make will count. People joining clans and "interacting" with people by shooting them for no other reason than boredom is completely stupid.
Why does the cross bow do more damage than the m4?
Grimey Rick replied to taco86's topic in General Discussion
How is this thread still going? Tension-based weaponry (in this case, arrows/bolts) have much better penetration than bullets (in this case the 5.56x45mm variant). Due to heavier weight, better transfer of momentum and a solid pointed tip that doesn't shred upon impact like a bullet, they have been known to penetrate bullet-proof vests at speeds as low as 75 m/s. They have ridiculous stopping power. However, bullets exert a much greater force on impact. In the case of the 5.56x45mm variant, depending on several circumstances it may yaw and fragment at the cannelure. If the fragments are entering soft tissue, the damage is catastrophic. For this reason, the 5.56x45mm round is extremely effective at incapacitating people. Which one does the most damage? I dunno. I just know it'd suck balls to be shot by either of them. -
I wish we were forced to interact with others to survive...
Grimey Rick replied to Grimey Rick's topic in General Discussion
I completely agree. Let's make the game so bloody difficult the only thing keeping you playing it is an addiction. When I first read about DayZ back in December (yep, I'm a newbie to the franchise with 950 hours logged on the standalone!) I thought it was going to be that brutal, relentlessly difficult game I'd been looking for. Even though we're still in the alpha, judging from everything I've read and what I've witnessed in-game, it's a walk in the park. Will this change? I hope so. The difficulty of the environment is going to dictate whether or not this game will live up to the hype. Not the clothes, vehicles, bases or weapons they add along the way. Once the unforgiving environment is in place, then we'll be in good shape. -
I wish we were forced to interact with others to survive...
Grimey Rick replied to Grimey Rick's topic in General Discussion
<sarcasm> You're absolutely right! I expect every zombie game to be about four players battling through almost endless waves of Witches, Spitters, Smokers, Chargers, Boomers, Jockeys, Hunters and Tanks! God forbid a community set in an "MMO" universe work together on some (any?) level with the intent of actually surviving a zombie apocalypse, amirite? </sarcasm> EDIT: In its current state this game is a douchebag survival game. Which, I guess, if you considered these asinine players to be zombies, which they pretty much are, face-rolling their way through high-populated areas playing a dumbed down version of ARMA, then yeah, I guess this is a zombie survival game as these people contribute about as much to the game. -
I'm disappointed. I thought this thread was going to be about the show. :T However, since I'm here, I totally agree with you Mr. OP. Unfortunately for the majority of players in the community, there's not a whole lot else for them to do except grief people. On top of that, in most cases these people don't have much in the way of morality; you needn't spare every survivor you encounter as this is just a video game, but you needn't kill everyone else just to ruin their day, either.
I wish we were forced to interact with others to survive...
Grimey Rick replied to Grimey Rick's topic in General Discussion
This thread isn't a suggestion, it's a general discussion on the state of player interaction. I haven't really suggested anything. If you feel that a game designed around the premise of a zombie apocalypse doesn't require you to band together with your fellow man, then you need to go watch some zombie movies. -
I wish we were forced to interact with others to survive...
Grimey Rick replied to Grimey Rick's topic in General Discussion
People running around slaughtering each other is rampant in the mod, too. Where've you been? It doesn't matter how many gimmicky things they add, people are just going to use whatever they add to kill other players unless something is done to increase the value of a player's life, either by some sort of skill-based system (as was mentioned by someone earlier) or by increasing the difficulty of the environment tenfold. This isn't/won't be a simulation of anything except PVP. Alpha or not, the ideal doesn't change. So yes, we are giving feedback, in how we'd like to continue forward. Rocket doesn't have any better grasp on what's going to keep people from slaughtering each other than anyone else does. Unless he has a degree in psychology, all he can do is surmise like the rest of us. -
I wish we were forced to interact with others to survive...
Grimey Rick replied to Grimey Rick's topic in General Discussion
We're not just along for the ride, blindly accepting every twist and turn the developers take us on. They value the community's feedback. We're discussing and giving feedback. The community (not only in this thread) has made it quite clear that they want more from this game than slow-paced combat versus other players. People can dismiss the PVE aspect of DayZ until they're blue in the face, but until players control the actual zombies, it's equally (if not more) about PVE. PVP should be equally as important, but the game shouldn't be based on it like it is now. We just want to help steer this game clear of the same fate the mod suffered. -
I wish we were forced to interact with others to survive...
Grimey Rick replied to Grimey Rick's topic in General Discussion
Why would discussing the fundamentals of the game seem silly? We're here to offer input, not just wait until it's finished before complaining. -
I wish we were forced to interact with others to survive...
Grimey Rick replied to Grimey Rick's topic in General Discussion
How will you know what he has if you kill him on sight? Won't server hopping be just as effective in areas of higher loot concentration? You said server hopping "won't be possible". Did you read this somewhere? -
What's the current hacking status like in DayZ:SA?
Grimey Rick replied to RadikulRAM's topic in General Discussion
When BattlEye isn't updated for several months, they eventually figure a way to get around it with much greater ease. -
This. From everything I've read about it, it's pretty absurd. I don't mean any offense by this, but the country to which were sent many British convicts has the strongest stance against video game violence. Irony.
I wish we were forced to interact with others to survive...
Grimey Rick replied to Grimey Rick's topic in General Discussion
Ha. Yeah, the industry I'm in makes jackwagons (cool word, by the way) out of us all. It's all for fun. (; Everything in my current rig besides the video cards was purchased in December of 2010. I don't remember the exact price, but it was in the ballpark of $4,000 at the time. It originally had twin GTX 580s in it. Still running strong. I'll probably upgrade the rest this Christmas. Back on topic, I'm glad to see other people aren't completely sold on the massacre that currently is DayZ. -
I wish we were forced to interact with others to survive...
Grimey Rick replied to Grimey Rick's topic in General Discussion
That is what I want to see in-game. -
I wish we were forced to interact with others to survive...
Grimey Rick replied to Grimey Rick's topic in General Discussion
How exactly will globalized loot change the entire experience of the game? -
It has to be a typo as I've found several cans of peaches in a row as a fresh spawn and filled up no faster than if I'd found beans.
I wish we were forced to interact with others to survive...
Grimey Rick replied to Grimey Rick's topic in General Discussion
I watched World War Z with my thirteen year old last night. I've seen it before, and I feel it doesn't do the novel any justice. However, it made me realize something: that which makes zombies scary: Savage disposition - DayZ does not have thisZeds in numbers - DayZ does not have thisLittle-to-no hope for survival - DayZ does not have thisWhen people think of zombies, in some form or another, they equate them to these key points. A good zombie flick consists of characters identifying the threat, dealing with the threat, and finding out whether or not their efforts were in vain. When you fire up DayZ for the first time and you see a lone zombie, you don't know what to expect. Is it fast? Are there more of them lurking about? Do I fight it? Should I run? All of these questions spring to mind. When you finally decide to engage it and it saunters over to you in linear fashion, you side-step, punch it in the head, it falls on its face stunned, gets back up, you rinse and repeat until it falls on its back, dead, and you think to yourself, "Really...? Did I really just punch a zombie to death? We made a lot of noise in that scuffle -- where are the rest of them?" In my opinion, for players to really come together and find another reason to play DayZ besides PVP en masse, we need to pit ourselves against zombie hordes. That, to me, is zombie survival. They need to be everywhere. Want supplies at the supermarket? Be prepared to die for them. Does your buddy need antibiotics from the pharmacy? Again, be prepared to die for them. I fully realize the zombies are still being worked on as this project is still in alpha, but can we really expect to meet this kind of resistance? I remain hopeful but doubtful. -
I wish we were forced to interact with others to survive...
Grimey Rick replied to Grimey Rick's topic in General Discussion
The reason why people love zombie films and the zombie genre in general is the idea that everything you know could turn upside down in the freakiest and most terrifying way possible. This isn't a super volcano or a meteor. It's people killing people with the savagery of wild animals. People watch the movies to try to identify with the characters and experience it themselves. Or I do, anyway. I don't have any attachment to my character at all. I don't care if I die because I can just spawn again and start rackin' up the frags. That, to me, is "arcade-y bullshit". To make this game authentic, our deaths need to mean something. We need a reason to spare others. We need a reason to not just run around Chernarus by ourselves playing a slow version of Counter-Strike. If we can't simulate the main consequence of the game, then what's the point of simulating anything else? -
I wish we were forced to interact with others to survive...
Grimey Rick replied to Grimey Rick's topic in General Discussion
Only make believe people have skills? Or did I miss something about reality? I'm not saying you have a skill you'd level up, just maybe expertise in a field before everything went to shit. Something to actually give someone's life meaning. That's the only way you're going to make this game something besides a 225km² killing arena. Everything else they want to add is just going to enable people to kill others faster and with greater ease.