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Grimey Rick

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Everything posted by Grimey Rick

  1. ...and I'm blown away by its accuracy (no pun intended). Aiming down the sights is so clunky, not to mention the current issues with blurriness when post-processing is enabled. Using the center dot to aim, however, makes the game feel like Counter-Strike and is far too accurate, even while zoomed in. Weren't they supposed to remove the center dot? In its current implementation there's little reason to use the iron sights. I seem to recall the center dot being fairly inaccurate when I first started playing. Did they change this recently? Anyway, how many of you use the center dot instead of iron sights?
  2. You cringed? Haha. The dot is still bang-on accurate. I've been testing it with every gun for the last two days, and I'd say the M4 and SKS are the most accurate with it. I've been spraying with it in buildings, and picking people off with it at range. I killed two gentlemen who were looting the top of the ATC last night while I was behind the hangar at NEAF just by zooming via holding right-click with the M4. Furthermore, when using pistols, it's more accurate to use the dot than it is the iron sights at anything more than 20m.
  3. I just played for an hour or so on the ZombZ server. It restarted, and upon reconnecting, I was a fresh spawn. This is strange since I was in the middle of the woods running from Gvozdno to NWAF. Intriguing.
  4. Grimey Rick

    cheat that makes gun put away

    Yeah it's nothing at all like you describing your gun being randomly put away after x amount of time being drawn. Not at all. Yeah, it's more than likely a new hack that enables players to take control of the server. It's definitely not a bug, right? #datsourcecode If you're not already (I doubt it due to your communication skills ((or lack thereof))), you should be in politics.
  5. Grimey Rick

    cheat that makes gun put away

    Was just in a server looting NWAF all by my lonesome. I was running around with my Engraved 1911 from the Vybor side of the airfield towards the tents. When I got to the tents, my gun started holstering itself for no apparent reason. I hadn't put it away, and I was still alone on the server. It happened three times in a row before it finally stayed out again. There were definitely hacks at work here. Evil, malicious hacks.
  6. Grimey Rick

    cheat that makes gun put away

    What am I uninformed about? You're crying "H4X!" when you experienced "BUGZ!". Enlighten me. (If you haven't noticed, I'm extremely cynical and tired of dumb threads.)
  7. Grimey Rick

    cheat that makes gun put away

    Yep, CHEATERS are all over the place doing the things you've mentioned. But this thread was made because someone was uninformed. What happened to the OP was a bug, not a cheat.
  8. Grimey Rick

    cheat that makes gun put away

    Wow, great comeback. Hey did I mention this already? YO DAWG, IT'S A BUG.
  9. Grimey Rick

    cheat that makes gun put away

    Just because the source code was stolen doesn't mean this is a cheat, haha. This is a KNOWN BUG. I think I know who you are in real life:
  10. Grimey Rick

    cheat that makes gun put away

    Totally. Read it. Comprehended it. My childish and "ill informed" posts generally pertain to like-minded threads. Do a quick search for *** if you need proof; there are no cheats kicking around that give you Jedi Force powers. This bug has been reported on the bugtracker and has yet to be fixed. I think this was either a coincidence or you guys just got schooled by someone and this is how you passive-aggressively rage. EDIT: Apparently these forums delete anything to do with third-party software. The *** = cheats. Do a search for cheats.
  11. Grimey Rick

    cheat that makes gun put away

    It's a bug that's been going on for the last couple of patches. It's happened to me running around on a server with no one but me playing. I'll be running around with my weapon out and my character will randomly put it away with no input from me. It's a bug. A bug. Bug. ITT: OP won't rest until known bug is stigmatized as a cheat. Lol.
  12. Grimey Rick

    M4 Silencer

    American-made firearms can certainly make an appearance here and there in appropriate numbers. Going with the theory that there was a definitive UN presence due to the spreading infection I can tolerate there being some types of foreign firearms, but finding an M4A1 in a school, and then a police station half a kilometre apart doesn't quite sit right. Of course, people would be holed up in various parts of the map after raiding the UN tents. Some of these people may have died, leaving their firearms behind, but I don't imagine someone would've raided the tents and then ran back to Berezino to hole up in a school. Why would you run into one of the biggest cities in the game after an outbreak? (; I'm more of a fan of what they could make the game in terms of surviving the environment. People are too focused on the guns, in my opinion. Literally every second or third thread discussed here and on reddit pertains to guns, their attachments, their ammunition, their dispersion, etc. That's fine, guns need to be discussed, but I feel with this train of thought development is going to turn the standalone into a mirror of the mod with better graphics. I personally would be fine using .22 rifles and melee weapons trying to survive hordes of zombies and focusing on just finding supplies and viable shelter. I don't imagine DayZ will ever really encompass what I want it to be, which is just a very simple yet terrifying zombie survival experience. Instead, it'll probably just take after its big brother and we'll be vying against one another for parts to helicopters so we can race back and forth between airfields to stockpile hordes of firearms and various other equipment for our PVP endeavors. EDIT: Because spelling.
  13. Grimey Rick

    cheat that makes gun put away

    It sounds like you and your friend ran into a Jedi Knight. As to the other people experiencing this issue, I personally believe it has to do with keys on the quick-action bar. When I use "2" to pull out my Mosin, he'll sometimes pull it out and then immediately put it away. This can go on for as long as five minutes while I'm sitting there laughing in disbelief to see how many times it'll keep happening. However, when I drag my gun into my empty hands, it's never happened to me. Weird.
  14. Grimey Rick

    Arma3 Third person fix mod...thoughts?

    My personal opinion is that you're either a troll, or one of these kids that sits in airfields all day corner peeking and wall peeking. That 3PP is a flawed game mechanic is a fact. I'm actually going to bed, so have fun defending your case. Crazier shit has happened, after all. Look at OJ.
  15. Grimey Rick

    Arma3 Third person fix mod...thoughts?

    Your provided "examples" of how 3PP isn't exploitive are almost insulting, dude. They didn't even pertain to the ease with which one can ascertain full spatial awareness of an area from a position of concealment. If you're camping underneath the stairs in an ATC at any given airfield, you can see anyone coming well before they get close to you without peeking. The guy entering the ATC has no idea you're there and couldn't see you even if he wanted to. You, at any point, can pick when you want to reveal yourself and blast him taking him completely off guard. You were provided this knowledge without having to risk taking fire when peeking by a flawed game mechanic. It is almost impossible to push into a building where you know people are camping on a server that has 3PP enabled. If the defenders don't kill you, they're extremely bad as they have every advantage (assuming equal equipment). Now, on a 1PP enabled server, it's a completely different (and more realistic) story. Even when defending, you need to periodically peek unless you're content with staring at the same corner for hours on end. You can't tell your friend, "He's on the right side of the door, flank around him and pick him off," without peeking thus risking your safety. This is, y'know, how it'd be in a real life situation. Even in the context of a video game, it's highly unfair to be able to see your opponent before they can see you. This is not a discussion on camouflage and snipers, this is a discussion on flawed game mechanics. Obviously there are people who prefer the "arcade" feeling of a video game, and that's fine. But DayZ strives (so they say) to be as authentic as possible. Last I checked, extrasensory perception isn't authentic. If you're this type of person, there are literally dozens of other games out there you can go play.
  16. Grimey Rick

    Arma3 Third person fix mod...thoughts?

    Okay, show me a video or explain to me how 3PP isn't exploitive in any manner and how it improves the overall experience. That video hits the nail on the head; reality's a bitch. Yelling "LOLOL BULLSHIT" in all of your posts isn't exactly lending you credibility. Until then, keep campin' them corners and feeling good about your exploitive frags, haha.
  17. Grimey Rick

    Arma3 Third person fix mod...thoughts?

    This kid likes him some corner peekin', yo. It doesn't matter how many times you call bullshit, the facts remain. Just because both people have it doesn't put players on equal footing. If you're camping a corner with 3PP enabled, you can see everything around that corner. People approaching you can't see around your corner. You can plot the exact SECOND you pop out and shoot them. Secondly, if you're in the ATC laying prone, you can see everything around you without having to risk your safety to peek. People below you can't see in the ATC. THE WHOLE POINT IS THAT 3PP NEGATES HAVING TO PEEK TO GAIN VALUABLE SITUATIONAL AWARENESS. IT COMPLETELY NEGATES THE ACQUISITION OF INFORMATION ABOUT WHAT'S GOING ON AROUND YOU. THERE IS NO DANGER WHEN YOU CAN SIT BEHIND A CORNER OR UNDER A LEDGE AND KNOW EVERYTHING GOING ON IN YOUR SURROUNDINGS. How many threads do we have to link this video? Maybe someone actually showing you how stupid you're being with a pretty video will help:
  18. Grimey Rick

    The New #1 Melee Weapon

    No it isn't.
  19. Grimey Rick

    Arma3 Third person fix mod...thoughts?

    3PP is a problem as it fragments the community. We should all be playing the same game together. Why they added 3PP to ARMA is beyond me. I honestly have no fucking idea. It's literally the dumbest shit they could've done as it trivializes 99% of the game and makes playing online even funnier. The only reason people want to play with 3PP enabled is because they enjoy the feeling of safety it provides. You guys want to be able to peek around corners and over ledges. Just admit it. If you claim it's because you want to stare at your character while you play, then... Also,
  20. Grimey Rick

    Arma3 Third person fix mod...thoughts?

    I don't understand why they don't just remove it. If you want to "look at your character for a screenshot" (which really means peeking around/over corners/ledges), too bad. I hear Skyrim is a pretty game.
  21. Grimey Rick

    M4 Silencer

    I'm not quite sure why I typed ACOG; I meant to refer to the M68 and RV1 optics that are currently in-game for the M4A1 (until recently with the inception of the crossbow). It amuses me greatly when I see so many attachments for it laying about. I understand that we're still in development here, but I'm having a hard time wrapping my head around the direction in which the game is going. I read at one point when I first started playing that NWAF was sort of a "last stand" against the infected. I clung to that as it was really the only way for me to accept how many M4A1s and attachments for it were spread around Chernarus. On top of that, the Tactical Shirts with the backwards American flags weren't exactly easy to swallow either. Oh well. At the end of the day, I don't really care. I would just really rather see DayZ stick to the "holy shit we're in a rural area with little-to-no weaponry or supplies and there are undead dudes attacking us at every turn". I feel that the introduction of more elaborate means of defense will only keep those interested in deathmatch-style play playing. I'm one of those people who really don't want to see helicopters, AS50s, tanks and whatever else included in DayZ just because they can be implemented rather easily due to the game being built on the RV engine. I'd rather stick to the basics as that fundamental paranoia-driven angst is what makes this style of game the most fun. Making decisions based on what little ammunition or supplies you have is, to me, the entire essence of DayZ. At least, that's what the trailer that first got me into the game screamed at me. If I want to go tear people up with an M4 at an airfield (or wherever), I'll just go play one of the zillion other games there are for that. Meh. :T
  22. Grimey Rick

    M4 Silencer

    I realize it's a fictional area, but all the signs are written in Cyrillic, so where would that place Chernarus? The environment is primitive, take that for what you will. Look at the houses. Look at the cars. They're primitive. As far as militarization, such a place would more than likely be militarized by the Chernarussian forces, not the UN. They can claim whatever backstory they wish for DayZ as they're the development team, but the ARMA games don't exactly have great storylines. Like, at all. I'm fine with any weapon they want to implement into the game as long as it fits the setting, and you're right, my beef is primarily about the ridiculous amounts of ammo laying about (which won't change much, guaranteed -- all it'll take will be a few ranting threads on the forums when they decide to reduce the amounts) but while we're on the subject of the M4, I think its involvement other than maybe half a dozen functional units scattered about is pretty ridiculous. And that's going with their "last stand" portrayal of NWAF. Finding pristine ACOG scopes in "Chernarussian" hangars and ATCs is an entirely different matter, haha.
  23. Grimey Rick

    M4 Silencer

    I don't think the US would be too quick to jump to Russia's aid, so I don't really buy the story of them setting up camps as a "last stand against the infected". And even if that were the case, why have we been looting M4s and even more ridiculous guns from Russian hangars and ATCs for several years in the mod? Shouldn't these American weapons be more or less restricted to the camps themselves? It just feels so cheesy. You could come up with any number of back stories to make an excuse for including American weapons in the game, but I can come up with just as many as to why they shouldn't. This is a relatively primitive area of the world, but I have no doubt that it'll be just as riddled with ridiculous weapons like the AS50 (among others) just like its predecessor. I was hoping this game would focus more on the actual fight for survival than on how many people I can frag with my leet American weapons. I'd rather treasure every bullet I found for that old rifle I managed to salvage from a barn I slept in last night, taking great care not to damage it with every shot I'm FORCED to take as it's my only means of protection. I'm just not sold on what this game is becoming, and I can't say I'm surprised.
  24. Grimey Rick

    M4 Silencer

    This game would be leaps and bounds better with just civilian weaponry and barely any ammunition. So yeah, remove the M4.
  25. Grimey Rick

    what dayz needs and will probably never get

    This is the only thing in your post I agree with. The rest is like a fat kid with his cheeks full of Cheez Whiz shaking his head with his mouth open as hard as he can.