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Everything posted by Grimey Rick
EDITED - PETITION: Should a sound be made when we log on and off?
Grimey Rick replied to Grimey Rick's topic in General Discussion
That's not necessarily true. After doing extensive tests with several other people we found the only time you're able to see a player is when the "Please wait..." screen pops up. The "Please wait..." screen generally only lasts a few seconds. There are instances where you will hang at the "Please wait..." screen for an uncomfortable amount of time; it's these long periods of the "Please wait..." screen that get people killed, as your character has loaded in and people are able to interact with you, with or without your consent. We were all on Skype when we performed the tests and were actively updating one another with what screen we were staring at as soon as it appeared. Every single time the "Please wait..." screen appeared for one of us, the other two players could see that person. TL;DR: If you're hanging at the "Please wait..." screen for more than ten seconds, reconnect. If you're logging on in a contested area and are stuck at the "Please wait..." screen, disconnect as soon as possible. P.S: "Please wait..." (; -
I was just playing on Experimental US-04 with my kid, and I killed two guys outside of the westernmost jail at NEAF. I got the drop on them, so I took them both out with three shots. As soon as they were dead, I got a connected yellow chain so I thought the server was restarting even though it had just done so not fifteen minutes before. The chain disappeared, then reappeared. It did this for about five minutes until I decided to leave. I just refreshed the server list twenty minutes later, and every other Experimental server is at 15:35 while the one that mysteriously crashed is stuck at 15:15. Neither my kid nor myself can connect to it. What causes this? It's the first I've seen it.
EDITED - PETITION: Should a sound be made when we log on and off?
Grimey Rick replied to Grimey Rick's topic in General Discussion
...what? When did I call you that? For starters, I didn't even type "douche". I simply stated what the sound helped prevent during its six month tenure as part of the game. I've given multiple reasons for its inclusion in the game. You've given one, and not a very strong one. "I don't want to get shot when I log on." THEN DON'T LOG OUT IN CONTESTED AREAS. If you've never been killed when logging on (due to smart choices on your part while logging out, thus supporting my point), why the hell would you be against its inclusion?! You've already figured out how to trump the sound. No area in this game is safe to log out, but some are exponentially safer than others. The sound effectively kills ghosting, server hopping and cheesy game play in one fell swoop. That's technically what I've been saying all along: don't log out near a busy area. If that's how they wanted to combat the aforementioned problematic issues, I'd support that decision. It seems like a lot more hassle than just adding a simple yawn (or something of that nature) when someone logs on (which is 99% as effective), but if they could swing it I'd have no qualms. -
EDITED - PETITION: Should a sound be made when we log on and off?
Grimey Rick replied to Grimey Rick's topic in General Discussion
My "argument" for the implementation of the sounds that were, although erroneously, part of the game for the last six months is solid. It's too easy to cheese people without making a noise upon logging in. One aspect of the game is finding a safe place to log out as the next time you log on you might be lagging or have a zombie near you if you're not far enough from a town/city. If you run thirty seconds outside of a city, find a random group of trees and log out, you'll never have an issue with being killed when logging on. I've got 1,112 hours logged now and have never been killed when logging on. I have, however, been killed by people magically appearing behind me in contested areas after I've cleared an area. If your life is so busy (or your bladder so weak) that you have to log on and off every few minutes, then this game is not for you. This is the type of game you dedicate time to sitting down and playing, not an action RPG like Diablo III that you can hop on and off of without consequence. An emergency, while a viable argument, is at the same time kind of silly as you can't design a game around random events in the players' lives. You can, however, design a game around reducing the amount of possible cheesy tactics (which is what it is, whether or not you agree). What other way are they going to solve it then? I don't hear any suggestions from you, just a bunch of banter about how "game breaking" having a very brief, subtle sound play while logging on and off is. If anything, they should have just left it alone until they could implement a better way of accomplishing the same thing. And for someone who's "never been killed while logging on", you seem to feel very strongly about an issue that wouldn't even affect you. The original sound didn't harm legitimate players. Having a more appropriate sound reintroduced into the game won't hurt legitimate players either. The only people it will affect are those who are too lazy to find a safe place to log out, those who are attempting to cheese others, and server hoppers. Period. -
Can't combine helmet and gasmask any more?
Grimey Rick replied to roguetrooper's topic in General Discussion
Nope. -
EDITED - PETITION: Should a sound be made when we log on and off?
Grimey Rick replied to Grimey Rick's topic in General Discussion
What I don't get is the few people like you voicing their experience with never having been killed upon logging on, but are dead against a subtle sound being made. If you survived the months of "SHK, SHK, SHK-SHK" then how is this going to affect you in a negative way? Continue finding safe spots before logging out. The sound won't hinder you in any way, shape or form. The sound would only be used to alert people when someone logs on in the same building as them; hell, it needn't even be directional, simply a neutral sound letting you know someone just logged in around you and to be wary for potential incoming cheese. If we're going to have countless threads pertaining to realism in guns, medical instruments and general survival, then surely to Christ the people starting said threads understand that someone magically appearing up/downstairs from you without the ability to scale walls and climb through windows falls under the category of unrealism? Guy #1: Okay, here's the jail, let's sweep it and post here for a while to inventory our supplies. Guy #2: Good idea. I'll check upstairs, you check the bottom level. Guy #1: Okay, all clear. Guy #2: Same here -- you watch the door as it's the only point of entry while I organize my bag. Guy #1: Roger that. Guy #3 silently logs on upstairs as Guy #1 watches the door and Guy #2 sorts his bag. Guy #3: lol noobz Guy #3 kills Guy #1 and Guy #2 from behind. Guy #2: WHAT THE FUCK?! I THOUGHT YOU WERE WATCHING THE DOOR?! Guy #3: yey i tuk a "caclualted risk" and now im fluly gear loll thx guise Guy #1: ... EDIT: Because formatting. -
Should walkie talkies have text chat?
Grimey Rick replied to leefriendfield's topic in General Discussion
You don't have a microphone? Lolwut? Part of the appeal of DayZ comes from direct communication with others. That's almost as bad as not growing your fingernails 3" long to play professional StarCraft 2. Kids these days. -
EDITED - PETITION: Should a sound be made when we log on and off?
Grimey Rick replied to Grimey Rick's topic in General Discussion
So what's your issue with a sound when you log on, then? If you're in a safe spot away from any dangerous areas, no one will hear it anyway. This isn't a global sound, it's a subtle sound only heard within your vicinity, say the range of one side of a building to the other. It's strictly for preventing people from getting an unfair advantage over you in a defensive position, à la ghosting or logging in after you've cleared a building. -
Will we get more realistic gun sounds and be able to hear shots at longer ranges ala Arma III?
Grimey Rick replied to FrostDMG's topic in General Discussion
Title is a bit long. LET ME TYPE IT AGAIN. Sorry, I actually laughed out loud at that. Continue. -
EDITED - PETITION: Should a sound be made when we log on and off?
Grimey Rick replied to Grimey Rick's topic in General Discussion
Stop playing DayZ on your Game Boy. For you, it would make even more sense to log out in the woods. If what you say is true, why would you ever, ever log out anywhere even remotely close to where someone might be walking along? -
I like the AKM. As mentioned, the dispersion is fairly predictable, the recoil feels right, and it's very efficient at dropping people at close-medium range. I'm still fond of the SKS with a PU scope over the AKM with a PSO-1 scope. I traded my AKM with PSO-1 scope, 75rnd drum magazine and two 30rnd magazines for an SKS with a Worn PU scope. Long live the SKS!
Should walkie talkies have text chat?
Grimey Rick replied to leefriendfield's topic in General Discussion
One thing I always disliked about DayZ Mod was the side-chat. It sounds like too much work for an unnecessary gimmick. It's a walkie-talkie, like someone has already so eloquently put it. If you don't have a mic, that's your problem. If you were deaf, you wouldn't be able to use a walkie-talkie either, now would you? -
EDITED - PETITION: Should a sound be made when we log on and off?
Grimey Rick replied to Grimey Rick's topic in General Discussion
Actually, since someone suggested changing the poll from a reload sound effect to any sound effect in general (e.g: a yawning sound effect) when players log on, the people voting for a sound has been catching up. I wish I'd thought a little bit more about it before I posted the poll. :T Oh well. At the end of the day adding a subtle sound effect wouldn't hurt anyone except those who were: Server hoppingTaking "risks" to get kills by logging on in a contested building (in StarCraft II we refer to such tactics as "cheese")People too lazy to insure the safety of their character upon logging outIt wouldn't hurt you in most cases of a server restarting as you could simply reconnect and be in the same position you were before. Remember, everyone else also has to reconnect after a server restart. It's not like they have some magical internet that allows them to remain connected to a server that's gone offline momentarily. If you were surrounded in a building before the server went offline then you'd obviously not want to reconnect to the same server. But, by the logic of those advocating against the suggested log on sound effect, I guess you guys would march right back into said server with your chests puffed out because you're the type of people who take "risks"! Right? (; -
There are other variants as well. I'm currently wearing an olive vest.
EDITED - PETITION: Should a sound be made when we log on and off?
Grimey Rick replied to Grimey Rick's topic in General Discussion
Curses, all along I thought I'd been giving beans to Caboose186. -
EDITED - PETITION: Should a sound be made when we log on and off?
Grimey Rick replied to Grimey Rick's topic in General Discussion
Really? You don't have thirty extra seconds to run to a line of trees away from contested buildings at the end of your play session? Really? If the server goes down, then everybody disconnects. As long as you reconnect immediately, you're no worse off than you were before it went down. No one is going to be setting up camp all around your perimeter waiting for to you reconnect unless they were already there, in which case, duh, don't reconnect. A sound isn't going to save you in either case in this situation. You might go to sleep inside of a military base or apartment if this were real life, but it isn't. Since it's not real life, the easiest way to avoid deaths is to simply run to some trees before you log out. Fairly straightforward. If you had've read my posts, you'd already know the answer to your last question. I've been killed several times now from behind by people who happened to log in inside of a building I was defending. -
EDITED - PETITION: Should a sound be made when we log on and off?
Grimey Rick replied to Grimey Rick's topic in General Discussion
Weak comeback is weak. This "glitch" added solid game mechanics. Sometimes that is the case during alpha/beta testing. It is especially the case here. You wouldn't have the problem of someone knowing where you are upon logging in if you logged off in a secluded area, sounds or not. You wouldn't go to sleep in a military base. I am going to edit the thread title and poll options. I am just looking for a sound in general to be made upon logging on/off. A yawn is perfect and seems to be the generally accepted idea thus far. -
EDITED - PETITION: Should a sound be made when we log on and off?
Grimey Rick replied to Grimey Rick's topic in General Discussion
Then why didn't I make a post pertaining to its inclusion as a "bug" during the five months it was in the game if it was so detrimental? Like I said, I've never been killed while logging in. It's not a difficult concept. Congratulations, your assumptions were all incorrect. -
EDITED - PETITION: Should a sound be made when we log on and off?
Grimey Rick replied to Grimey Rick's topic in General Discussion
I completely disagree. If you don't want to die when you log on, don't log out in a city, town or airfield. Period. I have never, in 1,000+ hours been killed while logging in. Ever. Why? Because I log out away from contested areas. It takes thirty seconds to run outside of a town and into a group of random trees. What I have been killed by since they removed the sound is someone logging in upstairs/downstairs from me while I'm pinned down in a jail or a police station. You have no warning someone just magically appeared inside the same building as you which is completely absurd. I have no qualm with people logging out in contested areas (these people are generally server hoppers or morons), but they should be penalized for so doing. A subtle sound (a yawn as someone has already suggested) gives notice that someone is near to the otherwise oblivious player already in the building. That is the worst excuse I've heard yet. That's exploiting game mechanics in hopes of getting a cheap kill. If you log out in a contested area you should be penalized. A subtle sound isn't going to guarantee your death, it's simply putting players on a level playing field. I've crashed to desktop while inside of a hot spot, re-launched DayZ, spawned in behind a guy who was looting the top level of a jail, drew my gun immediately (it's very rare to hang at the "Please wait..." screen) and held him up. I didn't kill him in that situation because I felt like a complete douche that he had no warning whatsoever. I told him to run out of the jail with his gun put away. He complied, ran out of the jail and avoided an otherwise cheap death. We need a sound. -
EDITED - PETITION: Should a sound be made when we log on and off?
Grimey Rick replied to Grimey Rick's topic in General Discussion
Honestly, any sound would suffice. Someone mentioned a subtle yawn your character makes upon logging in. That, to me, is genius. We definitely need something. For those arguing "immersion", "immersion" is quite frankly kicked in the metaphorical nuts when someone logs in upstairs while you're downstairs defending a doorway. I explained this is in the OP, but I guess there are those who'll argue anything. -
I die from running through Berezino naked out of boredom.
Is not inlegal to punsh grill in this game, is inlegal to pare them.
Since when do zombies die from one shot to the leg?
Grimey Rick replied to Goddam Firestations's topic in General Discussion
ITT: Lead developer claims environmental enemies in-game are infected humans, proceeds to name game DayZ. -
Experimental is full of the real DayZ enthusiasts -- those who don't want to just run around like a dumbfuck shooting everything they see. Those that want that authentic, visceral survival experience. When I play on experimental, I'm a different guy. I just... do stuff. Lately I've been fishing. I have fun just running around. When I play on stable, I'll admit, I succumb to the level of every other douchebag. I don't torture or maim people, but for the most part, I just play to kill other people. It's not the act of killing that makes people douchebags, it's the attitude that goes along with it. How many times have you been shot and killed by someone only to have them gloat and talk shit non-stop for thirty seconds until you finally respawn? Every. Single. Time. So yeah DayZ Girl, I get where you're coming from. And like the guy I quoted suggested, try out experimental. I think you'll like it (aside from the current rubber-banding issues).