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Grimey Rick

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Everything posted by Grimey Rick

  1. Grimey Rick

    Why no suicide button when broken legs?

    You realize you can find sticks in the forest now without an axe, right? If this were real, would you slit your own throat because you broke your leg? =)
  2. I never said terrible, just not as fulfilling. We're here for one reason: reproduction. Before I had kids I thought the best thing in life was making a ton of cash and spending it on things that go fast. Now that I have them, I'd give everything up for them and still be happier than living without them. Let me know if your opinion changes when you're 90 and in a retirement home with no one visiting you. I'm sure I'll still be posting here. (;
  3. You're here to make kids. If you're not making kids, you're doing it wrong. As far as sex being a "brief bodily pleasure", are you serious? Okay pal, keep making love to your supposed "victories" that you claim to be the best thing life has to offer. To whom are you going to recite your tales of victory? Your cats?
  4. Sorry, but the best thing in life is the birth of your children, and then every memory thereafter having to do with your children. A close second would be the process it takes to create said children. This guy is obviously 15 years old.
  5. Grimey Rick

    The great M4 delete

    In all fairness, the disappearing of items when not enough space is present on your person and glitched weapon sway are developer fuck ups. (;
  6. Grimey Rick

    Was I killed by a hacker

    You probably just didn't hear a few of the bullets. The ballistic sound effects are a tad askew at the moment. The AKM uses 7.62x39mm ammunition, the same as the SKS.
  7. Grimey Rick

    What sucks?

    My point was since we already have a dozen of these very same threads posting the very same information with the very same results, I think people are already very much aware of the issue. Rocket has already publicly recognized the issue on Reddit/Twitter. A fix is in the works. RV has been suffering from poor optimization for years now. But thanks for reminding everyone about old news! =)
  8. Grimey Rick

    What sucks?

    With all due respect, we have a lot of these threads going already. http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/186831-what-do-you-consider-optimized-performance/
  9. Grimey Rick

    Why do you insist on putting in large cities?

    Berezino is currently the only city that runs well for me. My processor is overclocked to 5.2GHz and my video cards are boosting to 1.3GHz and I still drop to 20 frames per second in larger cities. It doesn't matter if my settings are on maximum or minimum, I get the same frame rate. However, while this topic has been beaten to death, I too wonder why they insist on adding new cities to the game before optimizing them. How are we to test them out if no one wants to visit them?
  10. Grimey Rick

    Minimal inventory

    I'm married, I'm not allowed to go to parties. But seriously, that bug needs to be fixed. It's been on the Tracker since January. I find it difficult to force myself to stock up on rice, beans and whatever canned goods I can find, let alone hunt, when this one little bug completely negates survival.
  11. Grimey Rick

    Minimal inventory

    Actually, the only thing you need to "survive" is one inventory slot for an apple or orange. Since they've yet to fix a bug that lets you infinitely consume the same item, it kind of kills the entire point of the game. Step 1: Find apple. Step 2: Run into the woods as deeply as desired. Step 3: Survive indefinitely as you lay prone in a random pond (since we can't drown) in the forest only surfacing to munch on your apple in complete safety miles away from the nearest player or zed.
  12. Really? The screenshots I took recently and posted in the OP look fine to me.
  13. This game is the result of the popularity of the Mod. It's a clone being developed with a sizeable budget. All things considered, it will unfortunately be the same thing as the Mod. We already have the same cretins that blast you on sight, yell racial slurs at you, etc. They could completely remove the ability to kill other players and there would still be people who would find a way to grief others. I can appreciate your passion for DayZ and the reasons you play it; DayZ is an open world horror survival simulator and can be played in very different and imaginative ways. However, I'd hazard a guess that the bulk of the community plays this game for the player interactions that mostly result in killing one another. For that reason, this game needs to be balanced from that perspective. The suggested sound effect is neither blatant not intrusive; a subtle noise that would give those within, say, a 25 meter radius some warning that they're in danger of being shot in the back of the head. You wouldn't have to worry about unloading your gun as it wouldn't be a reloading noise. I'd even be fine if it only made the noise when someone logged on inside a building. That would both deter people attempting to blindly ghost in airfields and keep those who log out in the trees safe. Also, as far as the zombies are concerned... in their current form, let's just say that they're more of an annoyance and not much of a challenge. (;
  14. I already stated that in my OP. I have not, however, seen any post from the developers claiming they're working on another mask to take its place. If it's not "important" enough to take a look at, then why did they remove the ability it in the first place? Why didn't they remove the ability to equip masks with the Cowboy Hat equipped? Source? I searched before I posted the thread.
  15. While the textual notification may be a viable temporary substitute for a sound being made when logging on or off, it detracts from immersion while the sounds do not. I've read several times on Reddit that the DayZ team plans to remove all textual cues by the time the game is released. The textual notifications would exacerbate the current situation. If you are not someone who engages in PVP combat, why DayZ? This game has always been based on PVP and always will be. I may be misinterpreting your point pertaining to players being "forced" to move solely on unpopulated servers due to the suggested sounds, but they're eventually going to have to switch to a populated server to partake in the player interaction that DayZ is based emphatically upon. I don't understand why you'd suggest that they'd have to "move around" on an unpopulated server. If they're that intimidated by the simple process of finding somewhere relatively safe to log off, then perhaps DayZ is not for them. I, and several others that have posted in this very thread, have never been killed when logging on. Why do you think that is? Are you suggesting it's pure luck that out of the 1,000+ hours I've played I haven't been spotted logging on, or perhaps due to the fact that I insure I'm in a generally untraveled, hidden location? Anyway, again, all of your points are fairly petty and don't really stand ground against the alternative which is potentially being shot in the back of the head by someone who just happens to log on in the right place at the right time. If the player that is already logged on has no chance to defend against someone magically appearing behind them while they're watching a door, that is poor game design.
  16. Grimey Rick

    farmer dude sry ( kos )

    I gave you beans for instilling the image of a cop shooting a guy with a Wii controller in his hand into my head. EDIT: Because spelling.
  17. Being aware of your surroundings only gets you so far. There is no justifiable reason why there shouldn't be a subtle noise made when logging on or off. As far as your "experience" in gaming, there's never been a game like DayZ in which you lose everything upon dying. Spawning in behind someone in World of Warcraft, Grand Theft Auto, or Counter-Strike deathmatch doesn't carry nearly as much weight since they'll respawn several seconds later close to the location they died and be able to exact revenge if they so desire. When this happens in DayZ, it strips the victim of hours and in some cases, days of their life. In the opinion of many, it's a less direct method of ghosting and needs to be addressed. Now, as I'VE stated half a dozen times in this very thread: 1) If you don't want to die upon logging on, make sure you log out in an area away from contested hotspots. Take thirty seconds and run to a random group of trees away from traveled paths. A subtle sound made when logging on will not affect you if you follow this strategy. If you're too lazy to insure your avatar's safety when logging off, you deserve to be killed when logging on, especially in a contested area. 2) A sound should also be made AFTER SOMEONE HAS FULLY LOGGED OUT AND IS UNABLE TO BE KILLED to prevent people waiting for someone to exit a building when no one is actually there. If they're close enough to the building to hear the yawn (or whatever sound is implemented) signifying that a player has logged out, they won't end up waiting an hour before deciding to move in to check it out. This isn't really much of a debate anymore. Seemingly, the only people arguing against aforementioned sounds are those using the lack thereof for malicious intent, or are too lazy to find somewhere safe to log off before server hopping. /thread
  18. Grimey Rick

    DAYZ ....ohhhh you

    100mbps fibre op, still a waste. (; As far as items vanishing inside of structures, this is a result of the server losing track of where you are. The items will always be located at the last position the server recognized you having been. Just retrace your steps; they'll generally be in a doorway.
  19. Grimey Rick

    DAYZ ....ohhhh you

    2/10, waste of bandwidth, wouldn't recommend.
  20. Grimey Rick

    Gender Discrimination and Prejudice

    Social Justice Warrior. A pejorative term for an individual who repeatedly and vehemently engages in arguments on social justice on the Internet, often in a shallow or not well-thought-out way, for the purpose of raising their own personal reputation. A social justice warrior, or SJW, does not necessarily strongly believe all that they say, or even care about the groups they are fighting on behalf of. They typically repeat points from whoever is the most popular blogger or commenter of the moment, hoping that they will "get SJ points" and become popular in return. They are very sure to adopt stances that are "correct" in their social circle. The SJW's favorite activity of all is to dogpile. Their favorite websites to frequent are Livejournal and Tumblr. They do not have relevant favorite real-world places, because SJWs are primarily civil rights activists only online.#1: A social justice warrior reads an essay about a form of internal misogyny where women and girls insult stereotypical feminine activities and characteristics in order to boost themselves over other women. The SJW absorbs this and later complains in response to a Huffington Post article about a 10-year-old feminist's letter, because the 10-year-old called the color pink "prissy". #2: Commnter: "I don't like getting manicures. It's too prissy." SJW: "Oh my god, how fucking dare you use that word, you disgusting sexist piece of shit!" Source: http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=SJW
  21. Grimey Rick

    Gender Discrimination and Prejudice

    HAHAHAHAHAHA post of the fucking year. Back on topic, as I've already stated, my wife was never harassed in her 300 hour DayZ career. Why are people analyzing the community? It's full of people from every walk of life. You're not going to change the fact that people act like idiots when playing a video game in an anonymous fashion. Women aren't victims in this game. If they can't handle the few little idiots they run into, then what business do they have playing a survival game to begin with? I've been called a bitch, faggot, cunt, nigger, slut, asshole, pussy, motherfucker, and the list goes on. Does that keep me from playing? Nope. Do I make a thread on the forums whining about it? Nope. I guess since I have a penis I'm automatically immune to name calling. Apparently vaginas don't net their owners the same benefit. EDIT: Fucking phone...
  22. Grimey Rick

    Biggest Douche Bags

    This thread... oh, this thread...
  23. Grimey Rick

    DAYZ ....ohhhh you

  24. Grimey Rick

    Collision Bug that kills players instantly.

    Did you just indirectly admit to dying more to zeds than to players?