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Grimey Rick

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Everything posted by Grimey Rick

  1. Grimey Rick

    Healing too fast?

  2. Grimey Rick

    Shouldn't MP5 fit into backpack?

    I feel that the vests, pants, shirts, and even backpacks (to some extent) should have slight spaces between slots which would vary depending on the style worn. e.g: A Mountain Backpack would still be 35 slots, but the main section of the bag might only be 20 slots (4×5) with three independent sections of 5 slots (1×5). This would add more depth to item storage by making more sense from an authenticity standpoint. High Capacity Vests could be represented by three 2×2 sections which would still support a pistol, but not a sawed-off or sub-machine gun.
  3. Grimey Rick

    Dayz/Steam on SSD

    You'll be able to play it without issue, but I think your expectations are a tad high. Since 0.46 went live, I've noticed an increased amount of frame-rate lag in most of the cities. Even in the wild, the distance a city would affect your frame-rate seems to have increased (e.g: the city lag still affects you up to ~2km away from a city, rather than ~1km before).
  4. Grimey Rick

    How is hardcore mode different?

    Regular is for boys, Hardcore is for men. /thread
  5. Grimey Rick

    Shouldn't MP5 fit into backpack?

    Sound logic. Makes sense. EDIT: Although pistols only occupy a 2x2 space. I'd be fine with a 2x4 space requirement for the MP5K.
  6. Grimey Rick

    Petition against globally restricted loot

    Yeah, it's a pretty terrible idea. I feel that helicopters in general are a bad idea. The amount of fuel it would take to keep a helicopter in the air for an hour would be tantamount to a month's effort of scavenging. It's just... dumb. If we're going to incorporate every gimmicky thing from Arma, then I want a fucking tank. A tank would be easier to keep running and use roughly the same amount of fuel. Neither one really fits the world that DayZ is set in, but why not have a tank if we're going to see the odd helicopter in the sky?
  7. Grimey Rick

    If you die in DayZ, you deserved it

    ITT: Too much debate over pointless subject. You die in DayZ for a plethora of reasons. I had a guy who I'd played with intermittently for a few weeks who was also on my Steam friends list and always called me on Skype as soon as I signed on murder me in cold blood after meeting up with him for an evening of adventuring. His reason? He was bored of DayZ and thought it would be funny to shoot me before he quit. Was that my fault? At what point will you guys admit this is just a video game and that 90% of the people playing it are just assholes? You make it sound like it's a mortal sin to die in DayZ. This isn't Navy Seal training. I just hit 1,200 hours and I've probably died a couple dozen times and have killed hundreds of people. I can assure you that not every death is your own fault.
  8. Grimey Rick

    I am shocked!

    Stand next to a table and keep dragging the item around in the vicinity until it ends up where you want it.
  9. Grimey Rick

    No more than 10 people listed per server?

    You can set the minimum and maximum number of players as well. I'm assuming your maximum number of players is set to ten.
  10. Grimey Rick

    No more than 10 people listed per server?

    Change your filter.
  11. I gave you beans Irish old boy, but the reason people server hop is to kit themselves in twenty minutes, not two hours. I play similarly to you; I pick a route (sometimes the Path of the Warrior) and end up fully geared at the tail end of a couple of hours with the satisfaction of knowing in the back of my mind that I attained said gear without exploiting. Cheers.
  12. Grimey Rick

    Dean Hall on Vehicles and Barricading

    How is this a "brilliant" idea? People shouldn't be forced to server hop for any reason. Bad idea.
  13. Grimey Rick

    MP5K rare as nuts ?

    The MP5K is pretty underwhelming. I'll stick with my AKM. ♡
  14. This, but with less anger. I wouldn't waste my time on him, personally. I'd have had less of an issue with his statement if he didn't outright claim he can't "do the things he enjoys most in life". The insults aren't unwarranted. If you're actually a parent and not some kid trolling a video game forum (which is most likely), they're 100% warranted. Just because I have a temper when it comes to people blatantly admitting they'd rather be out partying and going on road trips with their friends and that having a child hinders the aforementioned immature activities doesn't mean I'm a bad parent. Quite the opposite, actually. I'd fight to my last breath for my kids, it severely angers me when I read some pompous little cretin admitting that his child is one of the worst things in his life.
  15. Says the shitty parent/15 year old troll. As far as us being here for space travel, LOL. We can't even design a hull strong enough to withstand Jupiter's gravitational pull of around 50km/s, let alone withstanding the speed of light (355,000 km/s) necessary to reach the closest hospitable planet within a lifetime which is roughly 60 light years away. We're stuck on Earth, so NASA might as well put its resources into preserving this planet and defending it from potential meteor strikes. Regardless of our population, it's still our primary purpose/instinct to pass on our seed until Mother Nature deems otherwise.
  16. I feel bad for your kids. I still think you're 15, though. Either that, or a deadbeat. No parent that wasn't living off of welfare would feel that way about their children. Societal douchebaggery at its filthy, stinking pinnacle.
  17. No reason? Anyone who has kids and is depressed and bitter that they can't "party" like they used to has their values ass-backwards. As for me growing up, my life is in perfect order; my wife and kids have everything they need and are my top priority. What about you? Did you miss that "totes gnarly" rave because you had to stay home and watch your kid(s), Mr. Hipster? With people like you running around crying woe is me, it's no wonder society is fucked. Again, grow up. P.S: You felt the need to comment on my posts, not the other way around. Don't get butt-hurt when you hear something you don't like. I could give two shits about your childish lifestyle, I just can't help but empathize with your kid(s).
  18. Grimey Rick

    Does "healing" fix food poisoning?

    I've drunk disinfectant while healthy, fully energized and fully hydrated and died within five minutes.
  19. Wow, that's the biggest asshole comment I've ever heard from someone about their children. Obviously you're not old enough to be blessed with a child if you're still this focused on partying. Road trips and traveling are much more rewarding with your children. Your kids will be there for you for the rest of your life, the skanks at the parties won't. If this isn't a troll post, it sounds like it's time for you to grow up.
  20. Yeah, making babies is such an AWFUL process.I'm not arguing philosophy here, I merely stated a fact: every biological entity on the planet is here solely to see their species thrive. Somewhere along the way we figured out that we can reproduce and have fun doing other things simultaneously. That's great, but as someone who has children, I can assure you there's no better feeling. No roller coaster, motorcycle, or any other adrenaline rush can take its place. There's a reason that depression is so rampant in those who either choose not to, or are unable to have children.
  21. Not to sound like a complete asshole, but DayZ is going to suck. Okay, I'll admit, that made me sound like a complete asshole.
  22. Grimey Rick

    Ridiculously inaccurate guns?

    Police stations are janky as hell. I shot a guy in a police station a few days ago and it apparently knocked him underneath the floor. He died, but I couldn't loot him. Yesterday, while walking up the police station stairs, my character decided to float to the bottom, right through the spiral staircase. It also seems that if you try to make a precise shot on the edge of door frames, your bullet looks like it's hitting dirt. They're pretty poorly optimized, to say the least.
  23. Grimey Rick

    Survived 6 shotgun hits

    I knocked a guy unconscious with the shotgun the other night. After looting him, I went to seal the deal and had to shoot him THREE more times in the head. I was laughing so hard on Team Speak my friends thought I was crazy.
  24. Grimey Rick

    The Mosin

    You could ask the guy I sniped from Krasnastov to the north-east airfield.
  25. Grimey Rick

    What should I keep? the AKM or M4?

    I killed two geared players at NEAF with four shots from the AKM. 13.75/10 Would kill again.