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Grimey Rick

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Everything posted by Grimey Rick

  1. Assuming Hardcore, it's already extremely difficult to breech against a capable player. Moving at half the normal breech speed is going to make breeching twice as hard, putting it up into the near impossible range against a decent group. I'm all for a challenge, but considering it from a defender's point of view, it's already extremely easy to defend a doorway with an automatic weapon. Making it even easier by taking away the opponent's ability to capitalize on a positioning error I make because their speed has been nerfed is going to detract from my play experience.
  2. After playing on Experimental for the past week or so and then going back to Stable, I can honestly say that the new changes feel really bad. There's no reason someone should be forced to walk with their rifle in a ready position. This makes breeching buildings really difficult, to the point of giving the players defending a massive advantage. I don't mind the slower crouching speed, I feel that's fair. However, the reduced ability to breech is almost game-breaking. The game is already slow and clunky enough without making it more so.
  3. Grimey Rick

    Very is everyone at?

  4. Grimey Rick

    Very is everyone at?

    You guys keep telling yourself that. Enjoy killing mindless, stupid zombies that offer absolutely zero challenge. I can literally spawn fresh, run The Path of the Warrior, get fully geared, and then sit around twiddling my thumbs all in under two hours. That's on a full server too, as most people tend to gravitate around the coast. There is absolutely no challenge in this game other than PvP. Whether or not you can find other things to do like count the blades of grass between towns, organize "Peace Walks", make a camp fire and tell scary stories to your role-playing friends, or whatever else it is that floats your boat, none of that changes the fact that this game is based 100% on player encounters, which 9 times out of 10 turn sour. Whether it's offensive killing or defensive killing, the backbone of DayZ is the PvP. No one has a memorable zombie encounter beyond their very first confrontation with one. You can literally fight three or more zombies at once with your fists. But I guarantee everyone has multiple memorable fire fights they shared with other players. Most people (myself included) started DayZ with the intent of being a nice survivor, letting other like-minded passersby go on their way while gunning down the occasional "evil-doer". After a few days, this outlook generally dissipates and the player is then just looking to kill everyone they see out of boredom, spite, or contempt. They can add barricading, vehicles, whatever. Unless they come up with some sort of reason for players to co-exist and work toward a common goal, this will never change. Period.
  5. Grimey Rick

    Please adjust the damage values soon

    In Counter-Strike Source and Global Offensive, each model uses a different skin but they all share the same hit boxes. If they didn't, everyone would just use the model with the smallest hit boxes. The skins are aesthetic only. Even in DayZ, I'm 99% sure that the male and female skins use the same base model and hit boxes. If they didn't, again, everyone would just play whatever model was smallest. I don't have a link or anything to verify that, but when my wife's character stands next to mine, her female character is the same height as my male character. The original point that was being made was how random the hit boxes are and how the AKM has a seemingly large range of damage. I'm not sure how this got so off-track.
  6. Grimey Rick

    Very is everyone at?

    DAMN, you got me. ;3
  7. Grimey Rick

    Very is everyone at?

    I server hop? I'm sorry, have we played together? I've played with a dozen or more people who frequently post on these forums, and they'll all tell you that I'm pretty religious about playing by the book. I begin my banditry with a Mosin and a Child's Briefcase. It just gets more violent with the more people I kill and stuff that I loot from their corpses. Not everyone plays like me, and not everyone plays like you. To me, your version of this game sounds more boring than watching my constipated dog take a shit after he ate the belt from my wife's housecoat.
  8. Grimey Rick

    Very is everyone at?

    They were removed? Certain versions of the Mod exclude them, but the most popular versions make them easier to attain. Tell me, what's easier to find? A pure vanilla server, role-playing server (like DayZRP), or a FAST BUILD | INDESTRUCTIBLE BASE | SELF-BLOODBAG | SPAWN WITH GUN server that is spammed with server messages of people killing each other? Really? DayZ is not about PvP? Lol. It's marginally about survival and positive player interaction. The other 90% is about PvP. What is your end-game? Running around axing zombies/infected? Bandaging people only to have most of them attack you? Trying to befriend the plethora of prepubescents who sling racial slurs at you? Seriously, you're reaching. As far as Call of Duty and Battlefield, why do people play both games? For variety. Arma/DayZ is no different. Not everyone records how many trips they've taken around the map, how many people they've seen, how many people they've bandaged, and how many people they've killed. Yeah, that's why BIS jumped all over the DayZ single-player, eh? "MAN, WE COULD MAKE A FORTUNE OFF OF SHITTY A.I. AND BORING SURVIVAL MECHANICS!" I don't remember people "raving" about DayZ single-player. Just the people who were too jaded to play multi-player and decided to whine on the forums about being shot for their beans. It's not the sole purpose, it's the main purpose. You either kill people offensively or defensively. That's the game.
  9. Grimey Rick

    Very is everyone at?

    I have Arma. I play it a lot. I also play DayZ a lot. They're both games that involve a fuckton of player vs. player combat. Ever heard of DayZ Overwatch? DayZ Epoch? DayZ OverEpoch? DayZero? If not, go play them for an afternoon or two and let me know how you fare. The Standalone is the same thing. DayZ has always been, and always will be a world of massacre with a few people dotting the landscape here and there who believe themselves holier than thou for not blasting whomever they come across. If you honestly have a hard time surviving in the Mod or Standalone, then perhaps to you I can recommend Dora's Carnival 2: Boardwalk Adventure. I got it for my five year old, and he loves it!
  10. Grimey Rick

    Very is everyone at?

    If one was to remove the ability to attack other players, or to take it a step further, to make DayZ a single player game in and of itself, it would be terrible. DayZ Mod was 10% survival, 90% player vs. player combat, and the Standalone isn't going to much better. They can add as many sicknesses, as much inclement weather, and as many zombies/infected as they want, and it'll still be about player vs. player combat. I don't know why people cling to this idea that DayZ (the game with AS50s, thermal vision, helicopters with rail guns, ammunition everywhere, etc) isn't based solely on player vs. player combat. Just because you don't have to kill everyone you run into doesn't detract from that. No player vs. player = no sales = no game.
  11. Grimey Rick

    Very is everyone at?

    While I agree with your logic for getting off the coast, at the end of the day, the whole point of the game is to kill other players.
  12. Grimey Rick

    Anyone Find the Engraved 1911 HandGuns?

    They can still be found in schools, jails, barracks, hangars, fire stations, police stations, etc... They're not rare at all these days. I find at least one every evening.
  13. Grimey Rick

    Please adjust the damage values soon

    The hit boxes in Counter-Strike (both Source and Global Offensive) are much more consistent than DayZ's. The Mosin didn't get nerfed, the implementation of items within articles of clothing absorbing ballistic damage is what sent the Mosin's damage askew. In my opinion, a box of matches isn't going to protect you against a 7.62x54mm (51mm in DayZ) round with a muzzle velocity of ~2,800ft/s. ...what? I don't understand what you're getting at here. I know of no changes to the models pertaining to size, just alterations to various animations. Please elaborate. I guess you misunderstood my point. I was bringing notice to the fact that you can shoot someone in the face (for all intents and purposes) with your gun zeroed properly and you'll [sometimes] somehow magically hit them in the legs. I've got almost 1,200 hours logged in the Standalone so far, most of which were spent sniping, so I do know what does and doesn't feel right as far as game mechanics. The results of some shots are completely ridiculous.
  14. Every server has been a ghost town for days. Get off Babycore on Stable and find it in your heart to play like a real man testing the newest changes with the likes of yours truly. Beans are involved. ;3
  15. Grimey Rick

    Please adjust the damage values soon

    Unfortunate for you, not me. (; I kill players in one shot with the Mosin from time to time, but they tend to be new spawns. Healthy, geared players take minimum two shots to the chest. A head shot is generally a one shot kill with the Mosin; I've never had any issue with it rendering players unconscious after a head shot. Yep, from time to time. In other instances you'll have to waste half a drum killing someone with it. Actually, there's plenty wrong with the hit boxes. First of all, they don't start at the silhouette of your body, but rather a few centimetres within it. Secondly, when a player is in motion, whether it's due to de-sync or server lag, bullets registering where you aim when an enemy player is in motion are pretty inaccurate. Two shot bursts aimed at a player's head have yielded blood spurting from said player's legs. Of this I wouldn't mind a link. I've searched for what you're talking about and haven't found any information pertaining to them making the hit boxes/player models smaller due to a specific type of player behaviour. I can't even find an article pertaining to them changing the sizes at all.
  16. Grimey Rick

    Where did everyone on Hardcore Experimental go...?

    Let's not turn this into a debate as to which mode is better, but rather a friendly discussion on WHY THE HELL YOU PEOPLE AREN'T IN MY SERVERZ TRYING TO STEALZ MY LEWTZ?! *ahem* Yesss... cooome... joiiin usss...
  17. Grimey Rick

    What's the current hacking status like in DayZ:SA?

    Stopped reading at Berenzino.
  18. Grimey Rick

    Please adjust the damage values soon

    First of all, your name is offensive. Secondly, damage is completely random with the AKM. I, too, have shot people in the head only to sometimes watch said people run to cover. Or, you'll think you've killed them with a shot to the head, but upon further inspection they're merely unconscious with blood spurting from their ear. When the Standalone first launched, the damage was awesome. You actually had to fear the Mosin. It was a one shot kill 99% of the time as long as it hit you in your chest or above. Now, the Mosin is usually two shots to kill, so you can run around in areas that you normally wouldn't have been able to during early alpha. It was much more realistic. We're just regular people trying to survive; we're not battle-hardened veterans who've been trained to remain as calm as possible in shitty situations.
  19. Grimey Rick

    What Do You Think About The Long Spawning Time ?

    This thread is four months old. The spawn timer that's currently in the game differs from the spawn timer this thread was discussing. The current "Spawning in 99 seconds... Please wait..." occurs even if you've been on a server for four hours. If you're kicked, you still get it. If you disconnect and reconnect to the same server, you still get it. On top of all that, after the 99 seconds have counted down, you tend to get stuck at "Please wait..." for another 99 seconds. It's a pretty terrible system, and I feel that the latter is a bug. I am happy that you searched before you posted, though. :3
  20. Grimey Rick

    ATC Tower with 4 campers/bandits

    ~*LOL*~ This is the worst video I've ever seen. The guys "camping" (which you seem to think is a bad thing, but is a perfectly viable strategy, unlike your exploiting) are not using the glitch you're using at all. They're just laying prone inside of a building watching both points of entry waiting for, in their mind, other people who won't exploit like little girls to come along for some good ol' fashioned amubshing fun. So, what "lesson" are you "learning" them? That DayZ is an early access alpha build of a game riddled with annoying prepubescents that use every exploit in the book to kill other people on top of the fact that Regular's third person perspective is already a broken, poorly thought out exploit in and of itself? EvilTigerAce, I now dub thee SOFA-KING BAD -- LONG LIVE THE KING! EDIT: I just noticed another post where you compare camping and cheating by claiming that taking part in either act makes you a bandit. Wrong. Camping with the intent to ambush people makes you a bandit. Cheating makes you a terrible player. Banditry is a viable playstyle, like EtherImp mentioned. Cheating is not. I'm still amazed you posted a video bragging about it, though. Astounding.
  21. The only difference now is that you have to put it in your vicinity to move items around within the backpack.
  22. Grimey Rick

    If you die in DayZ, you deserved it

    If you die in real life, it's your fault. You shouldn't have gone to see Batman. You should've known full well that some deranged lunatic could potentially show up and lay waste to the theatre. This topic is still pointless.
  23. This is common knowledge and is referred to unofficially as "item inception" as a parody of the movie, I assume. It can still be done with backpacks. Find a backpack, fill it to full, then find another empty backpack. Equip the empty backpack, leaving your full backpack on the ground. Now, double-click your full backpack and it will magically fit inside your new empty backpack even if the full backpack is bigger than the one you found. You can fit Mountain Backpacks into Tuluum Backpacks with five slots of inventory space to spare!
  24. Grimey Rick

    Flashbangs and Grenades

    I haven't found one helicopter crash site since 0.46 went live. I have done three full laps of the map starting from the north-west and working my way south, hitting every single spawn point recorded in the past. I have not found one. I am very confident they are not in the current stable patch. If someone can prove me wrong with a dated screenshot and what server they were playing on, I'd rescind my comment.
  25. Grimey Rick

    Admin Warning for using group chat (Exp 0.47)

    The OP said it was only happening on Experimental. Stupid phone. Ah well, this bowel movement is making up for having to type on the phone.