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Grimey Rick

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Everything posted by Grimey Rick

  1. Grimey Rick

    HELP; Sick with food poisoning

    It's too late for charcoal tablets; they need to be ingested shortly after the cause of the sickness. Just go find a source of water and drink until you throw up. Problem solved.
  2. I made it there. I didn't kill anyone. I feel that I've taken a first step towards heroism.
  3. Grimey Rick

    Discussion etiquette on these forums

  4. Grimey Rick

    MP5 extremely rare?

    I've found all but one of the MP5s I've come across on top of police cars. The other one I found on a shelf in the police station.
  5. I once made love to a lovely female zombie underneath an ashwood tree in the middle of a field. It was early autumn; she was breathing heavily as she meandered towards me. I took her in my arms, crushed her against me with a powerful grip, and rubbed my manhood against her leg. I then proceeded to handcuff her so she didn't infect me during the act and double-wrapped that shit. 8/10, would bang again.
  6. Grimey Rick

    Night Time Play & exploit Poll

    No, it's not a gaming monitor. It's a 31.5" 4K monitor. I game at 60 FPS with V-Sync enabled. I have no need for a refresh rate higher than 60Hz. (You won't find a 4K monitor with a refresh rate any higher, anyway.) All that monitor enables you to do is control your contrast based on how dark something is so you don't get a shitty looking display in the bright areas. It normalizes already available light; it doesn't provide light where it doesn't already exist. Even in that "dark" corner (which isn't even that dark) there's some light, or it would be pitch black. My monitor does something similar to this. I use it mostly for watching movies that are too dark. Anyway, at night time in DayZ it's pitch black (or it used to be; they dumbed it down for the whiners) when the moon isn't out. Even the gamma exploit doesn't work when this happens.
  7. Grimey Rick

    Night Time Play & exploit Poll

    That is odd, because when I work in northern Alberta for six months of the year, it's pitch black there too.
  8. Grimey Rick

    DayZ is far more optimized than you think tbh...

    There's no need to post on these forums either, but we all do. :) The game is definitely in better shape than when it started, but it's about as optimized as tits on a fish.
  9. Grimey Rick

    Funny troll against server hoppers....

    Don't feel bad, everyone has done it. EVERYONE.
  10. Grimey Rick

    Night Time Play & exploit Poll

    I have the ASUS PQ321Q. If you would, please explain to me how I got "ripped". Currently, there are three main contenders for the 31.5" belt: Dell, Asus and Sharp. Samsung has yet to release their 31.5" UD970, but as soon as they do, I'll sell mine and buy it (or just run dual-display with both). I am a big Samsung fan (every television and mobile device in my house is Samsung), but I couldn't justify sacrificing 3.5" of screen real estate at the time of my purchase as Samsung only had the 28" UD 590 on the market. The Dell was out of the question as I've never had a good experience with them and their monitor was cheap looking, and the Asus/Sharp monitors looked exactly the same so I went with Asus. HDMI currently requires compression to reach 4K resolution, so I didn't give a shit that I wasn't getting an HDMI port on my lovely, big, fly-as-fuck monitor. However, none of these monitors (which are top end, btw) do what you claim in "eliminating shadows" and "making black lighter". Hence me asking you for a link, as I'd love to learn how to make my monitor do so. Also, getting "ripped" is relative. I make a lot of money. I wouldn't lose any sleep over $3,000.
  11. Grimey Rick

    Night Time Play & exploit Poll

    Would you care to link us to one? I have a $3,000 monitor that won't do it, nor have I heard of one. But I'm always willing to learn something new. I voted 4, 2, 4. I realize that I'm a moving target at night time as I move around with my head lamp, but I don't care. I, too, am disappointed how they removed the pitch blackness from night play. People tend to forget that true night time is black as pitch. Here in Atlantic Canada, you don't go outside at night with 1) a good excuse, and 2) a flashlight. You can't see ten feet in front of you, even on a clear night with a full moon.
  12. Grimey Rick

    DayZ is far more optimized than you think tbh...

    You recognized him by his totally nonsensical gaming rig, didn't you? Only someone named MLG420blazeit would game on such a random combination of hardware.
  13. No. -MP5 + attachments = Police Stations, Police Cars -Long Range Scopes = Residential Buildings (I have a lot of luck in the storage units/garages in Chapaevsk) -FNX magazines = Military Bases/Airfields, Fire Stations, Police Stations -9mm rounds/SKS rounds = Residential AND Military Buildings (I find an assload of each, surprised you haven't found many) -AKM = Barracks (I find 99% of them in the last two rooms)
  14. Grimey Rick

    DayZ is far more optimized than you think tbh...

    I get 90ish frames per second in ARMA 3 single player, 60ish online. In DayZ Standalone I drop down to 25ish frames per second in cities, 60-100 everywhere else. I've grown to accept the fact that Bohemia couldn't optimize their morning coffee.
  15. Grimey Rick

    MP5K flashlight

    Unfortunately the BUIS, RV1 and M68 optics don't represent where the gun is actually going to shoot. Way too high. Imagine my disappointment after hunting down dozens of people at airfields and Berezino to get my hands on said attachments only to find out they're not calibrated.
  16. Grimey Rick

    Love the New Sway

    People think that the addition of vehicles will offset a stamina system. News flash: you won't have a vehicle for the majority of the time you're playing, so get used to walking.
  17. Most of the player base plays DayZ to PVP because 1) there's not much else to do, and 2) because getting a kill feels fairly satisfying. This leads to 3) what's the easiest, most consistent way to get kills? Playing Regular servers! This issue extends well beyond DayZ; society in general has gotten lazy as f*** and currently has zero attention span. Have you walked into a doctor's office lately? Or anywhere else with a group of people waiting for something, for that matter. Faces are buried deep within the screens of their mobile devices. People don't talk anymore. F***, people can't even sit STILL for five minutes. Society has this comical sense of entitlement that extends much further than mobile devices; people feel that everything has to happen RIGHT NOW or it's either boring, s*****, or not worth their time. We could use the development of this game as an example. Look at the f***ing rants and whine threads. Anyway, getting back on topic, it's my opinion that the lack of Hardcore servers befits the current generation of young people. A combination of social media (people like Failcriel streaming incessant PVP encounters), sense of entitlement (people wanting action RIGHT NOW as well as their inability to WORK for something coupled with their inability to partake in anything even remotely challenging, e.g: playing without being able to corner/ledge peek in third person) and a generally s***** player base is why the Hardcore servers are dwindling. People citing that they want to be able to see their characters while playing (lol press TAB), first person gives them headaches (turn off head bob/post-processing. Also, how do you play ANY OTHER first person shooter? Never met so many people with motion sickness before I picked up DayZ), and not being able to see their peripherals (turn up your field of view or invest in a couple more monitors) are full of s***. They want an easy mode SURVIVAL GAME. Lol. EDIT: teh splelingz
  18. Grimey Rick

    A snipers life for me

    Obviously you can't read as I was defending your position. Also, it's marksmAn. My whole post discussed how distance isn't the defining factor of sniping.
  19. Grimey Rick

    A snipers life for me

    Damn, we got some hoopty-ass elitists up in hurr, na mean? I am a sniper. My farthest shot was ~900 or so metres from the top of one of the tall apartments in Chapaevsk to the single barracks door on the Balota airfield. While that was my farthest kill ever, I'm no less proud of much more clutch shots I've made from a third of that distance while being pursued or counter-sniping. I've made some pretty nice shots with a window of maybe one or two seconds as a player crosses an open area in a building of which I have line of sight. I'm not really trying to contribute to a pointless debate, but I feel that a sniper has to make both longer and shorter shots. Some of the shortest shots I've made have been my most challenging.
  20. Grimey Rick

    When you know you play too much Dayz :p

    ANOTHER one of these threads? Seriously, search before you post. /facepalmofepicproportion
  21. I play almost exclusively Hardcore! I just have severe trust issues. However, if there will be this many people actually attending, I'll probably risk it and stop by.
  22. This could be an amazing use for the one grenade I have... Haha, kidding.
  23. Grimey Rick

    Tents with wooden floors never have loot/gear

    Hey guys, I hear that tents with one entrance and wooden floors aren't spawning loot. Confirm/deny?
  24. Grimey Rick

    A very big complaint

    Really? That's a shame. When I watched anime over a decade ago, the more tentacles the better!