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Grimey Rick

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Everything posted by Grimey Rick

  1. Grimey Rick

    What's the current hacking status like in DayZ:SA?

    It's not garbage? Have you played Arma 2/3 online? I assume you've played the Mod and Standalone. Cheating is rampant. I didn't really believe it'd ban someone legit either, until I was banned last night.
  2. Grimey Rick

    What's the current hacking status like in DayZ:SA?

    First of all, if you don't work for BE, don't make ignorant assertions. How could you possibly know? If you do work for BE, your anti-cheat is garbage. People have been rampantly cheating all over every populated DayZ server since launch. I have downloaded nothing for DayZ. Ever. So, just for a second, humor me. Explain to me why I was banned for literally no reason. No modified files, etc. And no one stole my account or anything, as I have an email sent to me for verification every single time I switch devices. I'm confident they'll sort it out.
  3. Grimey Rick

    What's the current hacking status like in DayZ:SA?

    I certainly hope so, but with my luck, I'll probably have CSIS at my door in the morning looking to do a full cavity search. I gripe about it often, but I definitely enjoy the hell out of DayZ. It's literally the only reason I still use Steam these days.
  4. Grimey Rick

    What's the current hacking status like in DayZ:SA?

    I used to use Razr Game Booster months ago, but I read an article that it doesn't actually improve anything, so I got rid of it. I have never cheated in any game that I own, no. I recently reported a website to Accolyte in a private message and a moderator on the forums after having it brought to my attention by an actual cheater that killed me. I never thought of that when I emailed them, though. Good point. I don't remember if DayZ was opened or not. I think it was, because I went to the site while he was bragging in-game and showing me the shit that it could do. I've never modified anything in my DayZ directory.
  5. Grimey Rick

    What's the current hacking status like in DayZ:SA?

    Apparently I hack: I'm currently awaiting a response from them. In the meantime, I'm banned from DayZ and Arma 3. In the past when I've scoffed at people who were "banned for no reason", I now fully rescind said scoffs. Worst anti-cheat ever. If I was going to cheat, it sure as fuck wouldn't be on the Steam account in which I have 150 or so games. If they don't reply, that's it for me and BI. <3 EDIT: It was a good run:
  6. Grimey Rick

    Items degrading...

    Because every damaged backpack has a big hole in the bottom. They never have frayed straps or stuck zippers, right? What if someone snuck up behind you and spray-painted "SHOOT ME I'M NEW" on the back? Would that constitute as damaged? So many questions, so little time.
  7. Grimey Rick

    Tent and Server Question

    Sniper Wolf, you are responsible for my first wet dream. I still remember that night. You had me running for my life through that field of snow between the hangar and nuclear silo, using your PSG-1 to toy with me. Eventually you became bored with that game and decided to amuse yourself in other ways. You popped out of a snow covered bush, told me to strip and had your filthy way with me. On that night, I literally became Solid Rick. Thank you for that.
  8. Grimey Rick

    AK 101 mags sure are uncommon...

    You'll want to hit Pavlovo's military base. I've had the most luck finding both AK-101 magazines and AKM drums there. They tend to spawn mostly in barracks. I've found the odd AK-101 magazines in jail buildings, though. Never an ATC or hangar.
  9. Grimey Rick

    Best loot route?

    Pick two towns on either side of the map. Run from one to the other.
  10. Grimey Rick

    Changelogs for pussies

    Left because of dicks.
  11. Grimey Rick

    Real fear with game

    Your hands were shaking? LMAO.
  12. I'm just curious what others think about this. I feel that once knocked unconscious, we shouldn't be able to immediately respawn. I feel that we should have to lay there for perhaps sixty seconds or so awaiting our fate, be it death due to bleeding out, life after our assailant/someone else resuscitates us, or we wake up on our own. Being unconscious is part of the game. How is it we can respawn when we're still alive? Just because we don't have control over our characters, that shouldn't justify us being able to immediately respawn, should it? If that's the case, let's offer the option to respawn when handcuffed, too. There's nothing more lame than running up to someone you recently shot and finding them dead 95% of the time. I tend to shoot for the legs so that I can detain a person by knocking them unconscious, bandaging them, splinting them, and then handcuffing them. If someone knows they're f***ed, they're not going to ride out an imminent torture session. They're just going to respawn and start looting again. Anyway, what do you think?
  13. I agree, I don't really want this to be forced until at least beta. As far as my in-game name(s), I play mostly as Grimey Rick and some variation of an emoticon (<3, ;3, ;T, ;0, etc.). I also use the handle Lei Ying Lo when my avatar is Asian. <3
  14. Grimey Rick

    I have an Ak101... what now?

    The handguard and buttstock condition currently doesn't matter at all. I looted an AK-101 from a guy I shot in Pavlovo with a damaged handrail, badly damaged wooden buttstock, damaged PSO-1 and damaged ATLAS bipod. It was bang-on at 600 meters. It was more accurate than my kitted, pristine AKM, actually.
  15. Grimey Rick

    Ya Know I wuz thinkin

    Really? The only time Skyrim has ever crashed for me, it was driver related. I run over 200 mods, too. P.S: My wife, under no circumstances, is allowed to watch me play Skyrim. ;3
  16. A timer preventing you from respawning for 60 seconds (wow, 60 whole seconds!) after being rendered unconscious in no way "hurts" gameplay. This type of empty claim is why DayZ has gone from being something truly gritty, unique and interactive to a coddled "survival" experience that is becoming more like Counter-Strike than anything else. Spawn, shoot, die, rinse and repeat. We need to value our lives. It's true that currently we have no real need to do so, but this is still an alpha version of a future game. My suggestion needn't be implemented immediately, but it does need to be seriously considered by the time beta hits. Instantly respawning at no cost to the player is probably the lamest thing about this game so far. Have you ever watched a suspenseful movie/program? When something dramatic happens to a character and you're left staring at commercials for 90 seconds, do you turn the television off, grab your mug of warm milk and head to bed muttering about having to wait to see how something unfolds? God forbid something should happen to a character at the end of an episode, or even the end of a season! Your head would explode. You're right, nobody wants to stare at a blank screen. The very idea of not knowing what's happening to your character is one of the truly awesome aspects of DayZ. Am I being tied up? Looted? Is the "You are dead" screen going to rear its ugly head at any second? Or perhaps the assailant attacked me out of instinct and has had a sudden change of heart? Perhaps guilt is eating him up, and he's attempting to resuscitate me? Or maybe someone watched the conflict take place and has decided to rescue me? 60 seconds is not a long time to wait to see if any of these scenarios unfold. If your entire perspective of DayZ is just aimlessly running from town to town collecting items to keep your character alive, then you're a hypocrite. Until you see "You are dead" (or at least wait a modest amount of time awaiting the fate of your character, no one is suggesting we should have to sit through a coma), your job is not done. No. I've listed several scenarios above that address the first point.Torturing others (if that's how someone decides to play the game) is currently impossible (yep, impossible) if the victim doesn't want to be tortured:i) Handcuffing someone without a friend is basically not going to happen, as the victim can just run/knock you out as soon as you start handcuffing them.ii) If somehow someone manages to restrain you, you can log off, thus killing your character.iii) If one [or more] people are holding you at gunpoint (and you don't want to be held up), you can just run away. You will either be shot and killed, shot and knocked unconscious, or let go.The "a**holes" of DayZ are those that just sit in a heavy traffic area for hours on end waiting for unknowing passersby. They kill you just for the sake of killing you. It sounds to me like you've been brainwashed into thinking that's the "correct" way to play DayZ. Fortunately, you're wrong. Once this game puts more of an emphasis on actually keeping your character alive, these people will still exist, but they'll be much fewer and further between.Cheers. EDIT: Formatting fail.
  17. I suggested 60 seconds, not 10 minutes... no one expects you to wait 10 minutes in front of a black screen. Sneaking up behind someone to handcuff them is virtually impossible on Hardcore, even more so on Regular. On top of that, sneaking up behind them to knock them unconscious, believe it or not, still knocks them unconscious... resulting in the exact same discussion about a short timer preventing them from immediately respawning. One would think that players participating in a survival game would actually want to attempt survival in one of the [very few] situations in DayZ where survival is actually difficult.
  18. Grimey Rick

    The Good, The Bad and The Ugly

    The good: DayZ The bad: DayZ The ugly: Tori Spelling
  19. Grimey Rick

    Adding dynamism to gunfights

    Uh... Why exactly did this thread get moved to Recruitment? Lol. Am I missing something?
  20. Grimey Rick

    Adding dynamism to gunfights

    Oh? Like what?
  21. Grimey Rick

    Key Assignments - 2xW for Turbo not working

    Uh, in a game like Battlefield where you're running around an urban area ducking in and out of houses shooting other players, then yeah, [Shift] is great. When running several kilometers from town to town, it is not. Luckily for me, my gaming keyboard software lets me bind both functions to one key, however, I feel bad for those with carpal tunnel syndrome that now have to suffer twofold.
  22. Grimey Rick

    Adding dynamism to gunfights

    ITT: People arguing that this video game inhabited by zombies and in which a morphine/splint miraculously cures a broken arm/leg in seconds should have its movement designed with a "realistic" blueprint. These also tend to be be the players that haven't played it nearly enough to be put in every situation where the s***ty movement gets you killed more often than not for no other reason than being s***ty. There's no strategy to it, it's just bad. I don't play a video game to pretend that I've carried assault rifles and attempted to shoot them while running, I play this game because video game. This isn't a military simulator. It isn't even a survival simulator. It's a survival game with zombies that's loosely based on authenticity of environment. Also, NEWSFLASH, DayZ isn't a game where your sole purpose is survival. Survival in both the Mod and the Standalone is trivial at best when you remove other players. It's a game where after establishing your camp/supplies, you go out to kill other people for theirs. It's a game that contains assault rifles, shotguns, bolt-action rifles, semi-automatic rifles, pistols, various sharp and blunt melee weapons, and even f***ing helicopters for a reason. We're not here to make friends, we're here to survive and then blast other people away. This game needs to be balanced around PVP and encounters with other players, not around making the horribly s***ty zombies somewhat viable enemies by nerfing the controls into oblivion. Your job should be to make the controls accurate, smooth and balanced while simultaneously making the zombies harder. Keep the zombies harmless and let us have our *somewhat* decent controls back until you figure out whatever the hell you're doing with the zeds. Go play State of Decay, take notes, and stop being lazy with this terrible zombie A.I. It's been eight months now and we're slowly creeping closer to beta -- let's see some progress.
  23. Grimey Rick

    Fracture and Dead on actual Stable

    It's currently best to avoid the second level of jail houses on military bases and airfields. My last two deaths have come from walking around upstairs. Once in the hallway, the other in the room with the beds. A few yelps of pain followed by a "My leg is broken" and a "You are dead".
  24. Grimey Rick

    Don't trust anyone- even mutual friends

    That is not a wall of text. http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=wall%20of%20text Educate yourself. @Cap'n: Good job. I don't like playing with friends of friends or random people either. I've actually shot a few in the face if they're annoying on the mic or do stupid things whilst playing. The drama that ensues is nothing short of legendary.
  25. Grimey Rick

    See through walls

    You should definitely report this on the BugTracker!