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Grimey Rick

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Everything posted by Grimey Rick

  1. Grimey Rick

    How could he.....

    Maybe you'll have more luck on your second day of DayZ.
  2. Grimey Rick


    SLI in general is broken, not just with DayZ. It's been getting progressively worse since 2004. As far as DayZ goes, you won't notice any improvement whatsoever from your GTX 770, no matter which video card you buy.
  3. They can make all the "improvements" they want, but the game is still boring. For shame.
  4. Grimey Rick

    Private Bandit Hunter and Investigator (Needs Jobs)

    Bring it on, wench.
  5. Grimey Rick

    People's thoughts on hip firing?

    Once you figure out where to aim relative to the dot in third person, it remains constant and is very easy to kill other players. This is a valid point, and one I've noticed a lot more since this awful new weapon sway was introduced. It's not really viable beyond 100 meters as Imp mentioned, but in a game like this I feel it shouldn't be viable at all.
  6. Grimey Rick

    Whats the optimal playercount in your opinion?

    I'd say 70-80. 40 is too few, and any more than 80 would have people tripping over one another in Chernarus. Encountering another player in a post-apocalyptic world is, in my opinion, intended to be a fairly rare occurrence. If we flood the servers with players, we'll lose that "holy shit" feeling when we find ourselves running into someone else. Just my two cents.
  7. Grimey Rick

    The camo building is stupid

    Yeah, after potentially several hours of running around in a multi-player game without seeing another player, when you do find one, run away!
  8. Grimey Rick

    Epic long snipe attempt...

    Let's see a video.
  9. Grimey Rick

    Smersh Vest Locations?

    Let me Google that for you, sir.
  10. Why would you need water purification tablets? /lost
  11. Grimey Rick

    Too Much Work For One Man

    Not that I condone cheating, but the volume of threads dedicated to this type of behaviour is astounding. It needn't be said, but this isn't even a game yet. Who gives a rat's ass? File/add to a report on the Tracker and move on.
  12. Speak for yourself. I skirt hot spots and snipe people overextending themselves constantly. I have gone through a 300 Round Box of 7.62x39mm in the last two days alone. No experienced player runs into/through Berezino. Man, where do these kids come from?
  13. Grimey Rick

    Best place to server hop in search of heli crashes

    ITT: Multiple instances of a superiority complex.
  14. Grimey Rick

    Where is everyone?

    I grew tired of playing single player DayZ, so I'm taking a break until the servers get a player slot boost. There's only so much "new stuff" to try out. After a couple of hours, it's back to the ghost town of Chernarus. The only people I ever really see are those gravitating around the coast near Berezino. I am sick of being in that area of the map, so I'll just wait until there's a little more incentive for people to travel around.
  15. I've checked around the forums, and from what I've gathered, this is how persistence works (correct me if I'm wrong): Only works on official serversDropped items degrade over timeTents store loot with no degradationBackpacks, Small Protector Cases, and 300 Round Boxes store loot at a greatly decelerated rate of degradationSo, here's my question: Does item refresh not trigger until all items from any given vicinity have been picked up? This seems to have resulted in a flood of Jeans, Athletic Shoes, T-Shirts, Crowbars, and many other useless items in virtually every building you visit. High-traffic areas don't seem to be worth wasting your time visiting. If this is the case, is that why most servers with persistence enabled seem to have virtually no one playing on them? Thnaxs in avdacne guise! <3
  16. I can't help but think that you don't actually know how it works at all. Clearing an entire town of all loot and then returning ten hours later to be met with absolutely no loot (the same way as it was left) is not fine. A fully populated server would be devoid of loot within hours. I don't really care either way, I'm just curious as to how it works. I'll just play on normal servers until it's sorted out. At least progress is being made.
  17. Grimey Rick

    What is this?

    The tree is excited to have cowboy's face so near, obviously.
  18. Dunno. Maybe Crunchin' Crisps are the new super food, taking Canned Peaches' place. Peaches have definitely been toned down the last patch or two. I don't usually eat the cereal, but I'll have to try it. Regarding the main issue, it's definitely more of a challenge (in a good way) on the lower populated servers that don't see much traffic. However, with how long items currently take to spawn, on a very busy server, after a day or so, it'd be virtually impossible to survive after all of the loot had been snatched. I tend to stick to one popular main server when I play alone, but with this change, I don't know that I'll be able to. I ran from Novo to the new towns, then south to Kamenka, then just followed the road to Cherno and onward to Elektro. I found virtually nothing of use in several hours of play. Seems a little excessive. Tonight I'll run back to Cernaya and check on the items I left.
  19. Agreed. I spent much of last night and a little bit of time today doing more or less the same thing in Cernaya. I put everything in the town down the hill near the industrial area of Novo. I logged back on today, almost ten hours later, and nothing had spawned since the night before. I proceeded to move all of the stuff out of the bushes I put it in to the other side of the industrial area, further away from Cernaya. I'm going to log back on later and see if anything has yet to spawn. I also recorded the condition of several of the easier-to-identify items like a Splitting Axe, CZ527 and a package of Rice that I moved slightly aside from the rest of the loot. I'm going to check their deterioration later as well. If nothing new has spawned, then this system obviously still needs further work. If loot has spawned, and that means that it has to be moved almost one kilometer from its place of origin to trigger a new spawn, that's a tad harsh. If the loot that I mentioned hasn't deteriorated at all when I log back on ten hours later, then I'd suggest it be sped up considerably if they ever want people to play on persistent servers.I feel as if after every reset, items that have not been moved at least 500 meters from their original point of origin be deleted. That way, fresh loot can spawn with each server reset until they manage to properly fix this issue. EDIT: Fucking phone.
  20. Grimey Rick

    Leather Sack

    They should just make military gear rare as hell. Like, really rare. People would literally pick clean military bases the minute shit hit the fan. Regarding a stamina system: agreed.
  21. Grimey Rick

    Whats your survival record ?

    Mid-January to July 27th. I should add that the staircase in the Novo tower killed me.
  22. Grimey Rick

    Leather Sack

    Uh, military stuff IS the best stuff for survival. It's designed to be. It should be properly represented in the game.
  23. Yep. I always distribute a row of sticks at the top of my backpacks. Even if they're ruined, just leave them there. They'll still protect whatever is underneath them (unless someone blows an entire magazine into you).
  24. Grimey Rick

    What is it that makes the fps so bad? Engine? DX9?

    Crowbar, 4GB is enough memory to run DayZ perfectly fine. I've never used more than 4GB of memory playing DayZ, even with Winamp going and twenty tabs open in Chrome. My kid runs DayZ with 4GB of memory and a 1GB Radeon on normal settings without issue. It's a well known fact this game runs like shit.
  25. Grimey Rick

    Leather Sack

    That was fake.