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Everything posted by Grimey Rick
What's the current hacking status like in DayZ:SA?
Grimey Rick replied to RadikulRAM's topic in General Discussion
Just died five minutes ago in Berezino to someone with an infinite M4A1. He could obviously see me through the wall as I fled into a building to hide from him and his buddies as he saw me on the street. I heard nothing for about thirty seconds, then all of a sudden he started spraying the wall directly beside me. This resulted in me receiving shock damage which makes it very difficult to aim. His friend then ran up the stairs (spraying his own M4A1 the entire time) while his friend continued to spray the wall beside me. The guy who ran up the stairs just kept spraying while walking until he eventually rounded the corner I was peeking from and shredded me to pieces. I tried to get off a shot with my Mosin, but it was in vain. The only reason I was in Berezino was because I spawned there. The game is still a blatant hackfest. -
I use LCTRL to hold my breath, zooming in with MOUSE2. I can snipe just fine up to around 600 meters, but after that it's pretty much a crapshoot unless they stand still for more than a few seconds.
The reticle does not stand perfectly still even while healthy (no injuries, healthy status) and holding your breath. That's my biggest issue with it. Let it drift around a bit when you're not ready to shoot, but holding your breath should bring it almost perfectly still while crouched/prone without a bipod. With a bipod it's a no brainer -- it should always be perfectly still.
Ain't nothin' realistic 'bout a varmint tusslin' wit' 'is rifle try'n'a make a shot 200 yards out, I reckon. Why, I reckon I could learn m'youngin' how to keep'er steady long 'nuff t' make a shot that far out, I could. Translation: There's nothing realistic about someone struggling to make a 182.88 meter shot who has enough experience to load and maintain his gun. My thirteen year old son can make shots that far with relative ease, and he's only been shooting for a little over a year. Our sights should be quite steady when holding a gun while healthy. As long as we're not out of breath, there's absolutely no reason for your gun to do a constant figure eight. The developers need to make shooting targets at longer ranges more difficult by adding a better bullet drop system, wind interference, fatigue after holding your gun erect for a period of time, etc. If you're using a bipod, you shouldn't have any sway.
+1 The weapon sway is real.
Did i run into a hacker, or has the spawn chance for grenades increased dramatically?
Grimey Rick replied to wowi132's topic in General Discussion
I killed a guy last night who had a mountain backpack full of small protector cases which were full of grenades. He also had a glitched/infinite M4 and a glitched/infinite shotty. The shotty is hilarious; I'm holding onto it until the wipe comes. -
My opinion on the dayZ "lore" and how the apocalypse started.
Grimey Rick replied to OptimumVision's topic in General Discussion
I just kill people. LOL LORE I was also the guy in World of Warcraft who raided at a very high level and had no idea who the fuck half the raid bosses even were. I fail. -
What's the current hacking status like in DayZ:SA?
Grimey Rick replied to RadikulRAM's topic in General Discussion
Me and the wife were just killed by some teleporting dipshit with an axe on the outskirts of Berezino. Couldn't outrun him. Couldn't shoot him. Seriously pisses me the fuck off. I understand this is an alpha, but come the fuck on. Time for another month long break, I guess. -
DayZ Development progress makes no sense
Grimey Rick replied to Doomlord52's topic in General Discussion
Why is everyone so passionate about DayZ? It's a game. It'll either be really good or really bad. Let's all wait and see. On the other end of the spectrum, why is everyone so passionate about $30? It's half a tank of fuel in your average vehicle. If you're that concerned about the money, you probably shouldn't have spent it on a video game. That being said, you threw your money at a developer, for better or for worse. No one gives a rat's ass what you think about game development. We're not shareholders in this. Stop acting like you think we are. -
Just committed pre-wipe suicide in Berezino
Grimey Rick replied to spartacusrex's topic in General Discussion
Meh, it's possible. I survived from mid-January to July 28th on the same character, logging over 1,000 hours into it. I only played on 30+/40 servers, ran mostly from Balota to Vybor over and over hitting up the airfields and military bases looking for tussles. I was shot a lot, broke a lot of limbs, and ended up finally dying when I took a trip to Novodmitrovsk; the stairs to the tower were my ultimate undoing. Most people in this game fucking suck, so when you have your wits about you, aren't a bad shot and understand basic tactical gameplay, it's pretty easy to survive. The main thing that led to my survival was avoiding groups of more than four people. Even five terribads can spell death if you're not 100% on your game. Good job OP. -
When was DayZ marketed as a hardcore gaming experience? Or the anti-game? Lol. It's the fucking DayZ Mod without a HUD, lol. TEH REALISMZ. DayZ is just as casual as Unturned, sorry to break it to you. You can gear up in DayZ as fast as you can in Unturned. Neither of us has any idea what DayZ will be like upon release, but from everything that's been happening so far, I'm willing to bet it won't be anywhere NEAR a hardcore experience. Anyway, this isn't a debate about Unturned, it was merely an example. I have no qualms with the developers adding in different ammunition types to support the various guns implemented into the game, I merely take issue with the claims of "BUT REALISM"! EDIT: Bbl, going to play some "anti-game". LOL
You're right, it isn't necessary. You guys are whining about the right bullet going into the right gun in a video game where morphine instantly and permanently fixes broken limbs, among other extremely unrealistic aspects. Unturned is arguably a better survival experience than DayZ because it embraces the fact it's a video game with survival aspects on every front. Their ammunition scheme is "civilian bullets" and "military bullets" blanketed across every gun type, and the game is still great. DayZ doesn't need to worry about unimportant stuff like ammunition authenticity at this juncture; it's got much more important issues to take care of.
Back from an almost month-long hiatus, and I can't seem to locate a hacksaw to modify my [currently overpowered as fuck] shotty. Were they made more rare, erroneously removed, purposely removed, or am I just having vewwy, vewwy bad wuck? =( I've been looking in all of the places they used to spawn: farms, industrial buildings, jails, sheds, etc. I'm currently near Balota, but I'm thinking of trudging northward to Novodmitrovsk to check out the tower; it always seems to have an assortment of random items, and I've found many a hacksaw there in the past. Before I make said trek, are they still in-game?
No one want to play because of the reset...
Grimey Rick replied to kircheschm's topic in General Discussion
This. Suck it up, ladies. -
Uh, all I said was your comment was stupid. I haven't yet provided my opinion on the matter. Just because they're switching to DX10 or 11, the game isn't going to magically run better. Take Metro 2033 for example. It was originally programmed to run on DX9, but later DX10 and 11 support was enabled, adding ADOF (advanced depth of field) and some other things. The new version of Direct X only adds support for new technologies with the potentiality of improving performance. The latter falling more squarely on the shoulders of the programmers of the game in question. I have games that run like shit in DX9 and games that run like shit in DX10. The version of DX isn't the be all end all for determining performance. Look at ARMA 3. It's on DX11 and suffers from many of the same issues that plague DayZ. Structures cause frame rate drops in it, too. Anyway, all we can do is wait until the game is released. They won't address performance until beta, so why bother crying now?
This quote right here proves that you should never again question the development of a video game.
The game is awesome, has massive potential, but has normal, alpha-related bugs. Deal with it. Fuck the disclaimer. Use common sense. They're making a video game. They're constantly adding shit to it, which is what the alpha stage/label of the process denotes. The bug fixes will come in beta. That is the industry standard. There's no conspiracy at work. No voodoo magic. This is all very normal. I would agree with you that it's definitely taking longer than anticipated by the staff and community to get where we are today, but it'll get there. You only paid $30 for a $60 game that you'll have full access to upon release. So in the meantime, enjoy your discount, play the game when you can "stand" to do so, and shut the fuck up. Cheers.
I clicked on this thread thinking it was a tribute to me. #disappointed
I Give up... I really want my money back.
Grimey Rick replied to Destructo_Brat's topic in General Discussion
I killed you. Twice. -
That third post was referring to the SKS "eating" the Long Range Scope when attempting to mount it. At one point you could drag 'n' drop the Long Range Scope on the SKS, but it would just make your scope disappear. It was never actually mounted on the gun. That's what the third post was referring to. So yeah, Etherimp was correct.
Magnum vs. 1911 which is better
Grimey Rick replied to ClintonJames's topic in New Player Discussion
A Magnum and Mosin is all you'll ever need. If you can fully kit out an AKM along the way, swap the Magnum and Mosin for that. -
EDITED - PETITION: Should a sound be made when we log on and off?
Grimey Rick posted a topic in General Discussion
There are several valid reasons why they're necessary: You're defending a building and someone logs on inside a different room and ends up shooting you in the backYou're exploring a contested area, someone logs on, they happen to be inside of the wall or underneath the floor and end up shooting you from the unknown without warningThey hard counter ghostingFirst of all, it isn't difficult to run a few hundred meters out of a town/city/airfield when one is ready to log out. That way, when one logs back on, the odds of someone hearing these sounds are very minimal. One is then free to approach aforementioned contested areas at one's own discretion. Inversely, if one decides to log out inside of a contested building (fire station, jail building, barracks, police station, etc.), one shouldn't be rewarded with complete covertness thus enabling one to catch others completely off guard after they've swept a building and made sure it was clear. Secondly, with the amount of people hanging out inside walls and underneath floors, it'd be nice to have at least some warning that one of them has logged on while one is still looting a building. That way, one might have a chance to boot it out of there before they're able to draw their weapon and line up a shot. In speaking with several role-playing friends of mine, I was provided a few less-than-stellar supporting arguments for the change, the most pertinent being non-friendlies climbing through a window to avoid detection. My response to that was that the game does not allow us to climb through windows, so it shouldn't be a possibility even from an "immersive" perspective. Do you think the sounds when logging on should be brought back? EDIT: teh splelingz- 202 replies
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What's the current hacking status like in DayZ:SA?
Grimey Rick replied to RadikulRAM's topic in General Discussion
Yep. You can read about it here. -
What's the current hacking status like in DayZ:SA?
Grimey Rick replied to RadikulRAM's topic in General Discussion
Yep, that was me. I've never cheated in any game that I play and I was randomly banned by BattlEye one evening. After speaking with Sable from BattlEye, I had apparently randomly connected to a pirated server playing as I normally would. The ban was lifted the next day by Sable. I would contact him/her. Good luck. -