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Grimey Rick

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Everything posted by Grimey Rick

  1. Grimey Rick

    Why is Bohema so bad when it comes to AMD?

    inb4 "but teh map is so big and teh rend4r distints is so far away!!1!" lol
  2. Grimey Rick

    I was rolling but then

    Everyone plays 3PP to peek. @OP: I did something similar the other night. I move around quite fast, and pressed "F" to grab a ladder descending a building while not giving the game enough of a chance to register that I had pressed it. I ended up careening through the air landing on my face a few stories below. 1,500 hours in and a not even bugged ladder owned me.
  3. Grimey Rick

    kos vs. being a filthy sniper with a fetish for violence

    No one is debating whether or not the Mosin is a superior firearm. The initial comment was that sniping isn't going anywhere. I've killed many people with a chest/head shot using the CR527 using only iron sights. Coupled with a long-range scope, it'll be 75% as deadly as an equally equipped Mosin even without the magazine. As far as said magazines are concerned, they're no more uncommon than a speed/snap/pellet loader. Piano houses/taverns spawn quite a few of them.
  4. Grimey Rick

    I don't get why you'd play this over the mod?

    Or if you attempt to connect to a server that has just reset before it's finished initializing. If your average player didn't read reddit or the forums, they'd have no idea what was causing their seemingly random character resets.
  5. Grimey Rick

    I don't get why you'd play this over the mod?

    Call of Duty doesn't have auto-run. And how does holding W further immerse you into a game? If my keyboard didn't have an auto-run button I'd have quit after an hour. The one legitimate complaint the OP made in that sobfest was the lack of auto-run. But, if his keyboard is that "expensive", he should be able to macro a key to it.
  6. Grimey Rick

    kos vs. being a filthy sniper with a fetish for violence

    Agreed. With the iron sights it's pretty bad; not enough stopping power and generally takes two shots while being a bolt-action. Add the ability to attach a long-range scope and it's an entirely different can of worms, though.
  7. Grimey Rick

    kos vs. being a filthy sniper with a fetish for violence

    ...and add it to another gun? Sniping isn't going anywhere.
  8. I work ~400km from the north pole three weeks out of the month, so that helps. No internet/cell phone ftw. When I get home, DayZ is a good way to pass the time with friends, but it's just as easy to not play it at this point. I was quite addicted when it first came out, though. I have almost 1,500 legit hours logged so far, so I feel your pain. ♥
  9. They're being revamped. They don't require fixing. Zombies are very predictable and thus very easy to dodge. Even using only fists, zombies don't last more than 20 seconds. Axes, farming hoes, and pickaxes kill them in two hits. How much easier do you want it? It's definitely not impossible to kill them without losing most of your blood. In fact, they very rarely hit you once you've become competent at dealing with them. I don't think there is anything wrong with that. The "zombies" in DayZ are actually infected people; they have a disease similar to the Rage Virus in 28 Days Later. Once they see you, they'll chase you until they kill you or their bodies fail, unless you somehow manage to give them the slip by running through buildings. Zombies are far from fine, however, they're also far from difficult. The revamped zombies are coming. Be patient. ;3 EDIT: teh splelingz
  10. Better bring a big sack to fit over his head, Irish is an egocentric son of a bitch. He has a six pack.
  11. Grimey Rick

    Banning for inappropriate behaviour...

    I operate cranes for a living and from the top of Canada to the bottom of USA racism is alive and well in the workplace, dude. I'm not necessarily an advocate, but people should be able to say whatever they want if they're game to risk a broken jaw. Also, not sure where you're from but racial slurs don't get you arrested in Canada.
  12. Grimey Rick

    When did people start hating on the game so hard?

    This. DayZ is a great game even in its current form. It's the utter uselessness of BattlEye that's disheartening. I've got almost 1,500 hours in it for a reason.
  13. Grimey Rick

    Supernatural horror that stalks you

    So you basically want a Diablo III Nemesis system integrated into a game that's supposed to be somewhat realistic. This isn't Resident Evil or Left for Dead, bro.
  14. I just managed to kill a guy who teleported from the military base at Veresnik to my position just outside of Rogovo in about five seconds. I watched him teleport ~100m at a time as I ran from him. He rapidly caught up to me, so I thought, "Meh, f♥♥♥ it," did a 180 and charged him with my 1911. I was able to drop him after being shot twice by his Mosin (once initially and again in the frantic melee). Now my ghillie suit, high capacity vest, pants, ammo, food and bandages are all ruined. Honestly, isn't it time this is fixed? It's been a year. If BattlEye can't handle it, maybe it's time to pass on the torch.
  15. Grimey Rick

    Ghille suit -paint issue?

    You currently can't paint the full suit. You can paint the top, bush rag, gun wrap and hood though.
  16. People still play World of Warcraft? Hah, wtf.
  17. Grimey Rick

    Since when does the timer not tick while ALT-TAB'd?

    I already have that in my launch options as per this guide. It still does it, though. :T
  18. Farmers are the best survivors, yo. They be hookin' cows up to vacuums 'n' shit, na mean?
  19. Grimey Rick

    Anyway to make netting or burlap strips pristine

    Netting is quite common. My friends and I have made many full ghillie suits. If you're not finding it, you're extremely unlucky. Running along the shore from Rify to Chernogorsk almost always yields enough for a full suit + gun wrap.
  20. Grimey Rick

    player is invulnerable in truck?

    Thanks. I get tired of spelling things out for people on the forums.
  21. Grimey Rick

    player is invulnerable in truck?

    I blew some poor bastard's head off with a Mosin in Berezino last night whilst he cruised around in his truck. // ... Transportation successfully acquired ... //
  22. Grimey Rick

    Any good PC builds for around 550-650 dollars?

    I was helping him. "Give a man a fish and you'll feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you'll feed him for a lifetime." Again, thanks for the input.
  23. Grimey Rick

    Any good PC builds for around 550-650 dollars?

    Actually, the second ADVERTISEMENT was for Alienware. The first ad was for Asus. The first RESULT was Lifehacker explaining how to build a gaming rig, complete with a guide on choosing parts -- all within his budget. Thanks for your input, though. Google is magical.