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Grimey Rick

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Everything posted by Grimey Rick

  1. Honestly, without trolling, trying to be a dick, or trying to point fingers at any particular issue plaguing this game that currently shatters it from its very foundation, no.
  2. Grimey Rick

    Player bases you found

    Well, they're set up on the public hive, so they can zip from server to server after they've reset and gather up tons of gear to store on that one persistent server. I find Mountain Backpacks often (I'm currently using one), especially after a fresh reset. When they die, they log on persistent server, grab some stuff from their tents, and continue hopping other public servers. Not my cup of tea (boring and... why bother?), but to each his own.
  3. Grimey Rick

    How do you set up your hotbar, and why?

    Hotbars aren't realistic, therefore I refuse to use them. They ruin my immersion.
  4. Grimey Rick

    Video: Shakey 600m Zombie Snipe

    That was just a random shot... By the way, bind a separate key to "hold breath" -- no need to zoom out to catch it.
  5. Grimey Rick

    [Next Patch] Character reset

    It's only practical if you run around looking for helicopter crashes all day. Whatever you're into, I guess.
  6. Grimey Rick

    Desync ?

    This isn't new, bros. It's been present since day one. 50% of my deaths occur when I'm in close quarters combat with someone. I generally get the drop on them, put one or two into their chests/heads, watch them turn around and begin unloading on me which in turn always makes me scream like a little girl and attempt to put more bullets into them, only to watch them fall down dead with myself following half a dozen seconds later.
  7. Grimey Rick

    Persistent character loss

    Yep. It's fairly new; within the last few months. Just don't rejoin immediately and you won't lose any more characters.
  8. Grimey Rick

    Persistent character loss

    You can't rejoin a server immediately. You have to wait a good five minutes. The server goes through a resetting cycle as it synchronizes with the hive. Most servers restart at 8:00. They then change to 9:20. After this, they will display whatever time the server admin has set. 7:00, 12:00, and 14:00 are fairly common. Rule of thumb: Wait until your server has cycled through 8:00 and 9:20 and has a couple of people playing on it. Let them be the guinea pigs. ;3
  9. Grimey Rick

    Weapon tier list. Best and worst?

    In my opinion, the AKS-74U is an overrated weapon. I've had to shoot both zombies and other players more than I would probably have to with an actual AKS-74U every time. It has neither the stopping power nor the damage it should. The M1911 and FNX45 both offer superior stopping power and damage. The only advantage of the AKS-74U is that it's automatic, debatably better for those "OSHI" moments. A PSO-1 Scope performs at the same level in this game as the Long Range Scope. I can just as consistently hit targets at range using an AKM coupled with a PSO-1 Scope as I can using a Mosin coupled with a Long Range Scope. The 7.62x39mm bullet does slightly less damage than the 7.62x51mm, but in most cases it doesn't make a difference. The myth that the Mosin is "the" sniper rifle in DayZ is seemingly ubiquitous, however, such is not the case. My personal preference is (and has always been) a bolt-action rifle (like the Mosin/Lee Enfield (Mod)) and a revolver (Magnum/Revolver (Mod)). If I wanted to go on a murdering spree, I'd just grab an AKM/AK-101. These two assault rifles are easily the best guns in the game for near, mid and far range combat. The M4A1 is just as good, but it's rare as fuck, so I wouldn't recommend holding out for one. All of the other weapons have their own appeal and can be useful, but if you're looking for the best all-around weapon in DayZ, just grab an AK variant assault rifle and go to town. EDIT: linksssssssssssss, yesssssssssssss, my preciousssssssssssss linksssssssssssss
  10. Grimey Rick

    FNX Tactical

    Would you care to see my thermal AS50? *euphoric shudder*
  11. Grimey Rick

    Best PvP Hotspots?

    Be careful Guppy. The servers are overflowing with "magical" players these days; much more so than before you left. These magical players infest all of the aforementioned areas. Good luck.
  12. Grimey Rick

    Im hypothermic Heatpack will help?

    Heatpacks are amazing. They do work in the current patch, too. Something else that works that not everyone is aware of: when you kill a deer/boar/cow/human you can sometimes loot their guts. If you cook the guts on the fire, they'll get very hot after a few minutes. They work the same way as a heatpack, and just as effectively. The great part about them is that you can reheat them later; they never deteriorate or burn.
  13. Grimey Rick

    I like to aggravate Bandits.

    OP is a badass.
  14. Grimey Rick

    DayZ uninstalled itself...

    So I went to play DayZ this morning after droppin' the kids off at school, and it was... gone... I didn't uninstall it, and no one else uses my computer -- the wife has her own. Has this happened to anyone else?
  15. Grimey Rick

    DayZ uninstalled itself...

    Yeah, it was. Thanks for the tip. You learn something new every day. ♥
  16. Grimey Rick

    shaking like crazy, cant stop

    Yeah, the game's currently messed up like the guy above mentioned. Like he said, sit next to a fire for a while. As far as the splint bug, there's currently another bug that prevents you from completing certain actions. "Eat All", "Drink All", crafting and performing actions on others sometimes don't work in the current patch. To fix that: put the item you want to use in your hands, then press F11 to initiate the "suicide" emote. After the emote has begun, immediately perform the action you were trying to complete. It will instantly complete, but you'll still have to sit through the rest of the emote. When you get good at it, use F2 instead. It's a faster emote and achieves the same thing. Good luck.
  17. I died this morning for the first time in months. No big deal, right? I click "Respawn" and ALT-TAB. Half a minute or so later, I TAB back into DayZ only to be met with 28 seconds remaining on my timer. What the f♥ck? Is this new, or have I just lived a very long time? Bug or "feature"? If feature: dumb.
  18. Grimey Rick

    Dishonorable Death

    DeatHTaX and I have died literally two dozen times in the past week to "Goku" players playing on full private shards. We keep training in hopes that we may one day attain the ability to teleport, shoot at 300% regular speed, take 2000% damage before dying, and cover dozens of miles of ground in seconds. I've got 1,500 hours under my belt, but I still haven't mastered these things... :T We could just avoid other players and live our lives in the wilderness, fellating one another and eating rabbit stew, however, at the current time we're seeking out player combat since, y'know, it's fun, right? Unfortunately for us, we're normally killed within an hour by some "Goku" player with a high-pitched voice calling us names and laughing at our inability to teleport to safety. We have, in several instances, managed to eliminate a few "Gokus", but to our dismay, we've been unable to identify the source of this strange, omnipotent power. In this scenario, we're generally snuck up on by the previously eliminated "Goku" while we're still examining his corpse for clues. We're assuming in these situations he's been reanimated by the Dragonballs.
  19. Grimey Rick

    Who still uses Mosin (+LRS) for range kills?!

    I use the "surrender" animation. Much faster. :3 The same goes for drink all/eat all, crafting items, filling a canteen, etc. It's currently the only way to perform said actions.
  20. Grimey Rick

    Who still uses Mosin (+LRS) for range kills?!

    I dropped a guy from ~900m last night. He was near the line of tents facing the runway in NWAF. I picked him off from the ATC. The sway is pretty terrible, though. I don't really understand why it sways side to side so drastically. It should be mostly vertical. Seems kind of half-assed.
  21. Grimey Rick

    DayZ and Dimmdrive

    You realize you can do what this program does without paying a dime, right? Would it work? Yeah, RAM disks work. Are they going to make a $32 difference? No.
  22. Grimey Rick

    Average Lone Wolf Wouldnt Survive

    This thread is going places.
  23. Grimey Rick

    Least favorite game features

    No, this is a stupid mechanic. What you're suggesting is just silly. "I refuse to do something in a video game filled with zombies because it isn't realistic!" Lol.
  24. Grimey Rick

    Least favorite game features

    I bet he also refuses to use splints to heal broken arms and legs, because principles.