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Grimey Rick

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Everything posted by Grimey Rick

  1. Grimey Rick

    Be a hero...

    Hey, what do you think of that new early access game on Steam? I think it's called "The Bush". Great survival fun! ❤
  2. Grimey Rick


    I killed three zombies with one swing of my axe last night after seeing the video above. When you're trying to kill multiple zombies with one swing you need to pick a spot between all of them and aim for it. The axe doesn't really cleave them, you just have to hit all of their hit boxes simultaneously. Cool feature though.
  3. Grimey Rick

    Amphibia S

    They spawn at western helicopter crash sites, but their magazines spawn in all military locations. That aside, it's an extremely terrible gun and should be left to rot at this point in time.
  4. Grimey Rick

    Be a hero...

    Ethan, you're my hero. ♥
  5. Grimey Rick

    Be a hero...

    Hero: DayZ "hero":
  6. Grimey Rick

    The reason behind KoS: ?

    So what if we KOS? If I want to make friends I'll join a pottery class. It's funny how much of a DayZ "faux pas" KOS has become, especially when you know that most of the people on here complaining about it are just mad they were KOS'd. I'd be willing to bet a hundo that at least 99.5% of these same people KOS. EDIT: fucking phone :/
  7. Grimey Rick


    Cool. I'll have another go at it tonight.I like how he missed the first two easy swings then randomly gets two with one lucky swing.
  8. Grimey Rick


    I've tried this many times and have never had it happen. The first zombie dies while the animation of the swing continues through any others without affecting them whatsoever. Any chance of one of you uploading a video?
  9. Grimey Rick


    Melee swings currently only strike one target... how the fuck are you cleaving them?
  10. Grimey Rick

    Clans treating DayZ like ARMA?

    Organized clans that are currently dominating the PVP scene are the ones that are going to rise above the lack of supplies and harshness of the environment. We'll have the biggest bases, have the biggest farms, control most of the map and be the best at defending them. Once the private shards stabilize and everyone understands the game post-release, clans will still be hoarding guns and military loot. In fact, it might be worse then than it is now for the lone wolves; you're going to have much less to defend yourself with and what little you do have will be valuable enough for them to kill you on sight. Might as well quit now.
  11. Grimey Rick

    The reason behind KoS: ?

    ITT: OP was killed while server hopping Veresnik looting assault rifles and miscellaneous military gear he was going to use to "save the children". Posts thread to rage.
  12. Grimey Rick

    Clans treating DayZ like ARMA?

    I generally just blunder around in a green raincoat with a green boonie hat. It offers some camouflage, but still retains the civilian look. I always use a Mosin with scope and a Magnum. If I'm approaching an area and I see 3-4 players in military gear, I FUCKING LOVE IT. I can almost 100% guarantee they'll all be taking a dirtnap in the near future. I personally don't use military gear very often, but I'm glad it's there. I love the fact that people can dress up like soldiers and play the part of an improvised militia. There most definitely would be a military presence in an apocalypse, whether it's US Marines or the guys from down the street after looting the army surplus. DayZ, for me, has always been about PVP. It's always been very easy to survive in both the Mod and Standalone. I enjoy the tension that a zombie can cause as it runs directly at you while you're attempting to remain unseen as that very same group of geared players moves through an area. Without the threat of these groups, this game would be EXTREMELY boring. The environment is not challenging. Why do so many of you post here (probably as soon as you're out-gunned) complaining about other people playing this OPEN WORLD game the way that they want to? Do you think it'd be fair for me to create a thread bitching about how lame I think you people who sit in the north "living off the land" and "battling" zombies are? I honestly think I'd have a better gripe than what you're complaining about. Not everyone wants to live in your little world where everyone makes friendly contact and sits at a pixelated campfire together as you exchange socially awkward banter over the internet as to how you "survived" that horde (probably three) of zombies just before you got wet and had to build a fire to dry off. Some people play games for ACTUAL stimulation. If all you want to do is hippy it up and meet people, then I'd suggest joining an ACTUAL social club IN REAL LIFE. Video games like this are reserved for those who want to make-believe-murder everyone they see, because, y'know, we can't really do THAT in real life, now can we? It's nice to have the option of NOT killing someone when I'm feeling happy, or when I want to hold someone up, but that's about it. And let's try to stay away from the psychological part of the discussion where you try to point out that "in real life, people would band together in a survival situation". Of course they would. There's no debate. BUT THIS IS A VIDEO GAME. I'M SITTING IN MY $1000 CHAIR ON MY $5000 COMPUTER EATING A CAESAR SALAD AND DRINKING WINE. Right...? Right. Stop wasting the bandwidth of those who are embracing this PVP survival video game.
  13. Grimey Rick

    The reason behind KoS: ?

    Because there's nothing else to do unless you're an avid role-player at which point there's this groovy little whitelisted community that would serve you better to begin with. /thread
  14. Grimey Rick

    Stuck in building?

    Grab some popcorn and enjoy the show.
  15. Grimey Rick

    Clans treating DayZ like ARMA?

    People are just adapting to what the game is now. Are they supposed to play it now based on how it's going to be when it's released? That doesn't make any sense. When the game gets harder, there will still be a metric fuckton of PVP. If people have to beat each other with sticks, they will. To be fair, I do see your point and somewhat agree with you. But DayZ has always been about the PVP. What it becomes in the future remains to be seen!
  16. Grimey Rick

    Clans treating DayZ like ARMA?

    PVP IN DAYZ??? Um, yeah. This game is and has always been about PVP. If I want to survive in a hostile environment that actually does it correctly, I'll play The Forest.
  17. I am so excited! /squeal
  18. Grimey Rick

    Ghillie suit discussion.

    All you need are the Ghillie Hood and Ghillie Gun Wrap. In my personal experience/opinion, the Bushrag/Top/Suit don't benefit you enough to ditch your backpack. When sniping, you're most worried about concealing your head and weapon as your ass end is generally stuck in a tree. Also, you can't currently spray paint the Suit, which sucks.
  19. Grimey Rick

    How do you set up your hotbar, and why?

    I am a true DayZ LARPer. My ultimate goal is immersion. All of you immersion seekers are gnats compared to me. I act out what I want my character to do whilst my wife translates said information into keystrokes and mouse clicks for me. Using this method, I've never died. This has also brought my wife and I closer together. We now make love like peanut butter and jam. It's wonderful. EDIT:
  20. I believe it'd have the opposite effect; if you're facing a twelve hour span before you can play again, you're going to shoot everyone and take no risks.
  21. Yeah, but I only play on one server. That's my point. I donate to a server I very much enjoy. Not a fan of the public hive.
  22. This. I'm not dying to a cheater and having to wait half a day to respawn. Sometimes I wonder if this place is the Funny Farm. Seriously, hah.
  23. Grimey Rick

    How do you set up your hotbar, and why?

    /sigh Another cheater trying to validate his sinful ways. Shameful.
  24. Grimey Rick

    The Tales of A Lost Man

    No guys, it was probably as the OP described it. They're everywhere. I killed one the other day that was axing my buddy from a good hundred meters away. I saw it happening. My friend was getting hit inside a building so I burst outside only to see someone laying prone with an axe laughing in VOIP. I shot him, he died, friend stopped being hurt. @OP: Good story, I enjoyed reading it. Basically sums up DayZ at the moment. Good guys, bad guys, two-faced guys, and cheaters. Don't let them turn your thread into hackusations. You just told a story how it undoubtedly happened. Cheers mate.
  25. Grimey Rick

    How do you set up your hotbar, and why?

    Sorry, but any type of UI is essentially cheating. I feel bad for people who use the hotbar. So unrealistic, no matter how you slice it.