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Grimey Rick

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Everything posted by Grimey Rick

  1. Grimey Rick

    Will there be in DayZ Standalone

    I thought only 13 year olds played Epoch... *reads thread* Theory confirmed.
  2. Grimey Rick

    What's in your Zombie Survival Kit?

    If someone could pull off a "fake" zombie apocalypse, I tip my hat to them in advance. Naturally, I'd need some tangible proof that the world was fucked. ;3
  3. Grimey Rick

    To the two that KOS'd at NW last night.

    You're mad they didn't properly interact with you? Maybe they're role-playing ninjas.
  4. Grimey Rick

    The weakest thing you can do

    Dude, calm down, it's a video game. Murdering in DayZ is not on the same level as murdering IRL. I lol'd
  5. Grimey Rick

    To the two that KOS'd at NW last night.

    QQ? I can't think of a better time to say it.
  6. Grimey Rick

    What's in your Zombie Survival Kit?

    I find it funny that someone with such a post found his niche playing video games and posting on forums. Well played.
  7. Grimey Rick

    Want 40+ FPS in big citys? Click here!

    It did for me on my old i7-2600K. It mostly seemed to help in cities. I was running it at 5.2GHz too, for what it's worth. I've yet to try DayZ on the new system in my signature; I built it right before I left home to go to work for three weeks. Home tonight! I'll try it and let you know.
  8. Grimey Rick

    What's in your Zombie Survival Kit?

    I'd just tie up my wife and kids, throw them, our two dogs, two cats, bearded dragon and gecko into the car that's parked in the garage, run some hose from the exhaust inside the back window, turn the car on, and wait. Who the fuck wants to live through that shit? Your kids are going to be permanently mind-fucked, you're never going to have sex with your wife again, and you can't possibly keep an eye on everything at all times. You're all eventually going to die. I'd rather give my family a gentle release than have some horrible nightmare come to fruition before they're ripped apart and eaten alive. You guys have fun eating dog food and bathing in dirty ponds for the rest of your life, though. =)
  9. Grimey Rick

    Some things never change.

    Run away from the zombies? Ever think of that? How many zombie films portray the main character beating the fuck out of a half dozen zombies simultaneously? If you have an axe, farming hoe, pick axe, sledgehammer, etc, they're mind-numbingly easy to kill. However, more than two isn't worth it with just fists. Run away/lock them in a building and continue your journey. What kind of a fucktard rages at a game because he couldn't Mike Tyson six zombies? As for being killed on sight, that hasn't changed in years, and it more than likely never will. Learn to adapt to a situation before crying about it on the forums. Do you think we can magically fix KOS, or care that you were killed to begin with?
  10. Grimey Rick

    help i need to know what to upgrade

    Upgrade it all. Also, WTF is with your font?
  11. Grimey Rick

    Are long range scopes still in the game in 0.53?

    Yep. Only used to spawn in barracks, ATCs, and tents. You could only find the PU scope in residential areas.
  12. Grimey Rick

    Scariest Experience in DayZ

    I've never found DayZ scary. Suspenseful, yes. I always get an adrenaline rush when I meet a group of people at a location of interest like either tent city. Playing hide and seek with guns against multiple targets is always a good time.
  13. Grimey Rick

    I wonder...

    I wouldn't say you were endorsing it, just pointing out that the former was less severe than the latter in the context used.It compares two different things, yes, and IN THE MANNER you presented it, you seemed to be comparing the severity of two things. Otherwise, why make the comparison? It doesn't make sense to point out that two things are different that are... obviously different unless there's an underlying point to be made. "Smacking my dog is a far cry from smacking my kids." They're obviously different, but A isn't as bad as B. "Yelling at a police officer is a far cry from assaulting one, Your Honor." Same thing. "My parents house is a far cry from mine." When comparing size of their houses. It's a very diverse phrase. It all depends on the context. The context you used it in seemingly compared the severity of the two acts, the latter being more offensive than the former, which was what led to the assumption you were fine with one but not the other. EDIT: fucking Samsung keyboard, jfc. between its spellcheck and this conversation, not sure which is more aggravating
  14. Grimey Rick

    I wonder...

    You're insinuating here that eating people isn't as big a deal as wearing their skin. That's like me saying, "Smacking my dog is a far cry from smacking my kids." Hitting my dog isn't as bad as hitting my kids. That wasn't the point I was making... your original quoted statement leads people to think you're FINE with cannibalism as you never said you weren't. You only implied skinning was much worse. Hence my comment asking how you can be fine with one and not the other, as both are essentially the same thing. You can't eat people without cutting them up/skinning them. You follow?
  15. Grimey Rick

    I wonder...

    You defended it by drawing a comparison between cannibalism and skinning players to wear their skin as clothing. Your post was definitely against skinning but seemingly fine with consuming other players judging by the comparison. That's why I was confused; how could someone be fine with one and not the other? As far as artwork is concerned, they could just continue to use the current leather clothing models -- I don't see why they'd have to be different. Deer skin looks pretty damn similar to human skin. I myself am against cannibalism. I think it's a fucking terrible game mechanic. As you mentioned, the more a player can benefit by killing someone else, the less likely they'll be to interact with one another. Additionally, the idea is fairly appalling. This game isn't even remotely close to being a simulation, nor will it ever be, in my opinion. So why bother with cannibalism? Implemented in very bad taste.
  16. Grimey Rick

    Returning to DAYZ...

    These threads are hilarious. Why exactly do we care what someone who's barely played the game thinks?
  17. Grimey Rick

    Are long range scopes still in the game in 0.53?

    Not always. They used to ONLY spawn in military areas.
  18. Grimey Rick

    I wonder...

    How is it any less offensive than wearing an article of clothing (e.g: a vest) made from human skin? If I put a pound of human flesh on the ground, that steak is there for everyone to see; it's not just an icon. It's just a renamed deer-skin leather vest. If you're going to be fine with cannibalism, how can you snub wearing the skin, which requires the skinning and quartering of a human to acquire? It's cool to make-believe eat people, but bro, wearing them is just wrong. I lol'd
  19. Grimey Rick

    Is the AUG worth finding?

    I used to rock the M4 from time to time back in the old days. Now I can't be bothered looking for one. If when I kill someone who has one, I let it rot. I'm more interested in morphine and unique clothing. If I spy a Smersh Vest, I wait until I can score a headshot. =)
  20. Grimey Rick

    Is the AUG worth finding?

    In a game where you generally die before you realize you're being shot at, you guys seem overly concerned how cool you look as a corpse. Can't tell you how many G.I.Joes I've killed with my 9130 in 1,500 hours. You all look the same when you're dead.
  21. Grimey Rick

    Where to find PSO - 1 scope?

    Isn't misinformation great?
  22. That's an exaggeration. My son is using one of my old computers running an Athlon Phenom II 955 with a GTX 760 and he gets 30+ FPS on High settings. I think your problem lies elsewhere.
  23. Grimey Rick

    in defence of FOV slider

    You do realize you're bitching about the removal of an exploit, right? Why should we have two scopes? How easy do you want sniping to be? Are you going to complain once the gamma exploit is fixed, too?
  24. Grimey Rick

    I feel like an asshole

    So what, the dumbass went AFK inside a fire station in Elektro. Serves him right.
  25. Zombie count will be one of the last things we'll see. The Mod might be worth looking into in the meantime.