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Grimey Rick

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Everything posted by Grimey Rick

  1. Grimey Rick

    Instanced Zombie Horde

    @surf_polar: You need to learn when to stop typing. Jesus, man.
  2. Grimey Rick

    Instanced Zombie Horde

    Terrible idea. Like, really.
  3. Grimey Rick

    Planned military base?

    Maybe after the local military evacuated, NATO set up base for a while before themselves being overwhelmed.
  4. Grimey Rick

    I've got convinced to play 1pp more.

    That's not true at all. Lol. I find it very hard to believe that someone who plays DayZ (a fairly niche game, even with 3,000,000 copies sold, considering USA alone has a population of 400,000,000+) doesn't play any first person shooter. How many complaints of motion sickness so you see in any other game? It's literally because of head bob and post-processing like someone else mentioned.
  5. Grimey Rick

    I've got convinced to play 1pp more.

    First-person perspective for life. Too many people complain about motion sickness and headaches. Apparently they've never played any other FPS ever. It just feels better, and levels the playing field, preventing people on the high ground having supreme advantage over those on the low ground.
  6. Who cares if we run a little slower? I generally jog everywhere as it is. If I spot someone, it takes less than half the time to catch my breath in case shit hits the fan. What's the hurry? Sprinting for miles at a time is retarded, with or without vehicles.
  7. Grimey Rick

    SweetFX for DayZ

    If it helps you decide, I was falsely banned by BattlEye once (it was later lifted) and I was using SweetFX at the time. I never really got a straight answer as to why I was banned.
  8. Grimey Rick

    CPU strength?

    That's about all you'll get. My system is in my signature and what you're getting is roughly what I am.
  9. Grimey Rick

    Player running speed. Dev response appreciated.

    Actually Usain's maximum recorded speed was 30 MILES per hour (~48kph). He AVERAGES 23.5 MILES per hour (~37kph). Just saiya-jin.
  10. Grimey Rick

    Does DayZ need aeiral transport?

    Judging from your post count, you're obviously new around here. The odds of this thread even being read by development, let alone influencing any major decisions, are quite slim. I don't care what they add at this point; I'll adapt. I'll play the game for what it is when it's released regardless if it's authentic feeling or not. At the end of the day, I'm a DayZ fan. However, I've already made my point of view clear. Let them add whatever they want. I just get a kick out of realism buffs supporting the idea of random people figuring out how to pilot aerial vehicles "on the fly" (pardon the pun). I'm not necessarily a realism fanatic, as this game includes zombie-like creatures, but I wouldn't mind seeing it lean more towards The Last of Us rather than Mad Max. TLoU is how I've always envisioned a zed apocalypse. Besides a downed UH-60 you see at one point, there's no aerial presence. And it's fucking awesome. I love the idea of each player being forced to scrounge through areas, always feeling vulnerable. I don't want there to be an end-game in DayZ where you've survived long enough that you feel safe. And let's face it: in the Mod, after you'd acquired a chopper, it was pretty much gg.
  11. Grimey Rick

    Does DayZ need aeiral transport?

    This thread is still going? Lol. Just give up, they put helicopters in the Mod because it was easy to do, people got used to them, now they have to put them in the Standalone because they've become a staple of DayZ. It sucks, but it's true. However, people trying to justify why the inclusion of them is sensible/realistic/authentic is beyond ridiculous. They were fun in the Mod because it was a less serious game focused more on PvP, but in a game where people are complaining about realism/authenticity left, right, and center, there's virtually no metaphorical room left for random people being able to pilot a helicopter on a whim. THAT ISN'T REALISTIC, so stop complaining about run speed, stamina, splints magically fixing broken limbs (lol) and a plethora of other random things in every god damn thread.
  12. Grimey Rick

    lore driven payment model

    World of DayZcraft.
  13. Grimey Rick

    when we can expect 0.56?

    I've just stopped playing stable for the moment. This isn't the first time DayZ has been broken, and it's surely not the last. Development needs to figure something out at some point, right?
  14. Grimey Rick

    Does DayZ need aeiral transport?

    Microsoft Flight Simulator =/= actual flight training... You guys have already won the thread. Aerial transportation will be in DayZ. However, you're not going to win the argument that people can learn to fly planes and choppers by just jumping in one of the aforementioned and fiddling around. That's all I've been saying since I began posting ITT.
  15. Grimey Rick

    Real Life Skills You've Learned from DayZ

    Not sure if OP is serious, or delusional. If serious, I've learned that I'm a massive cynic and likely marginally psychopathic.
  16. Grimey Rick

    Does DayZ need aeiral transport?

    Indeed, however, most of that list with the exception of the medical procedures could be learned from a book and a little hands-on experience. I still don't even really like the idea of a lot of the medical procedures being in the game, to be honest. With the exception of basic first-aid, sticking someone with an epinephrine/morphine injector, and perhaps using a defibrillator (which takes about five minutes to figure out, let's be honest), I've always felt things like blood transfusions are a tad beyond what an average person could figure out how to properly perform. And let's make no mistake, this is a video game. It's not real. It'd just be nice to play a game that tried harder to focus on what an actual apocalypse might be like. The Standalone was supposed to be more of an authentic experience than the Mod was. As it's currently developing, it's just more polished, yet essentially the exact same game. The whole avatar angle doesn't really hold weight either, as I'm pretty sure I don't know how to expertly control a chopper in real life, yet in Arma and Battlefield I'm a bloody reaper. I still think DayZ could benefit from passive skills that allow your character to perform certain tasks better than others. Even an option to choose a character's background upon creation would help. And who knows, it might even help with the rampant murdering DayZ suffers from as groups would need to recruit people with different skill sets, while at the same time justifying why this guy knows how to pilot a chopper and that one knows how to perform advanced medical procedures.
  17. Grimey Rick

    Does DayZ need aeiral transport?

    All of your reasons for wanting aerial transportation in DayZ are fine and I'm willing to cave because I liked being able to fly around in the Mod. As you can all well imagine, I was a massive troll. Like I've already said, I've accepted the fact that they'll be present in the finished game, I just think it's funny that in one thread people can argue for realism in any particular thread pertaining to the medical system, running speed and stamina, stealth systems, etc., then weigh in on a thread about aerial transportation being a possibility in an apocalyptic situation where you should consider yourself lucky to find a half-eaten can of beans. It's just not plausible.
  18. Grimey Rick

    Does DayZ need aeiral transport?

    EDIT: typing on phone, so many typos. too lazy to fix It was easier to swallow/more acceptable in the Mod because the Mod never felt authentic. DayZ Standalone, even with infected/zombies, feels authentic. The Mod was always much more heavily based on PvP in its vanilla form; of course, with the inception of private servers, PvE servers began to crop up here and there, but most servers weren't about surviving the harshness of the environment, they were about building bases and getting into PvP. I live in an area where the are several airports in my vicinity. Mostly for private aircraft. If an apocalyptic situation were to take place, these planes would probably be gone or destroyed within days of the event. Of the aircraft that actually made it into the air, I'd imagine not even a quarter of them would be still functional after a week. Of course this is all speculation, but it's hard/expensive enough to keep aircraft working properly in day-to-day life, apocalypse aside. A helicopter in a Zombie Apocalypse would be pretty stupid. Think about it: it's going to attract every zed for miles. Granted, it's mobile and could probably land on many buildings, but the trade-off of alerting every zed and hostile person within a five mile radius would more than offset any advantage it may offer. Stealth would definitely be the name of the game. Now, of course people are going to argue until they're blue in the face that aerial transportation is a must-have because they were present in the Mod and purple have gotten used to them and expect to see them in the Standalone. And now with H1Z1 implementing them in the future, DayZ will basically be forced to do so as well. And that's fine. But to argue in favor of aerial transport simply based on realism is silly. They'd be far too difficult to maintain, maybe 1% (a guess, of course) of the population could even pilot them, and the sheer disadvantage they present in a world where making too much noise gets you killed are all valid points that no one has yet to address. The only aerial transportation you'd see would be piloted by any remaining military forces. Joe Blow survivor isn't going to magically read the operator's manual for a Saab 340-B and magically understand how to maintain and pilot it. It just isn't going to happen.
  19. Grimey Rick

    Does DayZ need aeiral transport?

    @FlimFlann: Why do I need to point out why aircraft are imbalanced? Did you not play the Mod? This is a game that's seemingly trying to drive home how difficult day-to-day survival in apocalyptic world would be. I think (and always thought while playing the Mod) that aerial transport in general is stupid. It was more acceptable in the Mod where everyone was decked out in full military gear, but the Standalone has always pushed itself as a grittier, more visceral survival simulator. Infected/zombies aside, aerial transport, if implemented, should be so fucking rare that it makes you stop and stare in awe as a helicopter flies over you. That's the only way I personally would ever be okay with it, anyway.
  20. Grimey Rick

    Missed Connection: The Gorka Killer

    It was, and I'm sorry. Take me back?
  21. Grimey Rick

    Missed Connection: The Gorka Killer

    I replied for the same reason that Gotham City needs a hero. I'll make the sacrifice and be DayZ's Dark Knight. And because this: It does mean something. That i) our senses of humor vary drastically, and ii) that's perfectly acceptable! Isn't the world a great place?
  22. Grimey Rick

    Does walking make a difference?

    Can someone link proof of this? I don't really buy it, but I'd be interested in seeing what testing has been done on it. To take it a step further, if it is true, I don't think there's a situation where I'd ever walk in this game for a long period of time.
  23. Grimey Rick

    Does DayZ need aeiral transport?

    Yeah, I somewhat addressed that in my post. An apocalypse would be a seriously imbalanced situation; even more so than day-to-day life. But issues of imbalance don't mesh very well in a video game. DayZ is, unfortunately, still classed as such, so any imbalanced features implemented would only serve to damage the game, not help it.
  24. Grimey Rick

    Does DayZ need aeiral transport?

    Aerial transport is a very bad idea for a game that people want to be realistic. You can't balance a game that includes extremely rare planes and helicopters. Only the most coordinated groups would have access to them, and then they'd be at such an advantage it'd be stupid. Chernarus is at the very best a Second World country. You're going to be lucky to find a functional CAR OR TRUCK, let alone a helicopter or plane. And even if you did, how common do you really think the parts works be to upkeep them? You guys can't bitch and complain about realism in one thread, and in the next demand something that's COMPLETELY unrealistic. In an apocalypse, there probably would be a handful of people zooming around in aerial transport, however, the vast majority of us would be hoofing it in search of our next meal. The thing about apocalyptic situations is that they'll NEVER be fair or balanced. But y'see, this here video game has to maintain some level of balance or it'll never go anywhere.
  25. Grimey Rick

    Why is everyone making fun of me

    I don't even interact with folks anymore. Why? Because now, more than ever, I want what they have. If it's going to take me a good few hours to even get remotely geared after dying, I'm not going to risk a potentially dire encounter that may not go my way. My Mosin has tasted much blood the twenty or so hours I logged in 0.55 before losing interest in the game for the time being. Most people aren't going to work together with strangers as the game gets harder. There's just going to be more aggressive behavior as the environment becomes more unforgiving. I don't know why people think it'd be any different.