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Grimey Rick

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Everything posted by Grimey Rick

  1. Ignore this guy. He's spewing how unrealistic the guns and accessories are currently in DayZ in every thread I've come across pertaining to weapons. Why aren't you whining that we can run at a sprint for an unlimited amount of time? Or that falling from the second rung of a ladder can kill you? Or that somehow the average person who washes up on the coast knows how to perform advanced medical procedures and how to use/maintain advanced weaponry? Yeah. EDIT: I didn't mean to derail the thread. I, too, have found the LONG RANGE SCOPE in the diner beside the sink in the same room with the checkered tablecloth eating area.
  2. Grimey Rick

    Sad lack of content at present

    Yeah, none of that is lack of content. Those are called bugs/glitches. // Sean Connery's voice // "Welcome to the Alpha!"
  3. Grimey Rick

    I'm now killing on sight.

    Being a bandit that doesn't kill people is the most fun you can have in the game. It's a rush. You never know what's going to happen. How is that even so bad? Someone comes up to you, holds you up, takes what they need from you (which usually isn't a lot since pretty much everyone travels with almost as much as they can carry) and lets you go. Being a civil bandit is awesome. What's not awesome? Someone sitting on top of the gas bell in Kamyshovo picking off new players with a rifle. I don't see the logic in that. It's neither immersive nor fun. But whatever. Everyone is different. P.S: If you've only been killed once, I'm willing to bet you're playing on servers with barely any players in them. Step up from a 3/40 and play a 40/40 for a while. The odds of you not running into ANYONE that wants to kill you means you've either played much less than me, or you're the luckiest player in Chernarus.
  4. Grimey Rick

    Loot in military camps.

    I read in the patch notes that loot spawns for certain items/weapons has been lowered. With that being said, the last two sweeps I did after a server restart in the military base near the southern airfield yielded absolutely nothing. This base is usually full of items/ammunition. I'm just wondering if this is due to the lowering of loot spawns, or if it's something else entirely, perhaps a bug/glitch of some sort. P.S: Also, the tents with the wooden pallet floors in the military camps used to have items in them, but since the LAST patch I haven't found one single item in any of those tents. I've only found loot on the tents with dirt floors. Thanks all.
  5. Grimey Rick

    A little bit of customisation please.

    Yes, it should.
  6. Grimey Rick

    I'm now killing on sight.

    Shane would have punched Rick to death as soon as they hit the coast in DayZ.
  7. Grimey Rick

    I'm now killing on sight.

    I've bandaged people. I've fed people. I've defibrillated a guy. I've even given a new player a gun, left the ammunition for it in the top level of a house, and then left the area. I do help people. It's not hard. It's just frustrating. I don't play video games to be constantly frustrated. When you're killed by someone who betrays you after helping them, I'm willing to drop $100 on a bet that you don't smile and re-spawn without dropping a few choice words. Don't act like a saint. It's fucking aggravating. I understand there are going to be bandits. I don't expect or really want anything to change. I'm just adapting my play style to fit the environment. In a zombie apocalypse I'd act the same way. I wouldn't be prancing around with a white flag singing hymns and taking stupid fucking risks to help people. If I could, and it was safe, I'd help. If not, survival of the fittest! I'm already a cynisist when it comes to society; this game is just setting the bar lower. P.S: Please understand this thread was created at around 6 o'clock in the morning after a ten hour session. I was cranky, irritable and ready to put my fist through my monitor when these guys stabbed me in the back. My wits weren't at 100%; I was practically a zombie myself. <3
  8. Grimey Rick

    Hardcore vs Regular servers?

    Neither does the Regular server I'm playing on. I haven't seen any loot in military camps since the patch. http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/167426-loot-in-military-camps/
  9. Grimey Rick

    I'm now killing on sight.

    I've been playing as a hero since I started the game, "bro". As of late it just seems that everyone is out to commit to banditry en masse. Last night on a random hardcore server I connected to there was literally a genocide of new players at the coast beating each other to death with their fists. I've never seen that before. I'm hoping it's just a wave of people trying the game out. Hopefully they head back to Call of Duty sooner than later.
  10. Grimey Rick

    I'm now killing on sight.

    In a real-life situation, I think you know within the first five minutes of chatting with someone whether or not they're friend material. In DayZ we don't have the luxury of body language, looking into someone's eyes, etc. Despite its attempt at realism, this is still a completely anonymous video game. Despite said anonymity, you can either trust people and try to work together with others, kill on sight or skulk around in the bushes completely avoiding interaction with other players. All three are viable play styles, however, the third is fairly pointless as once you're geared and running around Chernarus, there's not a whole lot else to do but group up with others in an attempt to add people to your friends list or run around killing people.
  11. Grimey Rick

    I'm now killing on sight.

    They talked. In both instances I had pretty good conversation with both groups. As someone mentioned above, I wouldn't say I too easily trust people. It's more that I want to believe most people are good. I believe this game is a fairly direct representation of the type of person you are in real life; it might not be to the extreme of killing someone, however, it's a little sadistic to play a game where you try to form amiable relations with people you don't know and then kill them. EDIT: I think the problem stems from people thinking they have to shoot others simply because they have a gun. I've gone a week with a pristine M4 and two sixty round mags without firing a single bullet. If you want to kill on sight (which I'm not going to do, I was having a bad run and needed to vent) then go play any of the plethora of first person shooter games where eliminating the enemy team is the main goal. I am willing to bet a lot of the people who kill on sight wouldn't do so good in a good old fashioned Counter-Strike/Call of Duty match. ;)
  12. Grimey Rick

    Well this new patch sucks, can't find anything

    Hey, thanks for the tip! I didn't realize that about the magazines. Agreed, it was way too much ammo! The only reason I have so much is because my son wanted me to hold onto it until he could swap his Mosin for an M4.
  13. Grimey Rick

    Well this new patch sucks, can't find anything

    Not necessarily. After playing for around five hours with my son today, both of us had very similar gear. We made our way westbound along the coast, then struck up north after hitting the south-western airfield. We then made our way due north to a military camp until we made it to the north-western airfield. Here is my gear after the trip:
  14. Grimey Rick

    Weapons are to strong and easy to use.

    I don't mean to be rude, but complaining about being sniped is pretty ridiculous. In my experience, people tend to get really comfortable when they're searching for loot, bouncing from building to building with seemingly not a care in the world. You really need to pay attention. I can't stress that enough. One good way to play this game is with the mindset of, "would I do that if this was me?" Once I started thinking with this philosophy and applying it to my game, I began surviving a lot longer, with a lot more frags* under my belt before I died. * Just to be clear, I don't kill on sight. I have held several people up. I only kill the ones that I spot sitting in prime sniping locations who are obviously waiting for passersby.
  15. Grimey Rick

    Loot in military camps.

    Update: I've since hit up the north-western military camp and didn't find anything at all. Same with the military camp on the south-western coast. The north-western airfield had the same saturation of loot as always. As does the south-western airfield. The jails/barracks seem to be spawning loot at a normal rate. At this point, the issue just seems to be with the military camps. EDIT: I could've sworn items used to spawn on the floors of the wooden pallet tents. Ah well, I guess old age is finally kicking in.