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Grimey Rick

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Everything posted by Grimey Rick

  1. I agree. I operate cranes for a living, and by far my favourite to operate are the old friction cranes. They're like fucking tanks. Change a band/belt here and there and the oil regularly and you've got a profit making machine. Don't get me wrong, I love the air conditioning/heater in the 2010 Manitowoc 2250 I run on a daily basis, but when it comes to reliability, the older the better Fun fact: Most new cranes are only designed to be in service for ten years. Some of them can be completely stripped and rebuilt after ten years, but most manufacturers now just take the old crane and use it as a credit for the company buying the new crane. The old friction type cranes from the 50s, 60s and 70s will probably last another 50 years if kept up to par on maintenance! Back on topic, I personally feel that the train tracks are more of a navigational aid like someone else mentioned earlier. I can't really see the trains being operated again, especially this early into an apocalypse.
  2. Grimey Rick

    Too Many Servers

    Good to know, I've never seen any mention of this particular issue being addressed in the future, but I tend to play more and read less. Thanks for the heads up!
  3. I think it's fine as is. If my twelve year old son can describe his surroundings for me well enough to find him after logging in for the very first time, surely your friend can. I mean, my kid's smart, but c'mon, he's twelve. DayZ:SA isn't for everyone. It's for the type of gamer who doesn't want tutorials, help menus, or on-screen displays assisting them. If it ever becomes that, then DayZ:SA will quickly have my mosin and letter of resignation sitting neatly on its desk. #survivetheapocalypse
  4. Grimey Rick

    Too Many Servers

    OP has a valid point, stop inserting your opinion for the sake of seeing your avatar in a thread. It's an issue, and will hopefully be eventually addressed. I highly doubt most of the player killers I've taken out (full pristine gear, ridiculous ammo:supplies ratio) achieved their gear through risky gameplay on a decently populated server. You don't get that geared on a normal server. It'd take days. And someone who's spent days gearing up a character is far less likely to run around blasting people like Call of Duty. For the record, I only play on one server (with the odd exception). That way me and my kid can become somewhat friendly with regulars and run less of a risk of being constantly killed-on-sight. EDIT: #justmytwocents
  5. Grimey Rick

    no more alphas for me

  6. I server hopped tonight in the school in search of a mosin. I know, I know, I'm a douche bag. I tried finding one the legitimate way but gave up after an hour or so. My son found all of the mosin attachments and wanted my M4, so I was kind of in a hurry to find one. Anyway, after trying to connect to my third server, it wouldn't let me. I tried again. Nothing. So I ALT-TAB to the desktop to check the forums while I waited for it to sort itself out only to notice that good ol' Google Chrome was stuck at "Resolving host..." Then the little yellow exclamation point over my network connection appeared. After much fuckstickery trying to sort it out, I finally had to go into device manager (Windows 7 Ultimate x64), disable, then re-enable my ethernet card. After a few moments of cocksuckery, it finally sorted itself out. So yeah, has this happened to anyone else?
  7. Grimey Rick

    Does DayZ ever b0rk your intrawebz?

    What was the point of this post? The troll is weak in this one. I've got hundreds of hours logged on a single server that me and my kid play on. This was an exception. I'd do it again too rather than listen to him whine for an hour about wanting my M4, hah.
  8. Grimey Rick

    DayZ Disconnecting my internet

    Has this ever been fixed? Just had this happen.
  9. Grimey Rick

    Have you ever been scared to continue?

    I'm currently slaying server hoppers. I only play one server and it upsets me greatly when all of the airstrips are looted when I finally get to one of them after a long, uneventful haul. So I decided to close all of the doors in the building I'm camping to lure hoppers in if they don't spawn inside. Then I waste them. If they spawn inside near me I just run over and axe them before their eyes adjust and they can equip a weapon. Three in the past hour. :3
  10. Grimey Rick

    Stay away from the shotgun(s), here is why.

    I've been one shot by shotguns twice now. I don't know where the fuck the 4-5 shots per kill shit is coming from. One guy was kneeling on the bottom of a staircase in one of the jails of an airstrip. Dead in one shot. Another guy was running into a fire station in Elektrozavodsk as I was running out. Dead in one shot. In the first scenario I had a pristine ballistics helmet and press vest. In the second scenario I was newly spawned within ten minutes of being killed.
  11. Grimey Rick

    water bottle at 120%

  12. Grimey Rick

    About Vehicles

    Only if I can drive this.
  13. Grimey Rick

    Kill Trophy Thread

    "It was night. I mean, it was definitely dark. Yep, I'm pretty sure that's night. I was trolling hard along the road with my gamma at 100% when I heard the strangest noise. I turned, taking in the scenery with my legitimate wallh4x only to see a lone man chopping down a pine tree for what I assumed to be firewood. Certainly he didn't think it was a zed. Yes, firewood, that sounds better. I was filled with rage at him cutting down the poor little pine tree, especially since there was an oak tree right beside it. Anyone with a clue knows that pine, being a softwood burns faster and with much less heat produced than oak, a hardwood. So I did what anyone would've done. I fucking shot him. In the face. I feel better now. Somehow I've righted a wrong. One little victory in this nonsensical universe of chaos. I feel so good, in fact, I'm going to login to the official DayZ Standalone game forums and brag about it. But wait, they may not like that. They may not appreciate bragging about killing a defenseless man with an axe when I had the upper hand from every angle. No, I'll disguise it with trickery and ask them to add their stories about experiences they have killing newbies. Fuck, I'm a genius."
  14. Grimey Rick

    Dayz Heinz Baked Beans Partition

    ♥ You're such a cutie.
  15. Grimey Rick

    Mosin rifle or M4?

    Mosin for mid to long range and a Magnum for CQB. Honestly, I really want to prefer the M4 (in real life I would definitely take an M4), but the fact of the matter is that it's pretty terrible unless you're up-close spraying. That and the fact that weapon toggling is currently half broken. Sometimes it goes into semi-automatic, sometimes it doesn't. There's nothing worse than trying to snipe someone at mid-range and half a clip gets jizzed in the general direction of your target.
  16. Grimey Rick

    new update coming next week

    Guy with 726 posts and a 13" e-peen posts this. EDIT: #cockflexrawr
  17. Grimey Rick

    Breaking Arms or Hands

    and den we hef 2 wate 4 liek 6-8 wiekz for teh handz 2 healz bcuz dats reel amirite!!1!! Seriously though, legitimate point. ;3 Although we have to keep in mind that it is still a video game, after all.
  18. Grimey Rick

    Zombie Damage... WTF

    This. Zombies can only attack in a straight line, and once they attack, they take another ~5 seconds to attack again. They're literally retarded.
  19. Grimey Rick

    Dayz Heinz Baked Beans Partition

  20. Grimey Rick

    Kill Trophy Thread
