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Grimey Rick

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Everything posted by Grimey Rick

  1. Grimey Rick

    DayZ SA and Crossfire

    It definitely doesn't support SLI, so I doubt CF is supported at this time.
  2. Grimey Rick

    Theories on what happened to me!

    I'm putting my money on a collision. When you're being driven around, you're not seeing what the driver is seeing. You might have seen a lazy stop, but he might have slammed full speed into one of the dozen new road blocks scattered around the mid-west of the map. I've tried to snipe people through truck windows, and unless you have the right angle, it's very hit or miss (pardon the pun). Sometimes you'll nail them, and other times you'll just see sparks ring out around their head shortly followed by them speeding away.
  3. Grimey Rick

    First Aid Kit!?

    They've been the cause of numerous crashes and inventory issues. Item-ception, items being deleted inside them upon logging in, server lag. Not to mention the "View Contents" feature is pretty new. You used to have to drop them on the ground, risking them disappearing or the server resetting. So yeah, I feel pretty justified in labeling them a hindrance.
  4. Grimey Rick

    First Aid Kit!?

    Holy crap guys, stop whining. Who even used any of the containers to begin with? They've been a hindrance since launch - PITA to use. They'll fix it, though. In the meantime, go buy a real first aid kit and wrap your faces in gauze to absorb all of the snot and tears.
  5. Grimey Rick

    batteries batteries. Where art thou batteries?

    I'd keep the FNX sight - pretty sure it still improves magnification without a battery, you just don't get the red dot. I could be wrong, been a while since I used one.
  6. On that note, the processor isn't as crucial as everyone thinks. I didn't really notice any improvement going from a 2600K to a 5960X. Granted, my 2600K was clocked at 5.2GHz, and since DayZ essentially only uses one core, that's more than likely the reason. Having said that, I only noticed a slight gain in performance going from the stock 3.4GHz to 5.2GHz. Ah well. Aside from using the general optimization guide which you can find in umpteen threads on these forums, there's not much you can do but wait for optimizations coming in beta. Find solace in the fact that those of us with serious systems are playing with similar frame rates.
  7. Grimey Rick

    Quickbar not showing

    Open your inventory window to place things in it. It'll only show itself when you press ~ and it has something in it. As far as the other guy and his disappearing items issue, I haven't experienced that at all.
  8. Grimey Rick

    dropped weapons

    I like how this guy is getting flamed for making both a valid and sensible complaint. The new system is stupid, and feels janky. Thankfully, it's still being worked on. It'll be fine in the end, but for now, I agree with the OP 100%.
  9. Grimey Rick

    Truck noise makes me want to KILL

    I also played Ultima Online, which is literally nothing like DayZ. I don't get the comparison. The Felucca map was more like a PvP server in World of Warcraft.Being "friendly" was fun for the first couple of weeks. Then it just became aggravating. I've bandaged people, given them food, led people with zero experience from Berezino to NWAF for no other reason than I thought I'd be helpful. In real life, I'm very much helpful to others! However, it quickly became apparent that it was much more fun stalking people, whispering to them, and fucking with them before putting a bullet in their head for no other reason than my own amusement. I'm not against any play style in DayZ. I only quoted you because you were coming down on someone who didn't seem to follow your particular way of playing. If you want to be nice, be nice. Who gives a shit? No one's judging you, so you shouldn't judge others on how they play. And if it bothers you that much, go apply to DayZ RP. There are strict rules in place pertaining to player interaction. I'm not nearly as gifted in the art of poetry as you seem to be, so I won't bother.
  10. Grimey Rick

    Truck noise makes me want to KILL

    Or, once you play the game long enough, you'll realize 99.9999% of the people you'll encounter aren't worth your time. Don't worry, you'll get there. ;) I used to attempt positive interaction with everyone. Now... I value players more for keeping my aim on point.
  11. Grimey Rick

    quick access bar freezes?

    It probably wasn't me as I generally don't leave vehicles in the woods, but my favorite pastime is parking a V3S in a visible area and camping it from afar with my scope zeroed on the driver door. Let the bodies hit the metaphorical floor, old bean.
  12. Grimey Rick

    980ti performance

    You're right, it definitely doesn't. I built my computer for 4K gaming; I just had high hopes that the sheer processing power of the 5960X coupled with the 980 Ti would somehow squeeze a little more performance out of the game for me. But alas, nay. :( As this thread has discussed at length, I can't even play new AAA releases as lately the trend has been to release completely unoptimized steaming piles of shit, then take three months to patch them so that they work on a semi-acceptable level. Woe is me. I'm so whoa.
  13. Grimey Rick

    It was the best of times, it was the worst of times...

    Great reaction to someone having a different opinion then you. Well played. Perhaps we could call your game, "Even post-apocalypse, Chernarus is still communistic."
  14. Grimey Rick

    Truck noise makes me want to KILL

    Non-violent player interaction in a game full of assault rifles, grenades, and land mines. Intriguing.
  15. Grimey Rick


    Are all the noobs coming out of a drunken Saturday night stupor? This has been discussed TO DEATH, and is already planned. Use the search function for Christ's sake.
  16. Grimey Rick

    Dirty building interiors

    It sounds to me like you're a little too into poop. Please keep your fetish to yourself, sir.
  17. Grimey Rick

    Long Range Scope?

    Yeah, I lasted about a day on DayZRP. Granted, the ~2500 word application was worth the couple of dozen completely trusting dipshits I slaughtered.
  18. Grimey Rick

    980ti performance

    I lol'd so hard at this while perusing the Steam page for Arkham Knight this morning with my coffee. Since refunding Arkham Knight to Steam before buying it from PlayStation Network, the comments on its Steam page have been hilarious. Warner Bros. is getting what they deserve. Apparently (among a plethora of other fails) they hired a company named Iron Galaxy and only gave them two months to port it to PC from console. Why do they do it that way, anyway? Wouldn't it make much more sense to build the game on the solid foundation that a PC can provide as there are far fewer constraints, and then dumb it down for PS4 and XB1? -_-" Getting back on topic, I installed DayZ on one of my old computers (AMD Phenom II X4 955/8GB DDR1333/180GB SSD/2GB GTX 760 ITX). It runs fairly well on normal settings. Just for kicks, I yanked out my two 980 Ti cards from my main rig and threw in the 760. Guess what? Even on maximum settings, DayZ ran exactly the same as it did on the 980 Ti. This was pretty much what I expected, but hopefully this thread can be used in the future to address the many "can I run it?"/"help me build a PC for DayZ" threads that pop up around here.
  19. Grimey Rick

    980ti performance

    EDIT: This rant isn't pertaining to DayZ, just PC games in general. I love DayZ and realize it's an alpha. :) Just an update, just as I figured, I saw no gain in frame rate upgrading from the 780 Ti to the 980 Ti. On top of that, I'm literally done with gaming on a PC. I've been a proud member of the #pcmasterrace since 1996, but I'm fucking sick of shitty PC ports. My system absolutely DESTROYS games that are a year old, but new releases? Not so much. Watch Dogs, AC: Unity, Arkham Knight... pre-ordered them all, and haven't been able to properly enjoy them. Even now, Watch Dogs is a laggy piece of shit. I returned Arkham Knight on Steam and picked it up for PS4. Guess what? It runs way better. Like, it's in a completely different league. My computer almost cost me $5000 to build, and a fucking $400 console plays it better! WTF?! That's half the price of one of my video cards, ffs. This whole "consoles suck, I like my 1080/60p on PC" crock of shit is such a joke. Sure, you get to enjoy your 4K gaming... eventually. But who actually cares? I have run several of my games at 2160p and they look virtually no different than running them at 1080p with AA. Sorry that I'm on a bit of a rant, but I can't help it. I'm officially tapping out of PC gaming until developers stop churning out shitty, unoptimized games on release. In no other industry is that acceptable. "Here are the keys to your new Porsche 911 Turbo, sir. Unfortunately, it currently only goes 60mph. You'll have to wait three months for the proper parts to arrive to let you fully experience the car you were looking to buy. But thanks for your money!" That's pretty much what PC gaming is these days. I'm having more fun on my PS4 than I've had on my PC since Fallout 3 came out. Some games are capped at 30 FPS, sure, but who gives a shit? It only cost $400, and I often dipped into single digit FPS on THIS SYSTEM while driving the Batmobile. The PC will eventually run the game better, but if I waited for the GOTY edition for every PC title I wanted to play, I'd go nuts. /end rant TL;DR: 980 Ti is a definite upgrade from the 780 Ti in some games, but in most games (like DayZ) I'm noticing virtually no difference.
  20. Grimey Rick


    Sup Elle?
  21. Grimey Rick

    Prison island spawning

    People will never leave it... The geared players will hang out there waiting for the fresh spawns, and the fresh spawns will constantly suicide trying to spawn there in hope of scoring a fast loadout.
  22. Tweaker, or more commonly, tweeker: an individual who uses methamphetamine I don't get it.
  23. Grimey Rick

    My dissatisfaction with the map of DayZ .

    Lol, so much this. "They added a new town this patch?" "Well, they added a new combination of the exact same buildings, anyway..." "Co...ol...?" "DayZ is so much fun!"
  24. Grimey Rick

    DayZ SA Modding: A New Map

    It'd definitely beat Canada; keep walking north until the zombies chasing you freeze solid -- then contend with the more dangerous polar bears. B)
  25. On that note, this forum is becoming more and more emergent every day. /wrist