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Everything posted by droopypiles

  1. droopypiles

    These bandits want my rotten orange. I don't know why

    Good vid bro, you should defo not give your orange as that would promote vegetarians, and that would make dayz a girly place, well done for indirectly supporting the meat industry, hunting, blood, killing, and all the great stuff that flesh stands for!
  2. Why is it that The friends list in server search shows friends playing in servers that are not my friends? they are friends of friends? Its not just me we have a clan that one guy is only friends with me, but yet he can see the other players of my clan playing in other servers, and they can also see him, but they are not friends why is this happening? thx
  3. droopypiles

    The friends list in server search

    I think we have a winner!
  4. droopypiles

    Rolling Update Rev - 0.43.116251

    You MOFO Be gone with you gypsy!!
  5. droopypiles

    Rolling Update Rev - 0.43.116251

    Your all turncoats, when its going well your all like, "oh its so awesome good work" when something go wrong with there progress your all bitching, its a half price game, an not even a full release yet. I'm not going to say its perfect, I would indeed prefer more specifics about a hotfix, Are we going to be playing this tonight with hotfix tomorrow or next week, that knowledge calms things.
  6. droopypiles

    Rolling Update Rev - 0.43.116251

    I personally like the new axe mechanics, I think it looks nice an menacing when you raise it in your hands, and the swing is just something else to learn you just need to understand the contact point, as for the patch itself yea its brought things and yes its broke things, but at the end of the day we all paid half price for this game on alpha an I have easily had £20 of fun out it. Not liking it as it is today then be patient play another game watch a movie maybe just rub one out. It can only get better
  7. droopypiles

    Rolling Update Rev - 0.43.116251

    I think we got a strange one her trying to convince others there a girl, I for one have found the fatal flaw in your claim, I will leave it for the others to see, besides that the update is amazing nothing but praise, but what would bring on a heart attack? will I get one from running or is it not implemented yet?
  8. droopypiles

    Hotfix changelog: Stable Branch: 0.35.115188

    Are you here just to troll people, your always giving it the thumbs up when something goes your way, and ur giving it the "wft is going on" when it don't, an then u waste post space by picking words out of peeps post, you need to get out more instead of preying on others
  9. ooh someone still bitter bout my sleep patterns comment :)
  10. read the post and do the fix ;)
  11. oh wow you made a funny!! check this guy out everyone give him your beans, what humour, i'll take that to my grave, great post :) here have my beans
  12. I CAN CONFIRM THIS WORKS!!! goto C:\Users\YourUserName\Documents\DayZ" there is a .cfg data - open it and run it with editor. scroll down till u find this and change both parameters to 3:" GPU_MaxFramesAhead=3; GPU_DetectedFramesAhead=3; "
  13. I CAN CONFIRM THIS WORKS!!! goto C:\Users\YourUserName\Documents\DayZ" there is a .cfg data - open it and run it with editor. scroll down till u find this and change both parameters to 3:" GPU_MaxFramesAhead=3; GPU_DetectedFramesAhead=3; "
  14. NVidias so far any AMD's with the issue?
  15. Lets try an solve, me for example it happened at the north east airfield, really bad down to minus 5 fps ut as I say my gfx card wasn't being utilized, so it wasn't processing at all, if that's a clue, only 20% max fps, but if I stood behind the cell building on the bottom south east corner, an I stood on the south side of this I was back upto 60, as soon as I moved from there no gfx use, I have a NVidia 670 if this helps an a 4.7ghz i5 , is it only NVidia or amd aswell
  16. IMPORTANT new patch severe fps drop fps counter shows from 60 to minus 5 fps in airfields but now only 20% gfx card utilization
  17. Are we getting a patch through steam? or is it all server side?
  18. @rocket: With the weapon tweaks, could you tell me the effects of a scope that's simply worn and not damaged, what kind of modifier is attached to this, or is worn as effective as pristine?, really loving this game great stuff, its taking over my life though my partner moved my trainer the other day an she nearly put them by a muddy pair, and I shouted don't! my trainers are "Pristine"! its getting to much, an when we play we get confused when someone says wait a min I'm getting something to eat or drink.
  19. Night servers being your only choice in a evening is absolutely stupid! I like many others have to work for a living, then I come home sort myself an kids out try and get on for a game an they all in real time! This is stupid why is this dictated, really really disappointed, before the patch it was ok don't no whats happened, but please fix or at least make it 50/50, people have lives in the day
  20. droopypiles

    Night servers at night is crazy!

    Does no one like the amazing daytime gfx light through the tree's etc, the gfx maxed are stunning, in the night it cant be argued its less impressive
  21. droopypiles

    Night servers at night is crazy!

    I understand and except other people will prefer night and respect that, but should we not get a choice? i'm saying my only option is to play in the day to have daytime? but I cant I need to work etc, there should just be equal choice that's all