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Everything posted by droopypiles

  1. Do you ever sleep :)
  2. Yea that's whats happened to me and 6 friends
  3. Do you need to be a epic forum contributor to get you questions answered here? because the game cost me the same money Rocket, you say you cant roll back characters, can you help me understand then why when I go into a server, that its not my toon from the eve before the patch its a toon from over a week before? is my pre-patch toon going to appear again then? thx for your time
  4. Does anyone no the answer to this question?? Rocket, you say you cant roll back characters, can you help me understand then why when I go into a server, that its not my toon from the eve before the patch its a toon from over a week before? is my pre-patch toon going to appear again then? thx for your time
  5. Rocket, you say you cant roll back characters, can you help me understand then why when I go into a server, that its not my toon from the eve before the patch its a toon from over a week before? is my pre-patch toon going to appear again then? thx for your time
  6. I just look forward to a good game like everyone else, I find it a bit of a insult when people criticise Rocket and the Dev's, he and his team are now a worldwide name, and who are you? any of you? I've never heard of you. And on top he and the dev's reply to you give you updates, its like you want them to stop fixing and stay on forums answering your question, I for one would rather see a announcement or two a day rather than them spending there time dealing with wingers Its that simple just wait patiently and all will come
  7. Randal,Randal,Randal...I know you didn't mean to hurt my feelings.
  8. This is what i'm waiting to hear, as I started the game and its a character from a week ago, has this now overwritten my "which was" current pre patch character
  9. Hi, are you able to confirm that if I wait however long I will get the character back from the eve before the patch? as at the moment I have a character from around a week ago, has me loading this "old" character now cause it to be my current one, or will I login again in the distant future an see my character from the other night, is this what is ment by your phrase "Roll up" of servers in a tweet from you, the answer to this will help many. Thx for your time, great game btw