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Everything posted by KingOfShrews

  1. KingOfShrews

    Harvesting woodlands bounties

    I will list them separately in a simple format xD Tree's that produce nuts? I mean why not? They shouldn't do this all the time but sometimes they occasionally drop a large number of nuts that can be picked up and even stored in containers, which can be eaten later. A A lot are needed to be eaten to fill you up and you cannot live off them sustainably as it is a rare occurrence.Mushrooms? They could grow in the woods on tree's or tree stumps/logs. Some could be edible and others could be poisonous which means you need to learn from previous experiences! They spawn on randomly and cannot sustain someone enough to keep them alive. The poison ones could be force fed to people if they've been handcuffed.Fruit Tree's! I don't think I've ever seen a ripe fruit. They could be just a few apples and drop from a tree occasionally but are like the nuts so are a rare occurrence.Herbs! Some could be edible and some might even have small healing qualities. They would also respawn after a long period of time which means they, like the other things I have listed are not sustainable but help you survive.Poisonous plants! You could lace your sharp melee weapons with poison which can seriously disable a player after a long period of time. The poison could cause the player to pass out and become unconscious or maybe even kill the player if a dangerous plant is used! Like all of the above they also take a long time to respawn and are considerably rare. You can also force feed people plants if you handcuff them, like rotten fruit etc.Sea weed which can be found on the beach and can be eaten after being cooked. In real life sea weed can improve a persons immune system so could do something similar in game if possible. It spawns randomly across the beach but also is a pretty rare occurrence so cannot be counted on for survival.All these ideas would make the game feel more survival themed and also add to it's great detail. They all would be difficult to find if you don't know what you're looking for and are camouflaged so look as if they are just part of the scenery. Finding them would be down to chance and they cannot be farmed very easily as they take a long time to respawn so are not very sustainable. Please share your thoughts on this as I am very interested to see what other people think of my idea. :)
  2. KingOfShrews

    Playable Guitars

    The instruments when played should alert all nearby zombies and players so you can use them to your advantage
  3. KingOfShrews

    What animations would add depth and immersion to the game?

    I've got an idea. How about character customization options so you can choose the way your character stands, walks, runs, eats, drinks, sits etc. They would have no impact apart from visual differences. It would help make your character more original if it had a wide range of customizations options for different animations for the same tasks. They could also have different audio sounds for different animations and even different voices. That would be cool if you ask me. c:
  4. KingOfShrews

    More diversity animals + plants

    This is my first topic I've ever posted on the forum so if things I have mentioned have already been mentioned previously by other people I apologize! ^_^ Firstly I want to share an idea of medical herbs that grow in the forest? They could be harvested by players but take a long time to grow back? They could be used similar to medication and there could be many different types. Secondly what about berry bushes? Some berries could be poisonous and others could be edible meaning you need to know with ones are good and which are not? You'd be able to tell berries apart from color. Poisonous berries make you sick and vomit, causing you to lose bother water and energy. The edible berries could sustain some hunger, but just like the herbs after they are harvested they take a while to grow back, but are also not enough to sustain someone completely but they do help towards survival. Thirdly I know that they have rabbits, chickens, goats, sheep, boar and cows already but what if they add more animals? My idea's are listed below. Mammals: deer, rats, bats, wolves, bears Birds: ducks, peasant, turkey, crows, owls and pigeons. These animals could all be hunted excluding rats and bats which could be used more for scenery for cities and cannot be eaten. Wolves and bears would be dangerous to survivors who only carry melee weapons. This is because they are scared of gunshots so flee from the survivor if a shot is fired! Adding more difficulty to the game as it gives away your position to survivors and zombies! This would add more diversity to the game and make hunting more enjoyable for survivors and not to mention maybe more craftable clothing could be made from some animal pelts. :) What do you guys think? Please keep in mind that I'm new here xD
  5. KingOfShrews

    More Zombie Types

    What about a crawler zombie that lurks? Lies in wait so it looks like a dead zombie but when someone walks past it attacks and then crawls after the person until shot or has lost track of the person it's attacking? If the person gets away it then goes back into waiting.
  6. KingOfShrews

    More diversity animals + plants

    Silly me xD I'm pretty behind haha, thanks though c: Atleast the herb idea hasn't been already added to the game :D
  7. KingOfShrews

    Hey guys new masks for game would be cool.

    New masks would be great! Craftable ones would be a lot of fun too :)