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About ramstormrage

  • Rank
    Helicopter Hunter

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  • Location
    South East Asia

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    Looking for a tight knit group - currently 27 years of age

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  1. ramstormrage

    Shot within seconds of loading

    And just to add, while your textures are loading and youre sitting on a "Please wait" screen, your character is literally standing still, defenseless.
  2. ramstormrage

    Screen is entirely black/gray - Help please

    Errr i dont know what to say anymore. Try tweaking it again. Good luck!
  3. ramstormrage

    Screen is entirely black/gray - Help please

    Yeh just ignore those, insert coins and hit continue.
  4. ramstormrage

    I found the End Game?

    Love to see more creative stuff soon. :)
  5. ramstormrage

    I found the End Game?

    Great read!
  6. ramstormrage

    Screen is entirely black/gray - Help please

    Okay turn Gamma and brightness down to 50% and it should be back to normal. You may want to jump to a Morning server to test this out. I cant seem to add you in Steam, add me up RamStormrage.
  7. ramstormrage

    Screen is entirely black/gray - Help please

    Have you tried tweaking the gamma settings? You can also remove Post Processing. Press ESC to pull the Configure menu up. Under the Video settings, turn Gamma and Brightness to at least 50%. Let me know if it works.
  8. ramstormrage

    Where do I find a TRACKSUIT?

    They are everywhere. I almost always find them in small garages (rg Back of Vybor office bldg & North train station near Lopatino).
  9. ramstormrage

    Weird Loot?

    I would say that someone probably found a cowboy hat and decided to swap their helmets in. Oddly enough I found an M4 (damaged parts) in a barn.
  10. I may have to disagree coz Ive been playing on the US experimental and almost everyone I see were trying to communicate through direct chat or open mic. I have encountered a psycho wearing a payday mask inside the office building at Terminus (north of Lopatino) who lighted me up with his M4 without even a word though.
  11. ramstormrage

    New Experimental?

    :) Good point. Beans for ya! EDIT: Stuffed status does go away. Just have to move more prolly.
  12. ramstormrage

    New Experimental?

    I am not sure if this has been already mentioned but, maps are more common in the latest Experimental build. I've completed a full map of Chernarus twice in the last 24 hours (and 4 lives). However, it's not working as it used to as I cant see my current position in the map. Anyone else having this problem? Thanks in advance.
  13. ramstormrage

    Binoculars now in Experimental Build!

    Hail Hydra! You dont throw Hydra tech away. :) peace
  14. ramstormrage

    Zombie sounds

    In my experience, those sounds are signs that someone is or has been inside your radius. I learned to trust them and so far I have been right 80% of the time. At least inside cities. Hoping that sounds get worked on soon.
  15. Do not fear. It is the journey not the destination that matters. Good luck gearing back up!