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About lucifer6642

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. I'm sorry, I was not able to get a picture of this. CH and nametags were off anyway. Myself and another player were on GB #500 - Saw someone in a chopper. They couldn't fly very well and crashed it but did not die. This person then spawned a motorbike, killed my friend and then tried to run me over. After missing, he got off the bike, made himself invisible and then shot me. I at least have a capture of my DayZCommander window showing the server and the names of people connected at the time. If these names crop up in other cheat reports it might help. Image captured - 2012/08/08 01:13 BST (UTC+1) - The "an hour ago" refers to when I joined the server.
  2. lucifer6642

    DayZ beta patching and arma 2 oa vanilla

    Will remember this for future use. I ended up having to reinstall OA :(
  3. lucifer6642

    beans hack ?

    Perhaps, but the bug was being pointed out in a humorous, if rather flippant, way. There's plenty of other forum software that doesn't allow you to "like" your own posts (or give karma, etc).
  4. lucifer6642

    Change sound effects?

    Yeah, people trying to gain an unfair advantage over other players. Cheating / exploiting. Strangely, most of the people who do this sort of thing refer to themselves as 1337 and other such nonsense. Seriously though.... I would like to know if there's a way to turn down the engine noise of vehicles. It seems stupidly loud at times. Wouldn't want it to be silent and obviously any client side alteration wouldn't affect how other people hear it. Not trying to have a stealth bus or anything :)
  5. lucifer6642

    Tweak: Sounds

    The one sound level I'd like to tweak manually are the vehicle engine sounds. For some reason, some of my friends hear little to no engine noise in 3rd person mode yet for me it drowns out everything.
  6. lucifer6642

    Build 1.7.2 Rolling Update

    Well, that's my good deed done for the week. Left torrent seeding since it came out, uploaded 5.22GB to peers so far. :D
  7. lucifer6642

    Build 1.7.2 Rolling Update

    The US & SE mirrors look like they have the updated files on them but for some reason the dayz_weapons.pbo file is different in the .torrent. Any idea which is the correct version.
  8. lucifer6642

    I need a physical copy of ArmA II CO in the UK

    You might have problems actually playing tbh. I've noticed that the game transmits between 5Kbps and 60Kbps constantly. Sometimes peaking even higher than that.