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Everything posted by Rauchsauger

  1. 1. Go to elektro 2. Log out 3. Wait till late at night and then pick a server that has NOT restarted but has 0 players 4. Search "logout positions/sniper positions" for the guns that are dropped when players with 2 primarys log out 5. ????? 6. Profit Join a populated server and then use the weapon to get the other equipment (backback etc) from someone else
  2. Rauchsauger

    Why I'm a Bandit..

  3. Rauchsauger

    Key Preset Issue W,A,D,S = prone everytime

    Any chance you have broken legs? In that case your char can stand but will lie down as soon as you try to move. If you are on a regular server try join a hardcore server -> this will generate a new hardcore only char -- if you can move that char your other char has broken legs
  4. Rauchsauger

    What is the playstyle people would give you.

    If you have something I need I'll try and take it from your dead body. If I meet you in Electro I will try and kill you.
  5. Rauchsauger

    Missing gun: Found :)

    Why ever bother with him? The servers are there you can loot / gear up wherever you want - there is nothing he can do about it.
  6. Rauchsauger

    More color

    Hi, can we have more color? Lets have more spraycans! I would really love to sport a pink mosin ^^ Also spaycans should be able to paint clothing / backpacks We need more crazy in the game!
  7. Rauchsauger

    More color

    Just imagine holding someone up and forcing them in a wedding dress - to then marry said person to another you forced in a tux in the church of electro...
  8. Rauchsauger

    Good Ol' Kill-Ban

    Yeah maybe they will skim the logs...
  9. Rauchsauger

    This guy was pretty smart in Elecktro

    GO AND PLAY ON A HARDCORE SERVER. Complaining about 3pp when there is a gamemode without it....I mean its just... really you know what I mean
  10. Rauchsauger

    People shooting automatic Mosins on public Servers

    If that was true - they would have to be really stupid or maybe kids who do not know better. Hacks are in the game - Accounts will be banned - Hackers will buy new accounts and new hacks. end.of.story.
  11. Rauchsauger

    The Mosin can't hit properly at a steep elevation?

    In my opinion the red chain simply means someone entered your "Networkbubble" and you are getting synced. So if someone joins the server or walks into your networkbubble you get synced.
  12. Rauchsauger

    Good Ol' Kill-Ban

    Why should he report the servers? All he has are names of the servers... If I name my server "You will suffer a stroke on join" it won't happen... There are lots of "no KOS" servers out there and if anything there are more KOS player on those servers since there is no way to enforce it... Oh yeah you didn't... Also see above
  13. Rauchsauger

    People shooting automatic Mosins on public Servers

    There a quite some hackers in the game already. They will be most prominent on 40/40 servers obviously. Some do employ paid hacks other just mess about with the pbo files
  14. Rauchsauger

    Zelenogorsk - the forsaken city

    Wait until the fog comes down from Green Mountain...
  15. Rauchsauger

    Damn Hackers

    MUST RESIST... cannot...must resist!
  16. Rauchsauger

    People shooting automatic Mosins on public Servers

    League of Legends?
  17. Rauchsauger

    I'll see your two guns, and raise you ..

    If I do not carry a mosin, m4, sidearm and a "backup" sawnoff with me I feel naked ^^ after all you cant spread the wealth empty handed
  18. Rauchsauger

    Full weetod fresh spawns

    I am sorry I had to punch you :( But I wanted: a ) to respawn somewhere else b ) your gear so that was a win win situation for me - either you kill me and I get to respawn or I get your stuff B)
  19. Rauchsauger

    The Indian freshspawn

    Ya you really have an annoying voice... Also why do you need so long to equip your items?? Take em in hand...put em away... take em in hands... put em away Why do you call him gypsi like it was an insult?!?!? I mean your profile says you are from romania isn't that basically the same?
  20. Rauchsauger

    Heli Crashsite - where is it?

    This one is to the west of the shipwreck (Rify) across the road and the train tracks.
  21. This is hilarious! You are belittling people while being completely out of your depth (and a jackass to boot) So let me "make something clear to you": You can ask nicely if another user has a solution to your specific problem here on the forums. But if you want something from the developers (see your opening post) make a bug report instead of an meaningless post in the forums cause this is user2user... (http://feedback.dayzgame.com/my_view_page.php) Glad to be of service
  22. Huh? let me cite the steam shop page: and I think you have been warned...
  23. Rauchsauger

    ETA for the new patch

    Exactly because they push manpower (ie 9 woman) they release those games. But because (9 woman) manpower alone does NOT make a good game - those are all "not brilliant". Better a small team that will take their time and then release something really good instead of just increasing the devs tenfold and then releasing a pile of crap 10 times faster. (Also in reality even if you put 10x the manpower in softwaredevelopment you will not finish 10x faster but that is another story)
  24. Rauchsauger

    ETA for the new patch

    Ya EA execs all be like: If a woman needs 9 months to birth a child - 9 woman only need 1 month! hurrr durr herpaderpa business economics bullshit ruining good things around the world
  25. Rauchsauger

    Machete isn't as good as I thought it would be.

    That is why we call it the butter knife/spreader