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Everything posted by Rauchsauger

  1. Rauchsauger

    Server Time Setup and Restarts

    Since the server are restarted after x hours by the provider atm there is nothing much to do. The configuration sucks ball since BI does not allow server access and proper rcon tools. (That kills being able to admin a server properly as well) If things where different I would tell you to rent your own server then instead of telling other to do what you want
  2. I hope they keep it. It is pretty convenient to scout out villages before entering and gives a nice reach for discouraging others from entering a perimeter
  3. Rauchsauger

    what are the chances!

    Like explained in a lot of other threads already: DO NOT IMMEDIATELY JOIN A SERVER AFTER RESTART WAIT AT LEAST UNTIL A MINUTE INGAME TIME HAS PASSED sorry for screaming
  4. It is by no means necessary to have unique identifier in a DB (It is a good idea though) also checking an item against a set of player based items is so much more efficient vs checking every item vs all existing items ever. Those are DB queries that would handle way to much data to be efficient.
  5. Do not join a server that has just restartet. Wait until at least a minute gametime has passed. So if a server restarts and server start timer is set to 10:00. You will see the server in the list again listing the time as 08:00 - DO NOT JOIN Sometimes it will switch to 09:20 - DO NOT JOIN The it will arrive at 10:00 - DO NOT JOIN when it says 10:01 - join the server TL;DR Only join servers that have uneven time in the server browser (10:01, 14:35) that way you can be nearly 100% sure that the server did not just restart and the connection with the hive will be given so no reset.
  6. Rauchsauger

    R.I.P Tent City.

    Last time I checked in depth descriptions on how to exploit are in the bug tracker...so why be shy here?
  7. Rauchsauger

    Hacker or weird glitch?

    I witnessed this many times with a friend of mine: He would pick something up. On my computer the item would still be where he found it -> if I pick it up it is gone from his inventory and is in mine.
  8. Rauchsauger

    Character wipe on disconnect/server restart!

    See here; http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/207676-character-just-reset/?p=2087266
  9. Rauchsauger

    Character just reset

    Do not join a server that has just restartet. Wait until at least a minute gametime has passed. So if a server restarts and server start timer is set to 10:00. You will see the server in the list again listing the time as 08:00 - DO NOT JOIN Sometimes it will switch to 09:20 - DO NOT JOIN The it will arrive at 10:00 - DO NOT JOIN when it says 10:01 - join the server TL;DR Only join servers that have uneven time in the server browser (10:01, 14:35) that way you can be nearly 100% sure that the server did not just restart and the connection with the hive will be given so no reset.
  10. Rauchsauger

    What is it that makes the fps so bad? Engine? DX9?

    That is funny I got an i7 3930K and a GTX Titan. System is Win7 I do have Temp/Load Monitoring and both are in no way maxed out. (In case of VRAM DayZ won't even use a third of what is availible) I do have however have system and game installed on SSD (System has its own SSD) Just my two cents: Skip the SLI oder DUAL GPU cards. All you will get is micro stuttering regardless of the fps you have and most of the potential goes down the drain because the cards/gpus need to synchronize.
  11. Rauchsauger

    Character just reset

    That is your problem right there. You did not work hard - you played a game for some time. If you really see it as work you do - you should wait for release since then thos bugs will be (hopefully) less
  12. Rauchsauger

    What is it that makes the fps so bad? Engine? DX9?

    If it runs just fine on my hardware even with very high settings - it is (at least in part) a hardware issue
  13. Rauchsauger

    What is it that makes the fps so bad? Engine? DX9?

    Your hardware. It is alpha. Though I have no problems at all - I even set preferredObjectViewDistance and viewDistance to twice what was doable through ingame config (though i suspect that there is a cap)
  14. Rauchsauger

    Player spawn is the cause of all evil

    If they made the spawning really random across the map it would be far to time consuming to suicide and to hope to spawn near an airfield. (Especially if you gave to run for 5 minutes to get to get your bearings to decide if you want to suicide)
  15. :( that is kind of disappointing. One would think the ARMA Engine is more capable than that.
  16. How do you know that? The .357 fired from a rifle should have (depending on barrel length of rifle/revolver) about 50% more velocity and 100% more energy in the same cartridge. Do the configuration files suggest something different - is there a difference in bullet damage from sks to akm? If so they take those things in account.
  17. Rauchsauger

    Sniping is a cowards technique?

    Snipers are the bread and butter of the game. Without the threat of sudden unseen death the game would be boring. The adrenaline if you come under sniper fire and manage to get away barely - good times. (Or the excitement of the hunt the other way around)
  18. Rauchsauger

    Jesus, what is this?

    Is it just me? I think recreating ISIS style executions even in DayZ and posting them on YT is [insert derogative terms here]
  19. Rauchsauger

    Dayz helicopter crash sites not spawning in stable?

    On my regular char I still have an protector case with mp parts and agoc just in case I find some in need. But since my char has become a walking pinata (I did not get attached to the loot - I just don't want someone else to get it) I kneecap/kill/scare off everyone coming in my direction way out of ingame voice range... If someone wants it - name me a server and a time and I will drop it somewhere and then PM you (I can only play between 2000 and 0300 CET though) Can drop magpul grip and stock, agoc, 60 round mag (only one 'cause I dropped the others since I do play mosin), 1911 engraved, pressvest I will can drop the stuff in the general vicinity of svetlo but will disclose the location coordinates by dayzdb map only when I safely logged off via pm
  20. Why is everyone talking about if and when dirt is kicked up? Wasn't that a bug that happened? (I remember a reddit post from dean)
  21. Rauchsauger

    Dramatic Dayz Story

    That was extremely good
  22. Rauchsauger

    DayZ | New Engine Incoming! - "Infusion"

    I think that certain changes default to a new product even if you do not start from scratch. If you change enough code by implementing new database models or changing the framework you would maybe end up with most of the classes and methods sharing the name of the previous one but that is similarity in name only. Like you said when you made the example of the RV engine or any other engine like Unreal 1 to Unreal 4 engine I do think that those are different products.
  23. Rauchsauger

    DayZ | New Engine Incoming! - "Infusion"

    At what point will extensive reworking of a codebase result in a new product or not?
  24. Rauchsauger

    DayZ | New Engine Incoming! - "Infusion"

    In my experience that leads to a "franken-project" that will contain old parts definitely longer than intended ;) (Which never stopped us to do exactly that because a feature stop during such an immense refactoring can never be communicated to customers) But it can be made to work (despite everyone agreeing that a start over would have been better in hindsight)
  25. Rauchsauger

    DayZ SA sound replacement.

    Very good except for the gunshots. In a game like DayZ it is very important to tell guns from one another by sound.